I ahve good reason to prove moon landing was a hoax

Good point. I was just wondering. And they weren't going all over the place, they were just facing different directions.

Japan Holds The Key

Perhaps Japan's "SELENE Project" (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer) will resolve the issue. Certainly their orbital vehicle should be able to spot one of the LEM launch platform left behind by the Apollo missions.

Unless the payload is destroyed by a launch explosion, of the vehicles mysteriously stop transmitting as they approach the moon. This will, of course, be proof of further sinister doings by the U.S. government. :D

Originally posted by Dragon Stone
Yeah, I believe men did land on the moon, too, but I have a question:

What the hell is up with the lighting? The shadows were casted every which way! The sunlight is only on one side of the moon, but the shadows are not all going the same direction.

Someone please explain. That has always bothered me.

Oh jesus fuc....*sigh*

Because the astronauts carried lights, and there were lights on the landing module, thereby creating different lighting sources.
naw, i read somewhere that there was no external light sources on the LM and the astronaughts did not have torches
Have you ever been out during a full moon and seen shadows caste. This is because the moon reflects some of the suns light.

Well when your on the moon the Earth is pretty big and it reflects a lot of the suns light even better than the moon does when your on earth and it Will act as a second source of light.
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Welcome to SciForums and happy posting!

Although your signature is a bandwidth pig,
your shadow comments are right on the mark.

i watched this 'documentary' on how the moon landings were all a hoax, all the evidence on this 'documentary' could be explained. i think they did land on the moon.
I especially registered ...

to be able to respond to this (as if I didn't do that before, sheesh). Side question would be: why do these "we didn't land on the moon guys" spring up from time to time?

I started writing a rather serious reply, but all I can do is point the original poster to a site were he can see most of his objections laid to rest: Bad Astronomy , since some of his remarks are just to weird to answer:

as well as that a 150-200 lb man needed lead shoes to walk on the moon to prevent floating away,why didnt the flag float up?
And like someone else mentioned in another post there is a 1000 mile gas mass on the way to the moon which the astronauts would not have survived.
This is just so beside the truth, and shows an ignorance which I cannot readily counter. How do you even begin to convince such an individual?

Dragon Stone wrote:
What the hell is up with the lighting? The shadows were casted every which way! The sunlight is only on one side of the moon, but the shadows are not all going the same direction.

Someone please explain. That has always bothered me.

The best I can do is point you to this part of Bad Astronomy. It is a study into the appolo photographs, and deals extensively with shadows.

Another explanation (with proof using photos taken on earth) is this article on another debunking site.
About looking for things left on the moon by Apollo astronauts: We dont need any telescope. One of the things the first mission left was a laser mirror; it has been used by scientists all over the world to measure the exact distance to the moon ans various other things. Before that, it required a very powerful laser to get a detectable reflection, but now any lab laser will do. Since its a rather simple, passive device, it probably still functions.

I really think these "theories" are a multiple insult to NASA: First, of course, to accuse them of fraud, but also to allege that they should make such an extremely complicated fraud operation (deceiving thousands of employees, reporters, radio amateurs, scientists, etc. etc) and then fumble with a few shadows and a camara crosshairs ..... honestly, if it was a fraud, you'd have to look way harder for eveidence.

Actually, I think a fraud of this magnitude would be harder to pull off than simply putting some astronauts on the moon, heheh.:p
the bottom line is that show should never have been aired in that way. And they had no righ to implicate NASA actually killing its own astronuats before they spoke out.
Four points:

1) Anything on the moon would not just "float away" due to low gravity. Gravity pulls things. If there was low gravity, the moon just wouldn't pull as much. If you are floating in space, you stay put.

2) The "Flapping Breeze Flag" hoax is moronic. The top of the flag had a retractable rod that would wold the flag out straight, but it got stuck. On subsequent missions when other flags were planted they looked the same because the astronauts liked the effect, and would only partially extend the rod.

3) What motives would they have for making such a hoax?

4) It is easier to send people to the moon than to create such a hoax, so why not just ship the space cowboys to big 'ol rock in the sky?
What motives would they have for making such a hoax?
height of cold war, beat the commy reds. This argument fuels conspiracy theorists, 'it was the height of the cold war so America must have hoaxed it'. Alot of rubbish, it could'nt have been a hoax.
It would seem to me the reason for weighted boots on a mass smaller than the earth would be because the gravitational pull would be less. These guys are out walking around in world with much less gravity so in order for them to be able to walk with out bouncing all over the place it would make sense to weight them some what . A flag is not walking around so there is no rebound energy pushing it away. Try thinking it helps you make sense. TV makes a fortune off of people not thinking.:rolleyes:
They don't need weighted boots. The space suits they where weigh like 150 lbs. or somthing. No kidding!
Originally posted by Captain_Crunch

height of cold war, beat the commy reds. This argument fuels conspiracy theorists, 'it was the height of the cold war so America must have hoaxed it'. Alot of rubbish, it could'nt have been a hoax.

KGB would have revealed this to the world decades ago.
Lesion it has been a long time but it does seem like they said that their boots were weighted( I could be wrong I was pretty young then). My point was that a flag wouldn't need to be weighted do to the weaker gravitational pull because once you positioned the flag there would be no force pushing it away from the moon.:)