How true is Buddha?


Valued Senior Member
Do you think Buddha is really the Englightened One, he can know the past of his life in the circle of Reincarnation, he attained the Highest Truth of this universe.

Buddha said there is no creator, everything must have a cause or causes, he said our lives will not end after our death, we will be reincarnated to someone or some other kinds of lives.

Do u believe? :eek:
I would point out that Buddha did not say there is no creator. It is true he certainly did not say there is a creator. He taught that we cannot comprehend a creator if there is one, and if we could the question would then be, who created the creator. As such this whole process becomes fruitless and can never be answered by us. Buddha then teaches that pursuing this line of enquiry does not help us to gain enlightenment, and we should simply leave this question aside as it cannot be answered.

Buddha broke questions down into 3 categories
1. those requiring an answer
2. those requiring another question as a reply
3. those that should be left aside.

In answer to your question though, I do believe the teachings of Buddha are a true path and that he really is one of the enlightened ones.
Saint said:
Do you think Buddha is really the Englightened One,..

He seemed to had found a way to the ultimate truth, so i believe he was an enlightened one.

he can know the past of his life in the circle of Reincarnation,..

Did he ever talked about his past lives..? probably the stories of bodhisatvas added later.

he attained the Highest Truth of this universe.

None knows what is the highest truth of this universe so whether he attained the highest truth of this universe or not cannot be ascertained. 'Change is the only thing that does not change' is an universally true statement.

Buddha said there is no creator,..

Buddha was silent on the question of creator.

everything must have a cause or causes, he said our lives will not end after our death, we will be reincarnated to someone or some other kinds of lives.

Karma theory is strong in his preachings. Buddhists don't like the terms soul and reincarnation. Call a dog by any name still it would bark and wag its tail.

Do u believe?

I believe the original Buddha was a great enlightened soul.
Not THE enlightened one, AN enlightened one, not even the first. It is wrong to overesteem the Buddha, since it disempowers yourself. Enlightenment means that you can think with a clear mind, and percieve things as they are to the full extent of your ability. The highest truth isn't knowledge of everything, but is more personal, it's about right here, right now. Reincarnation is certainly true, but not in the sense that many unenlightened people think. All life is interconnected, therefore, all lives are your life, all beings are one, your death is not the separate and final act in the cycle of life. There is nothing even spiritual about it, thats the physical fact. You don't end at the borders of your skin. The term "you" is a limitation of language.

Karma means that what comes around goes around, it's not like sin. Your actions have effects in the larger world, so good actions produce good effects, and bad actions produce bad effects, for everyone, including yourself.

No one need believe the Buddha, it's not about belief. Practice it yourself, the Buddha says, and you can do the same.
Buddha said once " Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. "
Can we achieve what Buddha had achieved?
How long time will it take us?
We have to go thru many times of reincarnation, isn't it tiresome?
Why not "just believe in jesus and go to heaven?"
Saint said:
Can we achieve what Buddha had achieved?
How long time will it take us?
We have to go thru many times of reincarnation, isn't it tiresome?
Why not "just believe in jesus and go to heaven?"

1. Wrong Forum

2. Buddha didn't preach reincarnation. He didn't say much about after live.

Can we achieve what Buddha had achieved?

yes. he and others did it, so can we.

How long time will it take us?

a million years probably, but it will seem like just one lifetime, since we don't remember our past lives.

We have to go thru many times of reincarnation, isn't it tiresome?

life is hard, is it? i think so... but since we don't remember our past lives, life is always just about 77 years long.

Why not "just believe in jesus and go to heaven?"

you can do that too, if you want to. if you don't believe in reincarnation, you may put more energy to be a good person, since you only believe you have one chance.

since we don't remember our past lives, it's easy to say: "do good, and you'll come to heaven when you die". So when we're born into a new body, we hear the same thing again, but it seems like the first time.

on the other hand, if we believe in reincarnation, there is no fear of death and stuff.

if we think we only have one life, we may get eager and only care about ourselves... to do as much as possible for ourselves... BUT... believing in reincarnation may make us lazy since you have all the time needed.

but... everything is already happened, it is predetermined. life is just a dream, a memory.
reincarnation is nothing but a type of mental gratification because the weak human mind cannot deal with death which is the most harsh form of reality!
It is actually life that the human mind cant deal with. It cant deal with the fact that we are not seperate from each other, that all life is joined and that it continues.

Death is the favorite subject of ego, because it is all ego has to proove it is real.
i agree the human mind can't deal with life too!
the reason we need a god! ;)
yank said:
reincarnation is nothing but a type of mental gratification because the weak human mind cannot deal with death which is the most harsh form of reality!
Buddha actually taught that life was suffering, and the ultimate goal was to attain Nibbana and escape the cycle of Death and Rebirth. If humans were truely so afraid to deal with Harsh death, why would they create a theory in which everyone ultimately experiences death a huge amount of times? One would think they'd make a reality in which we only die once
Saint said:
Do you think Buddha is really the Englightened One, he can know the past of his life in the circle of Reincarnation, he attained the Highest Truth of this universe.

Buddha said there is no creator, everything must have a cause or causes, he said our lives will not end after our death, we will be reincarnated to someone or some other kinds of lives.

Do u believe? :eek:
He is not THE enlightened one. He is AN enlightened one. He taught that there were Buddha's before him, and there would be Buddha's after him [Buddha meaning Enlightened One]. He is of such significance because he is the one that first showed people the way and the path to reach Nibbana. If Enlightenment is true, he knows his past life, and he knows all. When one becomes Enlightened, they know everything, past, present, and future. Or so I have learnt Buddhism teaches.

Buddha [Siddhartha Gautama] neither denied nor claimed there to be a creator. It is the beliefs of Buddhists not to concern themselves with such things, as they can cause attachment. Thinking without learning should be avoided in Buddhism as it leads to suffering. He said we will be reincarnated in the painful cycle of death and rebirth, and what we would be reborn as would be determined by our actions in our past life.

I am not sure as to wether Buddha was a real person, but I do not believe the religion of Buddhism, hence the reason I am not Buddhist
Saint said:
Can we achieve what Buddha had achieved?
How long time will it take us?
We have to go thru many times of reincarnation, isn't it tiresome?
Why not "just believe in jesus and go to heaven?"
1. According to Buddhism, everyone achieves what Buddha achieves. It is just a matter of time, but eventually everyone and everythign will reach Nibbana.
2. The amount of time it takes each person varies. It varies depending on the school of Buddhsim, and also the individual. As I said, everyone reaches it [Enlightenment] eventually, it is just a process of when. The Mahayana [SP?] Buddhist believe enlightenment cannot be achieved over the course of one lifetime, but that enlightenment is achieved over the course of many life times. Therevada Buddhist [Including Tantric, True Land, Nichi'ren etc] believe that the average person can reach Buddhism in a single life time.
3. Yes. Painful, tiresome, sorrowful and full of pain
4. Because they do not believe in the existance of God as Semitics view him/them. They believe that while Gods can exist [True Land Buddhism is based off the existance of worship of a God, which gives you points, which lets you into his True Land where Nibbana is easily reached. There is also Mara who tempted Buddha under the Bodhi tree] they do not get worshipped as they do in other religions
Saint said:
what kind of life worth living?

i don't know about you, but for me, there is no joy in life. it's 100% sadness and suffering. but when i know it's a dream, a memory, it doesn't feel so pointless. i like dreams. when i live alone, i'm gonna sleep, dream and never wake up! but when you forget life is a dream, it's no fun anymore. non-existence is heaven for me... unfortunately, i don't think the death of my body brings nothingness. if death was non-existence, it would be nothing to fear.
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WMA said:
Buddha actually taught that life was suffering, and the ultimate goal was to attain Nibbana and escape the cycle of Death and Rebirth. If humans were truely so afraid to deal with Harsh death, why would they create a theory in which everyone ultimately experiences death a huge amount of times? One would think they'd make a reality in which we only die once

first things first...
life ain't a suffering... it's the best thing that could happen to you!
its just the way you take life.. life has got so much to it - i really don't understand why a person would call it a suffering - and that too the one who's termed as the Enlightened One!
He was An Enlightened one, not the. I do not believe life is suffering personally myself, but Buddha believed it because of Four signs he saw [Well, three of the signs showed him pain].

The first of these was a sick man he saw, this was a representation of illness, which is suffering. The second sign he saw, was an old man, this was representative of aging, and ageing is suffering. The third sign was a corpse, this was representative of Death, and death is suffering. The fourth sign was a wandering ascetic monk. The monk was representative of peace and tranquility, and showed escape from these things, which were caused by life, and therefor life was suffering.

The following is a translated excerpt from the Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta [First sermon of Budha]
The Noble Truth of suffering (Dukkha) is this: Birth is suffering; aging is suffering; sickness is suffering; death is suffering; sorrow and lamentation, pain, grief and despair are suffering; association with the unpleasant is suffering; dissociation from the pleasant is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering - in brief, the five aggregates of attachtment aer suffering
Since these five things are almost directly linked to life, it is fairly easy to see where the Buddhist belief that Life is Suffering comes from.
well i can really contradict some of the truths here...
birth is not a suffering - it is indeed the beginning of an amazing journey called life!
aging is not suffering - it only couples up with experience and maturity!
sickness is suffering - i agree to it!
death is not suffering - in fact after you die you no longer exist.. so how can you call it suffering!
and tell me why was buddha only concerned with pain, grief, despair & such???
wasn't he the grand daddy of pessimism???