how to rasie atheist children.


I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. There is a LOT of praying ;). In elementary, we said a prayer every morning, we said one before lunch and then one after lunch. But, I should point out that praying wasn't mandatory. The teacher would say "if you choose not to pray, just stand quiety by your desk."

We had to go to church sometimes too, like at Christmas, Easter etc... Participation in that was VERY mandatory, almost Nazi-esque; people were punished for not attending mass sometimes. I remember a couple of kids in my class being suspended for a few days because they skipped out, which is odd because I never saw them suspended for skipping school.

The worst part was when we had to say a prayer one day that contained words like this:

"We pray for the end of poverty, famine, oppression, individuality, war," etc.
:bugeye: :eek: :eek: :eek:

There was always a lot of God-related stuff going on that we needed to go to, but it wasn't that bad. I'm kinda glad I got such a close view of Catholicism. I would have to say though, that if anything, the school turned a lot of people off from religion. It felt to darned stuffy and un-fun!
Originally posted by Nebula
I would have to say though, that if anything, the school turned a lot of people off from religion. It felt to darned stuffy and un-fun!

I know many people who have gone to catholic schools believing in a god and then came out atheists. In my opinion catholic schools should keep doing what they are doing. Which is provide a quality education while beating religion into people so hard that it pops out the other side!