Humans ARE still evolving....

spuriousmonkey said:
It's view btw.

I don't know where your world view is. I assume it is in your head. But if your view conflicts with reality you might want to think about reassessement of your view. Or not.
I am glad to see that a Monkey is able to point out a misspelling.. Hurray For you, should I be giving you a cookie or something? That's Pretty big Step for a little Monkey. *Pats you on Head*....
You STILL have yet to Explain your Statement to me tho. So... Get on with it. Or are you just looking for something to add to your Stupid "Mice" cartoons?
Sure I can explain.

You encounter some biological data. You think; 'weird, this doesn't quite fit with my beliefs'. Let's give a twist to the data so I can hold on to my world view. Let's come up with some silly explanation.

I say. You might want to take a moment out whenever you reach a point like this to reappraise your views. Could it be that my view needs adjusting? Could it be that the data set is wrong? Could it be both.
Uhm First of all, My "Beliefs" aren't Even entangled in there. And it ISN'T Just On View or Reading I Did. I was curious How Mixed in ALL of our Races Are BLOOD types. A Black Man and a White Women Can BOTH Have A+... An Asian and a Mexican Can BOTH be B-... So in BLOOD TYPES I am CURIOUS about The Genetic Background. Where That Came From.. WHY Are we all different BLOOD Types From each other But same Blood Types as Other people? Hello? That's all I was Saying. You the Butt lick that Through "beliefs and World VIEW" in the Mix... Are you Black? Asian? White? Do you have this Predisposition on your Race that makes you Hone in on the Word RACE so you can Spill out Your Delusions Even WHERE they Do NOT Apply?
I have no "World View" or ONE Specific Piece Of Data. Infact, I never even said that, YOU Added that. So Where is the TWIST? Is this a Sad little Way For you To Bring up Discrimination because of one WORD? Are you Going to Disbelieve that DNA Testing Can Determine a Race and Sex of an Individual? Are THEY being racist? Grow UP.
The O group is the oldest of the blood groups. Back in the Stone Age, everyone would have been O – and today it’s still the most common group in the UK, especially in the North of England. Over in Central and South America and the USA most people are O too. The fact that anyone can receive O blood reflects the fact that all other blood groups are derived from it.

Group A is the second oldest blood group, appearing around 25,000 - 15,000BC, when larger human settlements first appeared as farming developed. You’ll find a lot of A in Central and Eastern Europe. It’s the commonest group in Norway, Denmark, Austria, Armenia and Japan.

If you’re looking for group B, then try the Chinese or Asian communities, where around a quarter of all people share this blood group. It emerged between 15,000 and 10,000BC as tribes migrated from Africa to Europe, Asia and the Americas and mingled with other populations.

The newest and rarest group, AB, only appeared between 1000 and 500 years ago, and is believed to have occurred as a response to the mixing of existing blood groups on a major scale. In Japan, China and Pakistan around 10% of the population boast this rarest of blood groups. Damn.. Alright, So So much for My Question..

ButtMonkey is more then in his Own world... I think he/she just likes Conflict. And I Fell for it DOH!
PHPlatonica said:
Uhm First of all, My "Beliefs" aren't Even entangled in there. And it ISN'T Just On View or Reading I Did. I was curious How Mixed in ALL of our Races Are BLOOD types. A Black Man and a White Women Can BOTH Have A+... An Asian and a Mexican Can BOTH be B-... So in BLOOD TYPES I am CURIOUS about The Genetic Background. Where That Came From.. WHY Are we all different BLOOD Types From each other But same Blood Types as Other people? Hello? That's all I was Saying. You the Butt lick that Through "beliefs and World VIEW" in the Mix... Are you Black? Asian? White? Do you have this Predisposition on your Race that makes you Hone in on the Word RACE so you can Spill out Your Delusions Even WHERE they Do NOT Apply?
I have no "World View" or ONE Specific Piece Of Data. Infact, I never even said that, YOU Added that. So Where is the TWIST? Is this a Sad little Way For you To Bring up Discrimination because of one WORD? Are you Going to Disbelieve that DNA Testing Can Determine a Race and Sex of an Individual? Are THEY being racist? Grow UP.

Your caps lock key seems to be broken. It seems to go on randomly.

I guess you can't argue with a nut.
thanatos4 said:
Something that's always troubled me about evolution is, how come we humans don't see in the infrared (IR) frequency range? I mean, all it requires is a slight molecular modification of rhodopsin, and it would confer a big survival advantage on humans possessing the new IR-sensitive rhodopsin since they would be able to see other living things in the dark and at night. So why haven't we evolved to see in the IR spectrum, in addition to the normal visible spectrum?

You seem to be under the misapprehension that evolution works to find an optimal solution. It doesn't. It merely gives us something that works, and works better than it did in the past.

Being daytime creatures, with daytime vision, has worked pretty well for us. There has been no evolutionary pressure to develop strong night sight.
PHPlatonica said:
The newest and rarest group, AB, only appeared between 1000 and 500 years ago, and is believed to have occurred as a response to the mixing of existing blood groups on a major scale.

Since AB blood comes from having an A gene and a B gene, wouldn't AB have appeared at the same time as B? (Or at least in a few generations, as soon as an A and a B got together.) :confused:
spuriousmonkey said:
I don't really know where to start.
Hey I Found out my Own information ON the whole Blood Typing thing.. And I never At all wanted it to sound Racist.. But It turns out that the Blood types Have been Shared From Race to Race giving AB blood and A+,A- Etc etc... From Racial Mixes. And that was how and why Regardless of Race Every one Shares this "A,B and O" Mixture. Blood typing First appeared in the 1920's it is still Fairly new. Sounds like it comes from diets and regions. Since Humans have all more or less integrated with one another, it's Hard to say Where it started, but Type O Blood Seems to be around the longest or Possibly First "type".. It's more interesting than I thought.. But Damn... I wasn't putting my Views on any of it because I don't know enough ABOUT it to do so... :( I was Curious.
Poincare's Stepchild said:
Since AB blood comes from having an A gene and a B gene, wouldn't AB have appeared at the same time as B? (Or at least in a few generations, as soon as an A and a B got together.) :confused:
I dont know, Thats a Good Question!
Wow.. It just goes on and on.. looks as though Humans arent the only ones Effected with a Different "Type" of Blood...

Chimps have dominant A and a little O, and gorillas dominant B with a little O. Humans have supposedly evolved from a common ancestor, and we have over 95% identity with the chimp genome... So A being the "oldest" is extremely likely. O is a mutation. --Ody 20:44, 9 March 2006 (UTC)
It seems that Each Type Altered itself to specific Area's Where other diseases Were Factors. For Instance Sickle-cell Anemia Greatly effects area's Where Malaria Had been epidemic. People With sickle cell anemia Have a better resistance TO Malaria then People who don't. It looks as tho it was a Genetic "alternative" or Answer in the Prevention Of Malaria Infected People. It mutated to Combat Malaria. But it Didn't mutate in areas Where malaria Wasn't a problem.. Same With Cystic Fibrosis. More Commonly Found in people whom past generations suffered From cholera. The Mutated Gene seems to Fend off Cholera. But again, only in areas that had a past history of the Disease. They are looking into the Rolls Tay-Sachs plays in the Jewish population. The Study Noticed TSD carriers have an increased resistance to Tuberculosis.. So.. It Seems the Ever Evolving Human Body adjusts and Mutates To continue existence Under circumstances Caused by Diet, Location, and what Diseases were around.
In Africa, they had found Two Sisters who were exposed to the HIV Virus, but never Contracted even HIV.Neither did Their Children. Other Family members Did tho. So it was selective to the individual. But they are Looking into How a Blood type might have played a Role in that. If you look back to the Black Death And other Dark times our ability as a species to adapt and Mutate is remarkable. And That's just Our Blood! imagine what other Anomalies are going on in our bodies that could even lead to... Well, Not Dying from Disease.
basically the more the world evolves the more humas will evolve
and the world is still evolving
i dont know too much about all the scientific stuff from research or anything
but for one i beleive that the sun burning away the atmosphere is causeing less of a filter from the gravity of outerspace
so even there it is going to effect us as humans and our capabilities will also grow
Hercules Rockefeller said:
Why do you capitalize the first letter of (approx) every third word? :confused: <P>
Uhm.. Because im insane?... ALiens make me Do it.. If I Don't they Will vaporize me and My Cat.. ........ Or maybe I should Just pay More attention to my Typing *wink*
PHP, have you considered using capital letters appropriately? rather Than on Random words Throught a Sentance?

FYI the three anigens you speak of (A,B and spurious- sorry rhesus) can be found in any combination and in any 'race'.
Blue_UK said:
PHP, have you considered using capital letters appropriately? rather Than on Random words Throught a Sentance?

FYI the three anigens you speak of (A,B and spurious- sorry rhesus) can be found in any combination and in any 'race'.
Uh Well First Of all, My Question WAS about How Odd it was that Regardless of RACE ( I am assuming you didn't read this) People Have These "blood Types".... That Blood Type is Not Picked By RACE... And then.. I got Chewed on For "My World Views" Which wasn't part Of What I said at all.. Or was Asking.. So yea I know that it doesn't matter what RACE you are your blood Type Comes From your parents.... Blah Blah.. Then I Found What I was looking for And Posted it. So.. read Through The Threads Of all what was said before you Boast your "feelings as Fact"........
As Far as My Capitalizing, I Do it to get on the Nerves Of Idiots who let themselves be Effected By My Strange quirks.
Yes, I am deeply affected by your quirks. So affected, that it effects this responce.

But seriously, it distracts me - and you'd be much better off writing in good English; your point will be interpreted more quickly if there's less for my brain to get through.

What are the selective pressures on modern man? Certainly around where I live, the people who reproduce the most (and at the youngest age!) are the dregs of society - the irony is killing me.