Humor in Science

Outside his buckyball home, one molecule overheard another molecule saying, "I'm positive that a free electron once stripped me of an electron after he lepton me. You gotta keep your ion them."
It is conjectured that all prime numbers are odd. Following are some opinions.
Physicist notes that 2 is even & prime & concludes that the conjecture is false.

Engineer makes a list of prime numbers & notices that all but 2 are odd. He concludes that the conjecture is valid, claiming that 2 is experimental error.

Mathematician considers the conjecture interesting & decides to make it valid by defining 2 to be not a prime number.
A balloon is transported rapidly by some very strong gusts of wind. The passengers have no idea where they are. The pilot descends to about 50 feet above ground and the following is hid conversation with an individual on the ground.
Where are we?

About 50 feet from the ground.

You must be a mathematician.

How did you know?

Your answer was precisely correct & totally useless.
BTW: I majored in mathematics while in college & still fool with it as a hobby.