Human Intelligence amplification Management


Registered Senior Member
Penn State University January 2, 2005
Dear Participants,
I would like you to benefit from the information contained in this brief article
And perhaps, why not? reflect on the issue of Darwinism, Quantum Mechanic, the theory of relativity of Einstein and the legacy of TIME.
This article is concise and -communication efficient- because it addresses deep and important issues in less than 900 words.
Happy Holidays.
Renato L. Porchetta
Re: Darwinism

State College December 29, 2004

You know my position: many scientific claims are fraudulent because the trendy scientist,
philosopher, thinker and theologian do not acknowledge the spirituality of the inspiration
and the responsibility for coherency within the creative process.

In fact, as you know by now, I call this dynamic blend made of inspiration and creativity:
"Human Intelligence," which in turn produces all the arts and information, science included.

Men and women without the justification of an emotional-intelligence, without the justification of
a spiritual within take dangerous positions.

With blasphemous violence used in wars, some men and women are already challenging the
fundamental principles of love. Eventually this violence used in killing eachother is always an action sprung from madness.
Also, mentally speaking, violence itself will convince this type of individual to increase the challenge to prevail on God's perfection.

Perfection is well illustrated by the synchronicity supported by many philosophers and particularly
strongly by Aristotle, reinforced by Lavoisier and the Zen philosophy. Therefore for this very reason of challenging "perfection", many scientists claim, for example, becomes faulty, but audiences of scholars find strong reasons to oppose the misjudgements of bad science.

Then I also find as a secondary social effect, that in many cases these "misjudgements" are
part of an architecture or an orchestration to redirect sums of money to self-serving
programs in the direction of the supremacy of a market.

I also witness that many corrupted scientific claims aim at marketing rather than the
deepening of the truth of knowledge. Quantum Mechanic and Relativism which aim to bend, warp and make disappear Space and Time is a typical example of a fraud.

However I don't find flaws in the understanding of some of Darwin's theory. And I am
not opposed to the fact that the physiological cycle of living organisms allows the
perpetuation of life. And, perhaps this is the only way I accept the -half- mentioned theory of

The other half which I found missing but common to many other scientific claims is a
rationale which employs the fraudulent use of time. Einstein reigns in this fraudulent
standing where we find the calendar time is used in replacement of natural

The fact is that in the scientific rationale calendar time, which is a convention is employed and assumed erroneously as a natural phenomena.
Engaging time mistakenly lays down wrong premises which in turn make up
irrational conclusions .
This is a mistake which strongly affect the logical course of presenting the scientific nature of things.
These irrational positions allow the scientist to bring about the liberty of weird mad conclusions.

The only value of time is the perfection of the mind illustrated by the synchronicity of

Time is synchronization and/or sequence and nothing else.

Philosophically speaking synchronization is perfection and perfection is conducive to spiritual harmony.
The current scientist opposes perfection and consequently opposes the spiritual nature of the
human intelligence and by another consequence opposes God.

Therefore if the modern scientist is not aware that all scientific experiences are seen
because of an inborn human-intelligence whatever the scientist claims for himself/herself is
only half of a truth.
Half of the truth is not the whole truth therefore the promise of a "whole" fails and it remains that half of the truth is a lie.

Referring back to Darwinism, there is nothing wrong within the information in the ape-to-man theory nor in the fact that one day I will grow wings because I will become an angel.

In tune with the received article at the same time I neither find wrong to feature pictures of
giraffes stretching their necks to feed high off of trees nor I find wrong if Darwinists want to teach
that whales, which are mammals, evolved from black bears swimming with their mouths open.
However I understand that scientists will suffer embarrassments when scientific theories
are presented without a sound validity.
This is also the case of the Darwinists like many others who use erroneously the reference
to time. Time is used as a clerical measure rather than illustrate the progression of logical events
which are perceived because of "being inspired" where inspiration and creativity, i.e. intelligence
is the doer for the completion of the scientific information. In fact all experiences are perceived
first and then retained in the human mind.

We witness the attempt of evolution as a theory attempting to identify the origins of life.
This idea is foolish to start with.
Can we prevent men being fools? The answer to this question is:"no."
Men and women are entitled to their own stupidity and madness as an experience which is a springboard for corrections and learning.
At times human madness seems unavoidable.

However, there are no origins and no ends to life simply because life is perpetual dynamic
motion. Perpetual means eternal and many individuals don't like to accept the idea of
"something" being eternal because they know better and they are going to prevail in the challenge to God's eternal motion.

Referring back to the article you sent, I think that children should be taught the spiritual value in the arts as a by-product of good compositions and semantics.
So that typical schoolchildren full of wonder would live in a world best described as a
marvelous work of art.

The snowflakes that grace us at Christmas time typify the artistic beauty that bestows joy
on all ages but all this is not the employment of madness but the employment of human
cohesive and coherent intelligence.

The efficiency of the artistic message within the arts depends on the enlightenment of
the human mind and not on the blurring or darkness of it.

Be in good spirit and let us remember what Buddha proposes with the following question:
"Can anyone support or promote peace, love and intelligence with anger and lying?"

PS: I put a new "interactive-button" at bottom of my Penn State web-site portfolio.
It is mouse-clickable and I labeled the button "Applied_Theology".
The content is strong and direct and describes clearly the link between science and
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I am discouraged when I read an article that promises that it addresses deep and important issues yet is written in stilted, syntactically flawed, mispelled, cliche ridden English. Does it deserve consideration? .......................... For a moment only.

Nice read - very amusing. Looks like you should study some real science first so you can correct the more obvious flaws in your dissertation.
Re: my stilted, syntactically flawed, misspelled, cliche ridden English article.

Dear All,
I am a writer of substance and final throughputs, because their importance are always vouched by notable linguistics (or editors) here at Penn State University.
However, at this point, if you see errors in my article I must trust your intellectual vision.
Please advice.
Thank you for your enlightenment
Renato L. Porchetta :)
Very well. Some comments.
Renato said:
In fact, as you know by now, I call this dynamic blend made of inspiration and creativity: "Human Intelligence," which in turn produces all the arts and information, science included.
If I understand you correctly all that we hold dear in civilisation, from a quadratic equation, to Rembrandt's Night Watch; from Bohr's model of the atom to Strauss's Also Sprach Zarathustra are the product of inspiration and creativity alone. This does not match my perception of reality. What about logic, passion, persistence, devotion, analysis, contemplation, criticism, synthesis, experimentation? The list goes on.
For the same reason I am very uncomfortable about calling this dynamic blend "Human Intelligence". Further in using a term, intelligence, that is allready the subject of much debate, you run the risk of having debate on that point rather than your central theme.
So, in my view, this quote contains both a flawed concept and a poor choice.
Men and Women without the justification of an emotional-intelligence, without the justification of a Spiritual_Within take a very dangerous positions.
You have not defined emotional-intelligence . I don't know what you mean by it. The same applies to Spiritual_Within . Without the justification provided by definitions and facts, these statements are meaningless.
With blasphemous violence used in wars some Men and Women are already challenging the fundamental principles of love.
I have no idea what this means. What is blasphemous about the violence? The fact that martial violence is, in some way, an act against God? And God personifies love? So, an attack on God, is an attack on love? If that's what you mean, say so. Don't make your reader sweat blood to understand.
You seem proud this article is less than 900 words. I would prefer 9000 words I can understand over 900 I cannot.

Therefore for this very reason of challenging "perfection" many scientists claim becomes faulty but audiences of scholars find strong reasons to oppose the misjudgements of science.
Really. misjudgements of science. Now do you mean misjudgements of science, in that science, and the scientific method, at one point in time has developed a faulty view of how the world works, or do you rather mean misjudgements of scientists who have accidentally or deliberately misapplied the scientific method. Be very clear, science is not what we know, it is how we know it.
Either way we can agree there are misjudgements of science. But these misjudgements of science are opposed. Indeed there are strong reasons to oppose them. And who finds these strong reasons ? Why it is audiences of scholars , perhaps even including the scientist who made the misjudgements of science in the first place.
I think on this occasion I understand you, but what you are saying seems in contradiction to your theme.

In general when I understand what you are saying I find it to be flawed, the rest of the time I don't understand you.
I have taken some considerable time to study your work and prepare my remarks. I trust you will not be offended by these resultant honest, direct comments.
replying to Ophiolite,
===> snippet:
This does not match my perception of reality.
[][] the perception of reality is an experience.
To experience how the intelligence grows is an educational experience.
This happens only by acquiring the knowledge of the "know-how."[][]
===> snippet:
What about logic, passion, persistence, devotion, analysis, contemplation, criticism, synthesis, experimentation? The list goes on.
For the same reason I am very uncomfortable about calling this dynamic blend "Human Intelligence".
[][] A brief summary of the answer to your educated "intellectual reaction" can be found at [][]
===> snippet:
Further in using a term, intelligence, that is already the subject of much debate,
you run the risk of having debate on that point rather than your central theme.
So, in my view, this quote contains both a flawed concept and a poor choice.
[][] same as above: [][]
===> snippet:
You have not defined emotional-intelligence. I don't know what you mean by it. The same applies to Spiritual_Within. Without the justification provided by definitions and facts, these statements are meaningless.
[][] For emotional-intelligence is intended the physiological ability "to feel" the sensation of love, harmony, perfection, order and symmetry.
The perception of this feeling happens at the moment when the mind is inspired.
Then the responsibility of coherency kicks in. (Hockmah -Binah) [][]
===> snippet:
I have no idea what this means.
What is blasphemous about the violence?
The fact that martial violence is, in some way, an act against God?
And God personifies love?
So, an attack on God, is an attack on love?
If that's what you mean, say so.
[][] Any action performed with purity are pure in the essence of the acting.
Consequently the primordial sin is not in existence.
However the mature mind acting in a conscienscious state has the responsibility to discover and distinguish the difference between "purity" and contamination.
If this act of the conscience will not produce a higher "awareness" retardation sets in. Which in turn, then, it causes malice or inebria [][]
===> snippet:
Don't make your reader sweat blood to understand.
You seem proud this article is less than 900 words.
I would prefer 9000 words I can understand over 900 I cannot.
[][] You are a smart individual and you will understand HIAM. I am sure of it[][]
===> snippet:
Really. misjudgements of science.
Now do you mean misjudgements of science, in that science, and the scientific method,
at one point in time has developed a faulty view of how the world works, or do you rather mean misjudgements of scientists who have accidentally or deliberately misapplied the scientific method.
[][] Method means system and any system must be viewed as the employment of " systematic intelligence". More or less, or, in a better way, perhaps: "a composition of systematic intelligences." Possibly, coherent and cohesive to a main uncorruptable fundamental principle.
Let me use an example. We cannot mix in a scientific rationale chlorous with the ethical standards of the American Constitution.
The chemical element (chlorous) is a natural phenomena the other, the American Constitution, and this occurs in science, precisely like "calendar time", which, even if is a convention it is used in replacement of natural phenomena
Calendar TIME is a convention and it is an agreement among Men and the clock-time is not a natural phenomena.
The clock-time is man-made therefore self-serving and biased.
Human Intelligence is not "man made" but is a natural phenomena residing withing the "human flesh"
Here we find the erroneous employment of the legacy of TIME.
Scientists claim that conventions merged with natural phenomena are an acceptable way of reasoning in their formulas.
I found the position of measuring important but self-serving to the survival of Mankind but man-made-rationales do not replace what God is intended to be: intelligence.
However introducing "measuring" in this issue and using measurements as an example bring us to claim that the ability of the yard stick to measure "12 inches" can not be compared to the "inspiration" which is a spiritual element able to move the enligthening of mind.
The comparison in my view it stands very very poorly.
The legacy of Time is erroneously as used in Science nowadays. Science is trying, science is trying to justify or, even replacing the true compelling motion of the mind with arbitrary mathematical computations which should be claimed to be a silent wisper of an angel such as: inspiration [][]
===> snippet:
Be very clear, science is not what we know, it is how we know it.
[][] Science is also what we are willing to discover and the -perception- of how the process of the discovery comes into being[][]
===> snippet:
Either way we can agree there are misjudgements of science.
But these misjudgements of science are opposed.
Indeed there are strong reasons to oppose them.
And who finds these strong reasons ?
Why it is audiences of scholars , perhaps even including the scientist who made the misjudgements of science in the first place.
I think on this occasion I understand you, but what you are saying seems in contradiction to your theme.
[][] I don't understand my contradiction, if your ideas are clear, please help [][]
===> snippet:
In general when I understand what you are saying I find it to be flawed,
the rest of the time I don't understand you.
[][] Understanding? understanding is also matter of experiencing [][]
===> snippet:
I have taken some considerable time to study your work and prepare my remarks.
I trust you will not be offended by these resultant honest, direct comments.
[][] I am not offended but inspired by your position. However the central theme is the natural phenomenology of the human intelligence capable of semantics.
Then coherency within "the semantical process" becomes a critical dynamic contributing element .
Only with a coherent-SIGNIFICANCE we, humans, can make the Arts, Communication, Science and Self more efficient and meaningful.
For a brief illustration of an enlarged view of the issue please visit :
and yes! the theme is "human intelligence."
Actually because of semantics and coherency in it, we can achieve the amplification of the human intelligence."
Thanks for your discussion it poses brilliant positions.
To Chris -
In my case a period of 30 years of software development was sufficient
to formulate a firm position, by experience, of how mind applies itself during the effort of semantics while composing.
Was the lenght of 30 years of science enough? of course not.
However the discovery of HIAM, i.e. the "magnetic-compass" (metaphor), able to guide human intellect is for me still, a remarkable experience.
And I stand grateful for it. And wish all, but in particular young generations of scholars to benefit by this knowledge ### :)
Renato said:
Ophiolite = "This does not match my perception of reality."
You appear to claim some expertise in semantics. I thought you would have realised that this quote is a polite way of saying "I think you are talking crap".
Renato said:
Ophiolite: "For the same reason I am very uncomfortable about calling this dynamic blend Human Intelligence".
A brief summary of the answer to your educated "intellectual reaction" can be found at
I don't open exe files from unknown sources.

Renato I could continue working through your reply, but I feel it to be pointless for these reasons.

1. Your vague use of ill defined terminology
2. The absence of meaning
3. A patronising tone

Returning to your original post: This article is concise and -communication efficient-
After careful reflection - no, it isn't.
Renato.....I have trouble with your often-used term, "perfection". this is not just YOUR use of it, but all cults, ideologies, religions, philosophies, etc...when that term's used it leaves me cold
'perfect' dont exist. it is an idealized abstraction, opposed to the thought-of negative 'imperfection., when in reality imperfection is embedded in perfection and vice versa

when isms posit perfection , watch out! cause this means Big Bro got his eye on you, and he aint too pleased.....why? why cause you aint 'PERFECT' enough. however they usually got the means to 'make you so'. thing is, you have to 'follow their AUTHOR-ity' to 'get """there"""'

get my drift?
Be informed that semantics is the only way to augment coherency which is a critical universal element but I hear from you that semantics is "crap."

[][]I don't understand the connection you make between semantics to "I think I am talking crap".
I am sure that there is some misunderstanding, someplace [][]

I don't open exe files from unknown sources.

[]The web-site is run by Penn State and Penn State University is a serious establishment and PSU will not trick computer users with software bugs []

You feel it to be pointless to continue because you find a vague use of ill defined terminology

[]To experience how the intelligence grows, as I said earlier, is an educational experience which happens only by acquiring the knowledge of the know-how."

The absence of meaning

[][] At times the scholar must take the responsibility of his/her own signification. As an educator I can only act as cathalist in the process[][]

A patronizing tone?

[][] Rather than to be thankful for this historical coincidence, unfortunately you are taking this situation in a adversary way.

The fact that no-one in history could have taken such CLEAR position on the phenomenology of the intelligence and no-one could, untill now explain how semantics engenders the INTELLIGENCE AMPLIFICATION MANAGEMENT it bothers you.

I am not arrogant as you seem to suggest, but I am CERTAIN and HAPPY of this reality.

Perhaps the idea of facing your own responsibility to ascertain and employ the existence of a spiritual dimension acting as a propeller useful to human intelligence scares you.

Perhaps, like many others, you are not ready and no one knows if you would become "ready." Or If, ever, you would become "ready." [][]
[][] Yes I agree w/ you about the existence of the YIN-YANG duality, however during the employment of the universal methodology I experience a sentiment of sacral-perfection which allows me to be inspired therefore I can "produce" ... ugly word :) ... produce knowledge - In fact, I cannot work if I am not in this mental state of holding "sacrality".
Peraphs my way to use the word "perfection" is the ability to retain it - it is very precious and I cherish it because can suddently fade away.
Actually as a general statement I discovered three progressive stages of the power of inspiration conducive to "the production" of knowledge. They are as follows:
A.) Peace and tranquillity
B.) Happiness
C.) Healing
so, what am I saying? I am saying that "perfection" it is a flash of energy that comes to mind. It feels as dawn before sunrise. And it comes particularly if the Art we produce are effective.
We, because of the aestetic sense within, therapeutically, feed ourselves on this form of -emotional-perfection-.
I find also very interesting that at times the words "spiritual" and "therapeutic" can replace one another.
But, in any case we are talking of a form of "nurishment", perhaps, let me say it: a "spiritual nurishment." [][] :)
Dear All,
In my, Re: Darwinism - State College December 29, 2004, letter the 33rd line which now reads "The Time is synchronization and nothing else." It sould be replaced with:
"The Time is synchronization or sequencing and nothing else."
Thank you
Dear All,
Ophiolite is right about the Penn State Web-site which doesn't run the Flash animation as it should and ask to unload exe files on the viewer's PC.
I urge you - As I did myself several times to complain to Penn State Tech Serv (Ms. Ramsey) to take care about this defective computer processing of my professional portfolio.
After all, Penn State University receives a yearly sum of monies of two billions dollars ( B ... billions ) to run the scholing facilities and the computer network is not running as it should.
Therefore Ophiolite is right in respect to this issue of the exe files.
*slips into "preacher" mode*
perfection DOES exist.
the problem is that it does not operate according to logic.
our "meat brains" cannot even begin to understand the meaning of the concept, much less the actual application of it (on creation).

*slips out of "preacher" mode*

in other words.....perfection is not for us to know.
that is the sole realm of the "creator"(whatever THAT is), and i understand that. i fully expect to be blasted for the above comments,
What a load of BS typical of the navel-gazing professional student pseudo intellectual.
Ok, aside from the fact that it is generally quite meaningless, there are other errors present in your text. I will help you fix a few of the smaller issues:

1) Men and Women without the justification of an emotional-intelligence

Don't use a capital W. The latter part, (from 'justification' onward), doesn't actually mean anything. In fact, your entire 'article' comes across as if you've sat down with a dictionary, looked up some large words and just plonked them in random order on a bit of paper. You might think you're talking English.. but you're not.

2) without the justification of a Spiritual_Within take a very dangerous positions.

The first half of this part is meaningless. However, as I had planned just to stick to the minor issues, I will ignore the overall worthlessness of your article.

Remove the underscore, (_), it does not belong. Remove the capital letters from spiritual within. They do not belong. Remove the 's' from positions. It does not belong.

3) With blasphemous violence used in wars some Men and Women are already challenging the fundamental principles of love.

Remove the capitals from men and women and place a comma after 'wars'.

4) Eventually this violence which is the action sprung from madness will convince this type of individual to increase the challenge prevail on God's Perfection.

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say so it is difficult to help, but you cannot have: '.. challenge prevail on..'. Remove the capital in perfection.

5) Perfection is well illustrated by the synchronicity supported by many philosophers and particularly strongly by Aristotle reinforced by Lavoisier and the Zen philosophy.

Change the word 'strongly', it doesn't fit with 'particularly'. Put a comma after Aristotle.

6) Therefore for this very reason of challenging "perfection" many scientists claim becomes faulty

Change it to: 'claims become faulty', and put a comma after "perfection".

7) part of an architecture or an orchestration to re_direct sums of monies to self-serving

Remove the underscore, (_). It doesn't belong. Change 'monies' to money. While 'monies' is a word, it doesn't fit with 'sums of'.

8) I also witness

Witness isn't a good word for the sentence. Try 'notice', or 'realise', or something along those lines instead.

The next paragraph or two should just be scrapped. It is beyond any reasonable salvage.

9) this is a mistake which allows the scientist the liberty of weird mad

I can simply ask you how many well written articles have you ever read that used the term "weird mad"? Get rid of it.

10) therefore the promise of a "WHOLE" fails

Never use entirely capped words unless you intend to look like a 13 year old mental deificient. If it's a serious article, do yourself a favour and get rid of it.

11) nor in the fact that one day I would grow wings because I would become an angel. I think.

A very common mistake made generally by religious simpletons. Do not use the word "fact" and then conclude with "I think". It shows that the "fact" is not really a "fact", but is merely what you "think". If it were a fact, you should also change "would" to will, (both of them).

12) when a scientific theory are presented

Change 'are' to is, or change the sentence to: "when scientific theories are presented". In either case you need to remove the 'a' seen in: "without a sound validity". I would also change the word 'validity', because it doesn't belong.

13) This is also the case of the Darwinists like many others who use erroneously the featuring time rather than inspiration

You can't have "..the featuring time..", it makes no sense. In fact, just scrap the entire sentence. None of it makes sense.

14) We withness the attempt of evolution as a theory attempting to identifying the origin of life.

Change 'withness' to witness, and change 'identifying' to identify. While you're there, change 'origin' to origins.

15) Men and Women are entitled to their own stupidity

Don't use a capital 'w' in women.

16) Perpetual means eternal and many individual don't like to accept the idea of

Add an 's' to individual. It should be 'individuals'.

17) and they are going to prevail in the challenge to God's ETERNAL PERFECTION.

Change the words that are in caps. It makes you look like an uneducated simpleton.

18) Referring back to the article you sent I think that children should be taught the

Put a comma after 'sent'.

19) Be in good spirit and let's

Change it to 'let us', it's needed to fit in with the sentence.

Summary: While I hope the above helps, (even though I did miss out a great deal), I can only advise that you actually scrap the entire article and try again. In fact, don't try again, just take up gardening instead. You'll find that thoroughly enjoyable, and more in tune with your God-given talents. Your article is absolute garbage, and wouldn't grade better than a -F in an under 11's school exam.

And that's putting it mildly.

Good luck.
You know my position: many scientific claims are fraudulent because the trendy scientist, philosopher, thinker and theologian do not acknowledge the spirituality of the inspiration and the responsibility for coherency within the creative process.
The value of scientific claims do not depend on where inspiration comes from. Inspiration is often spontaneous, and may come from obvious and material sources.

In fact, as you know by now, I call this dynamic blend made of inspiration and creativity: "Human Intelligence," which in turn produces all the arts and information, science included.
Men and Women without the justification of an emotional-intelligence, without the justification of a Spiritual_Within take a very dangerous positions.

So now we have to justify our inspiration as coming from an insubstantial source or it's dangerous? What if our inspiration was commercial advertisements for example?

With blasphemous violence used in wars some Men and Women are already challenging the fundamental principles of love. Eventually this violence which is the action sprung from madness will convince this type of individual to increase the challenge prevail on God's Perfection.
So is love a principle or a feeling? If we see violence being used all the time in defence of greed, is it also blasphemous to express this in art?

Perfection is well illustrated by the synchronicity supported by many philosophers and particularly strongly by Aristotle reinforced by Lavoisier and the Zen philosophy. Therefore for this very reason of challenging "perfection" many scientists claim becomes faulty but audiences of scholars find strong reasons to oppose the misjudgements of science.
Thank you Duendy for debunking this statement. Even in science, the percieved perfection of the universe as seen by Aristotle has been disproven. The planets don't revolve in perfect circles, the earth isn't a sphere, and life forms aren't fixed in structure. There is the Zen influenced society of Japan, the concept of wabi-sabi, the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete .

I also witness that many corrupted scientific claims aim at marketing rather than the deepening of the truth of knowledge. Quantum Mechanics is a typical example of this.
Oh, yeah, those quantum mechanics are really making a fortune. It is a relatively young field, and not yet a comprehensive and unified theory. So are all incomplete fields of study not worth persuing?

We withness the attempt of evolution as a theory attempting to identifying the origin of life.
No, that's abiogenesis.

However, there are no origins and no ends to life simply because life is perpetual dynamic motion. Perpetual means eternal and many individual don't like to accept the idea of "something" being eternal because they know better and they are going to prevail in the challenge to God's ETERNAL PERFECTION.
Life is in "dynamic motion" (as opposed to static motion?), but it doesn't follow that it's eternal. There was a time on Earth when there was no life. Isn't this the same argument that the church used to oppress Galileo? ...that he offered a view of the heavens that was seen as less than perfect, therefore it couldn't be true?

The efficiency of the artistic message within the arts depends on the enlightenment of the human mind and not on the blurring or darkness of it.
First of all art is seldom about efficiency. Secondly, art is often as much about the unenlightened and dark nature of the human mind as it is about the best qualities of humanity. For example- H.R. Geiger and Francis Bacon.
So basically, the view is that with belief in God's perfection, even science and those weird artists can be deemed acceptable? I don't buy it. Humans are deeply flawed, that's what makes us interesting.
I would like to thank SnakeLord for his/her grammarian expertise.
However in (13) where is reported:
13) This is also the case of the Darwinists like many others who use erroneously the featuring time rather than inspiration
You can't have "..the featuring time..", it makes no sense.
In fact, just scrap the entire sentence. None of it makes sense.
The sentence -13- does not make sense to SnakeLord because the significance of TIME, as I reported to be: synchronization and sequence, is mistakenly (or conveniently) understood for something else by current scientists.
This is a cardinal point of science which erroneously now debates the possibly to modify TIME and SPACE by stretching it or shrinking it.
Calendar time, for example is used in scientific formulas often but calendar time is just a convention it does not exist.
Calendar time is like the taxation system: a standardized agreement.
The usage of time as a non empirical natural phenomena allow the deviance from the true meaning of synchronization.
Therefore, for the reason that milestones posed by Plato and Aristotle in human thinking are reversed by science, conclusions based on these false premises bring to arbitrary unsound conclusions.
This is the fundamental principle were science is nowadays deviating.
The other foundation which is violated by the current scientific thought concerns how
"intelligence" engenders information. This is an issue that we will not discuss here in this forum.
I thought I could share some aspects of how the human mind works and I am surprised to
receive comments that I already look an obsessed preacher trying to persuade evil in joining an angelic program.
I am not a preacher but an hardcore scientist.
Perhaps, I say to myself the fact is, that to understand the importance of USPC-HIAM some personal individual intelligence should be in place already.
If I deserve an "F" given from a professional grammarian, let me say that I feel helpless toward
those that manifest mental resistance in understanding.
I never expected to appear neither a preacher nor a drunk visionary but, contrary to many received comments I hoped to pass along some scientific interesting facts.
The issue of "human intelligence" is quite vast and affects Mankind in all aspects of life.
Perhaps an ocean of ink will not suffice to deal completely with a written illustration of how science and theology merge.
It comes the time that a physiological experience is needed.
The task I undertook in informing you about the amplification of the human intelligence seems obviously greater than I expected.
However I never had the intention to provoke a debate.
I am not neither a political instigator nor a religious stoking activist.
All I wish is to provide a better tool for living but what improvement can I hope for if I would be the first one to be "unintelligent", as some of you are claiming already?
