Human Rights and Justice in Islam

786 said:
Are you suggesting that a system created by God (I'm talking Judeo-Christian/your belief) is not good and that we can do a better job than God himself?


Your God sanctioned and has committed more violence against 'his children' than we could have ever hoped to have done so.

By using your God as the figurehead, you run the risk of certain individuals justifying their acts of violence, which has happened in the past and present.. regardless of the religion really.
Err...fair distribution of wealth or resources, liberty and freedom are unreasonable? How could this possibly be so?

They are not 'unreasonable', they are very reasonable. But reasonableness does not equate to 'better for society'.

I would be interested to see in what possible way this might occur, coupled with real-world examples. I suspect it's a snipe-hunt. By contrast, I could locate a number of cases of theocratic governance in which the purported "good of society" is used to drown out the equitable treatment of human life.

Wait, what? I was talking about 'humanitarianism'- or maybe I don't quite understand what you were trying to say here.

You may certainly ask...once you have communed with God and got His definitive word on the subject.

Have Him send me a PM or an email and we can get started on His vision for society.

Okay, I hold the same views :)

Peace be unto you ;)

Your God sanctioned and has committed more violence against 'his children' than we could have ever hoped to have done so.

By using your God as the figurehead, you run the risk of certain individuals justifying their acts of violence, which has happened in the past and present.. regardless of the religion really.

I understand, my question was more philosophical..... 'violence' wouldn't be the only measure of 'best for society'. I understand there is a worldview difference and there is philosophical difference. I understand the Humanitarian perspective, so I don't want to get in a long debate over it, because its a difference in perspectives. You're correct with your perspective, and they are correct with their perspectives.

Peace be unto you ;)