Human Sacrifices Brought To The Planet Venus




Why is the planet Venus worshipped as a god in every culture?

The Chinese (Tai'Pei), the Sumerians (Innana), the Babylonians (Ishtar), the Greeks (Aphrodite), the Romans, the Arabs (Al-'Uzza), the Aztecs (Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli), the Yucatec Maya (Kukulkan), the K'iche' Maya (Gukumatz), the Toltecs (Quetzalcoatl), and the Olmecs.

Even into recent times among the American Indians, in the last century still, human sacrifices were brought to the planet Venus.

Thurman, M.D., The Timing of the Skidi-Pawnee Morning Star Sacrifice, Ethnohistory, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 155-163, 1983
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The moon is brighter than Venus so brightness doesn't answer the question.

Now now, Oil, that isn't true. Yes, the moon is brighter, but it isn't a star. Who do you think named the constellations? I mean, obviously people have always been stargazing, so it's no surprise that the brightest star (aside from the sun, Sarkus) would get that kind of treatment.

Does that make more sense?
Now now, Oil, that isn't true. Yes, the moon is brighter, but it isn't a star. Who do you think named the constellations? I mean, obviously people have always been stargazing, so it's no surprise that the brightest star (aside from the sun, Sarkus) would get that kind of treatment.

Does that make more sense?
The sun is the brightest star. And Venus wanders so they knew it's a planet and not an alleged "fixed-star." But why worship Venus of all the planets, stars, and asterisms, over the sun and moon?
The sun is the brightest star. And Venus wanders so they knew it's a planet and not an alleged "fixed-star." But why worship Venus of all the planets, stars, and asterisms, over the sun and moon?

That's not true, Oil. It was known as a Wandering Star, and was considered as two different stars because it could appear at night and in the middle of the day. I think it's also different than the rest of the planets because it's always brighter than the stars.

And don't use the "The sun is the brightest star" argument, because people back then didn't know the sun was a star, and they didn't know Venus was a planet.
That's not true, Oil.
What's not true?

It was known as a Wandering Star
That's what I said: a planet.

and was considered as two different stars because it could appear at night and in the middle of the day.
Puthagoras knew that it was one and the same Venus in the 6th century BC:

And don't use the "The sun is the brightest star" argument, because people back then didn't know the sun was a star
Archelaos knew the Sun was a star in the 4th century BC:

and they didn't know Venus was a planet.
Who is they? Everyone knew Venus is a planet.
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Why do you find amazement at people worshiping a light in the sky when you worship a book?
Why do you find amazement at people worshiping a light in the sky when you worship a book?
That's a very good question. Why do people who worship books like On The Origin of Species and The God Delusion wonder at human sacrifices brought to Venus?
This is just more of OiM's ignorant drivel!!:bugeye: Most cultures DID also worship the Sun and the Moon in addition to Venus. In fact, even the very days of the week were named for the god of the Sun (Sunday) and Moon (Monday) and Saturn (Saturday). Other days were named for various other gods - Wooden (pronounced Wooooo-den) gave us Wendesday.
What is?

Human sacrifices were brought to Venus, not the Sun or the Moon.

Shows just how little you know! Do a little research for FACTS instead of just stating nonsense!!:bugeye:

If you are actually serious about even 1% of the stupid stuff you say in these forums, you must be the MOST UNeducated person here. Personally, I'm convinced it's all an act in an attempt to bait people - and, as such, should result in getting you kicked out of here forever!
Shows just how little you know! Do a little research for FACTS instead of just stating nonsense!!:bugeye:

If you are actually serious about even 1% of the stupid stuff you say in these forums, you must be the MOST UNeducated person here. Personally, I'm convinced it's all an act in an attempt to bait people - and, as such, should result in getting you kicked out of here forever!
Links please.