Humans ARE still evolving....

Hercules Rockefeller

Beatings will continue until morale improves.
A perennial topic of conversation on biology forums is whether or not humans are still evolving. Often people try to argue that we are not evolving any more. We are, of course. It’s silly to argue that the widespread migration of humans between different climates and environments, and the dramatic changes in lifestyle that has occurred over the past few millennia as a result of agricultural and industrial revolutions have not resulted in the modification and selection of certain human genetic traits over others. But here is some research that actually helps to pinpoint where that selection might actually have occurred.....


Researchers at the University of Chicago, Illinois, have identified the regions of our genetic sequence that show the strongest marks of natural selection. Their work highlights the genes that have been most important in adapting to new lifestyles, and could help to identify the genetic factors involved in complex medical conditions such as high blood pressure and alcoholism.

Genes that show the most evidence of recent selection include those involved in milk digestion. Although most mammals drink milk only in infancy, humans seem to have adapted genetically to digest it throughout life.

Genes for skin pigmentation also bear the hallmarks of rapid evolution - highlighting the fact that many populations have become more fair-skinned as they have colonized more extreme latitudes with less sunshine.

It's a snip

The team used data from the International HapMap Project, which collates and maps out 'single-nucleotide polymorphisms' (SNPs). These are sites in the genome at which DNA varies between people by just a single letter of genetic code. The team sampled data from more than 200 unrelated individuals in three different racial groups: East Asians, Europeans and the Yoruba of Nigeria.

Genetic mutations that confer an advantage on a given population spread much faster than they would through natural, random mixing of genes. These portions of DNA should carry certain SNPs along with them as they are selected for over time. So if researchers find a string of SNPs that are mostly the same letters within a given population, they can say that the accompanying genes have come under strong selection pressure.

The method reveals changes that have occurred since various populations split to colonize different areas of the globe, says Jonathan Pritchard, who led the research published in the journal PLoS Biology.

Food and sex

Many of the genes that showed evidence of selection involve food metabolism, notes Pritchard. This shows that adapting to different diets has been a key trend in recent human evolution.

Around 20% of the genes identified showed evidence of selection in more than one of the populations. Chief among these were genes involved in reproductive processes such as sperm manufacture, showing that these were equally important in different settings.

All three racial groups showed equal amounts of recent evolution. This is interesting, says Pritchard, given that African populations have remained in the birthplace of our species, while others have moved away. Travelling populations might be expected to encounter challenges favouring more selection pressure than those that stay still.

But, notes Pritchard, the environment can change as much with time as it does with distance. "It is perhaps naive to think of Africans as staying 'in the same place'," he says.

Pritchard is not convinced by the predictions of some experts that advances in medicine will negate evolutionary pressures from now on. "Even today there is plenty of scope for natural selection, such as in genes that impact fertility or fetal survival."

Voight B. F., Kudaravalli S, Wen X. & Pritchard J. K.
PLoS Biol, 4 . e72 (2006).
I agree that we are still evolving. Though I do think the pace of our evolution is slower. Since we have become so good at modifying our environment to fit ourselves, rather than the other way around, much of the driving force of natural selection has dissipated.
Would you consider Human Culture as a part of Human Evolution?

Human Culture is a direct result of Human Behavior, and it can be shown historically that our Culture(s) are still evolving, and more rapidly now than in the past.

I would also point out that Humans are directly affecting Human Evolution by their selective breeding behaviors (we tend to reproduce with similar humans, culturally).

Add to the mix, that we also have the technology to preserve our weaker genetic individuals far into adulthood.

Add still again, we also have the technology to allow non-viable "breeding partners" to actually reproduce (fertility clinics, et al).

And yet again, the increasing tendancy in some cultures for C-section birthing: permitting women who would have perished in childbirth to reproduce multiple times.

Thus our Culture has a Direct Effect on our own biological evolution.
hmmm.. Your Right. Culture Does play a direct role in our evolution. One of the Things I would love to see answered, or even looked into, is How Is it that all of us have different Blood Types? I mean A.. and B ... B+ and B- etc... Type O..... But the Thing that Gets me, is that it is Found mixed through out ALL of our races Not every White person is going to be A+ not Every Black individual Will be B- Etc.. So Where, or What mechanisms had to happen to give us this Strange Genetic "type" .... Could it be Evolutions way or Categorizing?.. Or another Way to Insure there is no inbreeding?
it boggles My mind.. and tho A lot of things DO, I Do Wonder very Much about the Blood Types and where they came from .
Something that's always troubled me about evolution is, how come we humans don't see in the infrared (IR) frequency range? I mean, all it requires is a slight molecular modification of rhodopsin, and it would confer a big survival advantage on humans possessing the new IR-sensitive rhodopsin since they would be able to see other living things in the dark and at night. So why haven't we evolved to see in the IR spectrum, in addition to the normal visible spectrum?
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PHPlatonica said:
hmmm.. Your Right. Culture Does play a direct role in our evolution. One of the Things I would love to see answered, or even looked into, is How Is it that all of us have different Blood Types? I mean A.. and B ... B+ and B- etc... Type O..... But the Thing that Gets me, is that it is Found mixed through out ALL of our races Not every White person is going to be A+ not Every Black individual Will be B- Etc.. So Where, or What mechanisms had to happen to give us this Strange Genetic "type" .... Could it be Evolutions way or Categorizing?.. Or another Way to Insure there is no inbreeding?

Maybe it just shows that you have a false notion on the nature of races. For me that would be a sign.
spuriousmonkey said:
Maybe it just shows that you have a false notion on the nature of races. For me that would be a sign.
A False Notion? How would you Figure that? Do you know Where the Blood types Came from? From what I read it isn't Racialy Picked. I could be wrong. And will certainly read more. Seems More of a Genetic advantage For our Species to adapt more then any thing else.
thanatos4 said:
Something that's always troubled me about evolution is, how come we humans don't see in the infrared (IR) frequency range? I mean, all it requires is a slight molecular modification of rhodopsin, and it would confer a big survival advantage on humans possessing the new IR-sensitive rhodopsin since they would be able to see other living things in the dark and at night. So why haven't we evolved to see in the IR spectrum, in addition to the normal visible spectrum?
I wonder if We can Use Genetic Splicing To alter our Genes So We Can see in the IF Frequency... What part of our Brain would Compensate and Form an Understanding to the New information? I think We could Some what easily alter our vision, but if We don't have the "right Soft Were" then I wonder if that means that we couldn't Read it. Like Sonar in Dolphins, or the acute sense of Smell in Dogs, they have shown areas of the brain they believe receive that information. So We would have to genetically Modify not only the main "event" but the Way it's perceived too.. Unless our Brains are Powerful enough to adapt. It's a Curious Question For sure!
PHPlatonica said:
A False Notion? How would you Figure that? Do you know Where the Blood types Came from? From what I read it isn't Racialy Picked. I could be wrong. And will certainly read more. Seems More of a Genetic advantage For our Species to adapt more then any thing else.

You assume the presence of races and find it weird that blood types do not match your worldview.

1. Something strange is going on, but can still be explained.
2. Your worldview is incorrect.
spuriousmonkey said:
You assume the presence of races and find it weird that blood types do not match your worldview.

1. Something strange is going on, but can still be explained.
2. Your worldview is incorrect.
Here is a interesting article in TODAY'S news:

How African Are You?
What genealogical testing can't tell you.
By John Hawks
Updated Wednesday, March 15, 2006, at 1:43 PM ET

Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Recently on PBS's "African American Lives," host Henry Louis Gates had his DNA tested to learn about his ancestry. Gates' family suspected its paternal ancestry could be traced to a white slave owner. But DNA testing showed that his Y chromosome did not match the man's white descendants. A second, newer test gave Gates another result he didn't expect: His DNA showed that only half of Gates' ancestry was African. The rest were apparently European.
spuriousmonkey said:
You assume the presence of races and find it weird that blood types do not match your worldview.

1. Something strange is going on, but can still be explained.
2. Your worldview is incorrect.
Alright Butt Monkey, What in the hell are you talking about? MY World Veiw? Where is MY world veiw? :bugeye: I was talking about the Blood types In every human Regardless of Race is on a scale A ... B... O... Negitive ... Plus and Some times AB... and it doens't matter What your Race is those differences are Human species wide... Can you Re read what I wrote and Try again?
PHPlatonica said:
Alright Butt Monkey, What in the hell are you talking about? MY World Veiw? Where is MY world veiw? :bugeye: I was talking about the Blood types In every human Regardless of Race is on a scale A ... B... O... Negitive ... Plus and Some times AB... and it doens't matter What your Race is those differences are Human species wide... Can you Re read what I wrote and Try again?

Can we have that now in English?
spuriousmonkey said:
You assume the presence of races and find it weird that blood types do not match your worldview.

1. Something strange is going on, but can still be explained.
2. Your worldview is incorrect.
hey You wanna have a throw Down about Pitying a Race, that's Cool, and We can Open up a New Thread. You seem absolutely discontent with the idea that Races Aren't the Same yet Pin Point Statements on MY "World View? one Minute There is a decent Topic going on, and the Next Some sad Prick see's the Word "Race" an Equates it with "World View"... Whose being the Racist Here? who is the one picking out Race? You Obviously had something in your head about racism before your ATTEMPT to read what I wrote. And your Sad and pathetic Because you Have nothing to Back up What you Said. You Should Apologize, Re read what was Written, and Comply accordingly... But again, You want to open up a Useless Hate, Race Forum bring it on, But I hope you have statistics history and Events To Prove your THEORIES. :D
spuriousmonkey said:
Can we have that now in English?
Im sorry ButtMonkey, Should I type SLOWER so you Can READ IT BETTER? You have nothing to Back up your Claim... Your an Idiot bent on some MYTH about Race... There's a Difference between BELIEF and FEELINGS I think you should separate the Two Before you Start typing your Delusions. This Is EXACTLY WHY MONKEYS Should NOT be aloud To play on Computers... They Hurt their Inferior Brains........ ON second thought, Why Don't you Continue ButtMonkey, Maybe The Faster you Go the Sooner You Will Have an aneurism, the Quicker we can be done with your pathetic BS
PHPlatonica said:
But the Thing that Gets me, is that it is Found mixed through out ALL of our races Not every White person is going to be A+ not Every Black individual Will be B- Etc.. So Where, or What mechanisms had to happen to give us this Strange Genetic "type" .... Could it be Evolutions way or Categorizing?.. Or another Way to Insure there is no inbreeding?

I read it again.

It's view btw.

I don't know where your world view is. I assume it is in your head. But if your view conflicts with reality you might want to think about reassessement of your view. Or not.