I ahve good reason to prove moon landing was a hoax


Registered Member
I believe the moon landing was a fake as well.Reason #1 If there is no oxegen or air on the moon then why on the video did the flag flap in the breeze? as well as that a 150-200 lb man needed lead shoes to walk on the moon to prevent floating away,why didnt the flag float up? And like someone else mentioned in another post there is a 1000 mile gas mass on the way to the moon which
the astronauts would not have survived.Something else was mentioned as well when I watched conspiracy theory about a nasa investigator who wrote a 600 page book of his findings.Himself and his family were killed when a train ran into their car.The book was never found! Nasa argues how could they possible keep all their employees quite? Thats easy! The ones that did know the truth are dead,the rest were kept in the dark watching the movie on a monitor
or tv just like us,so they believe it.
It doesnt take a geneous to figure out it was garbage! for one reason only.How in the world would they know what to expect in a place they know nothing about and never been too before never mind fitting a man with suits and lead boots.How did they know their was no oxegen? How did they know there was no gravity.They sure didnt send lab rats up there to test!

I also forgot to mention there is a theory that the US did the "supposed moon landing in a base in Nevada, because of all the desert.
In the pictures there were no stars.
US wanted to win the Space Race against Russia, I guess the US got jealous of Russia's first launch the Sputnik.

They wanted money. NASA got over 30 billion dollars.

Finally to prove that the USA was the most dominant high advanced country that can land on the moon.
Good men died to make the moon landing possible....

Just to let you know, this is a sensitive subject.

! Nasa argues how could they possible keep all their employees quite? Thats easy! The ones that did know the truth are dead,the rest were kept in the dark watching the movie on a monitor or tv just like us,so they believe it.

No, we're talking about thousands of people who were directly involved in the building of the Apollo capsule and booster rockets and all.

How in the world would they know what to expect in a place they know nothing about and never been too before never mind fitting a man with suits and lead boots.How did they know their was no oxegen? How did they know there was no gravity.They sure didnt send lab rats up there to test!

We had been sending probes and and manned missions that did not land for some time beforehand.

It was easy to tell that there was very little gravity - the moon is not massive enough to have a large gravitational feild. This is simple physics.

Oxygen, is simple chemistry. There is no oxygen in space, and spectroscopic analysis of the moon showed that there was no atmosphere.

You really don't need lab rats, it's simple physics.

Now, I'll leave the rest to Q, James R, and whoever else.
But to do the moon landing in 1969?
I do not believe they had the technology unless today.
Or if we did go to the moon we were told not to go anymore by someone...............

Perhaps you would like to look at a thread from days gone by at sciforums...


The flag did not flap in the breeze. It had wire within the flag to make it look like it was flapping. The flag did not float up as there is gravity on the moon (1/6, in relationship to the earth's own gravity. If there was no gravity then it could hang in any direction or none at all (most likely). That was what the wires were for. To make it appear more normal to mom and pop watching from the earth. They would like to see the colors of the flag and not it just hanging in a clump. Some force would need be applied for it to do anything.

The 1000 mile gas mass (?) NO there is no "gas mass". There is the Van Allen Radiation Belt. Not the same thing.

I do not buy any conspiracy theory. This thing was well publicized. Think for a minute. Russia was beat out of the race, losing the race to be the first on the moon. They monitored all the telemetry from the craft, the communications, positions, ect. Do you think for one minute that if we had not gone there that they would have just sat there and not said anything? What a coup that would have been for Russia during the cold war. To catch the US lying to the world about their achievements.

Where did you get the idea that the boots were lead?

Do a search for NASA moon landings would be my suggestion. The data is there. Nothing to hide. No reason too. You found the conspiracy theory attractive. It was designed to be that way. You see there is now a generation, of which you are part of, which did not live through this event. All you have to go on is film and documentary. Those of us who did live through it have no doubt it was real. Heck, I lived in Fla at the time. I saw the rocket go up.

Nevada? Be real. If they wanted something like that it would be easy to fake the looks. Movies do it all the time. What can not be "faked" are the samples of rock returned that do not have earthly equivalents in content. What can not be faked are the signal transmissions coming from the proper place in route to the moon at the same time as NASA was saying this is where they are.

NO stars? What did you expect? Think about it. Ever took a picture of someone while facing the sun? Didn't come out right did it? The light from the sun washed every thing out. You see the camera has to be set for what it is to take a picture of. In the brilliant light of the sun, the camera has to take a picture that will be darker and faster than the exposure time needed to see stars.

If you set it for the stars to come out then everything in the foreground is washed out and you really don't see anything you thought you would.

NASA has always wanted money. What's new or secret about that? They don't always get it though. They didn't get everything they wanted then either.

It could have been Russia, just as easily that landed first on the moon. What has this got to do with anything?

I do not mean to sound harsh or mean to you, Agent51. I am trying to get you to think about it. Not what the tv network told you (hey, they made a lot of money out of it) but what makes sense. To look with new eyes at the subject. I hope this helps and answers some of your questions. Look back in the link mentioned above. There is some good data there.
If the moon landing was a hoax why not continue the hoaxing and fake a Mars landing, or an entire colony for that matter? It could be done with modern special effects, CGI and all that. In these days of economic uncertainty the huge budget given to NASA is constantly in question, if they employed such a strategy once before why not continue it?
People in general have become rather disinterested in the space program. Why not reignite those dying passions with another faux mission to another world?
BTW, a gaseous cloud orbiting between the Earth and the Moon seems highly unlikely, first of all it would have to be a new occurence or the Earth's gravity would have steadily pulled it towards it. Beyond that, there is not scientific evidence for such a cloud.
Some have argued that space travel will expose any astronauts to lethal doses of radiation unless protected by an ultra-thick hull.
In Richard Zubrins's excellant book "The Case for Mars" he sites a study that suggests the radiation levels in outer space, given no anomolies, while higher than those on Earth are certainly not fatal.

How many times does this exact same list of "evidence" have to be refuted?
It couldn't be a hoax. If you look at the movies with the lunar rover the dust it kicks up follows a perfect parabolic arc with no scattering this can only happen in a vaccum.
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
It couldn't be a hoax. If you look at the movies with the lunar rover the dust it kicks up follows a perfect parabolic arc with no scattering this can only happen in a vaccum.


Well they might have just sent the buggy to the moon...controlled it with remote controls...then used the supercomputer that the US government had hidden (perhaps it was aliens) to digitally add the people on...


Or perhaps in area 51 they have an anti-gravity machine... and a huge room that they can make into a perfect vacumn...


Or perhaps they used an Alien space craft to get there...and the rocket was just for show

With careful measurement of how far the dust traveled in its arc and knowing the speed (which could be obtained from logs and records) it would be easy to prove that the dust is falling in 1/6th gravity and not full g. The fact that the dust remains together is proof that it did not happen on earth. NASA has very good records of this event and there is no conspiracy here.

It is for Fox to prove their accusations, something they are not interested in doing. They are in the business of making money, not wasting it. It doesn't cost much to make the accusations, especially when they know they will get a good rating out of it for next to nothing. By the amount of posts generated on this subject it is easily appearent that they did a good job at raising the doubts. By not having to "prove" their accusations they can not only enjoy the profits of reruns, they leave it open for a sequel if enough new stuff can be gathered to continue the line of thought. They are not dumb when it comes to drumming up interest and money. There is no profit for them in proving that it really did occur.
I would first like to say that Agent51's soposed "facts" about the moon landing have absolutly no ground. Second, even if the moon landing was a fake, which I don't think it was, who cares? We are where we are in time and there is no use in trying to convince people that one thing happened that didn't. Agent51, a message to you: Don't get all up in a fuss about things you have no control over.
If we have the ability to see in the distant heavens at the time why in the hell wouldn't someone point a scope in the approximate orbit of the craft and follow it?

I remember my uncle telling me so many years ago that the Russians are supposed to land on the moon tonight (unmanned?) and I figured then that you could simply look into a telescope and watch it.

Is that too simple?
Actually Lemmings did hae a habit of dieing in masses, but it was no way suicidal. From what I remember Lemmings live in Alaska and if a winter was too poor and they had breed to a level that their food source had become used up, they would migrate across the frozen sea to Sibera.

On occasion though, these frozen crossings would warm, so many thousands of lemmings on their way to greener pastures would perish in their travels to get food.

This is where the mass suicide of lemmings comes from.

Of course you could then turn your attention to the suicide of livestock during a stampede near the top of a cliff, but it's not suicide on their minds, just every (cow etc) for itself.
You can see the wire in the flag clearly here.
But how do you explain the "C" carved in the rock in one of the lunar landing images? The one that makes the rock look like a hollywood prop.
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Originally posted by Agent51
If there is no oxegen or air on the moon then why on the video did the flag flap in the breeze?

There IS atmosphere in moon contrary to what people originally believe.

as well as that a 150-200 lb man needed lead shoes to walk on the moon to prevent floating away,why didnt the flag float up?

What would cause the man or flag to float?

And like someone else mentioned in another post there is a 1000 mile gas mass on the way to the moon which
the astronauts would not have survived.

Van Allen Radiation is not strong enough to cause any harm.
If NASA faked a moon landing I very much doubt they would leave this much evidence lying around
You speak as if there's lots of evidence. Most of it has been disproven.
Originally posted by Agent51
I have good reason to prove moon landing was a hoax
Regardless of all the "facts" being bandied about, I am still
waiting to hear your reason for trying to prove it was a hoax. ;)


right, to prove it; all you have to do is get a superstong telescope and scan the lunar surface for 1 of the base sites and there you will see a flag and the base of the L.M. if such a telescope exists however.
Yeah, I believe men did land on the moon, too, but I have a question:

What the hell is up with the lighting? The shadows were casted every which way! The sunlight is only on one side of the moon, but the shadows are not all going the same direction.

Someone please explain. That has always bothered me.
i'm just guessing but

has it not got to do something with the shape of the moon and the position it is in earth's orbit in relation to the sun?
i would be interested to see why the shadows were all over the place too.