How to protect yourself from getting screwed when helping others.

spidergoat said:
I think it was Jackson that did the screwing.

It is hard to help people. People that say they want to change the world should try to help just one person, and see how hard it is, how sometimes you have to sacrifice your own goals to help them.

super good topic cool skills. we're discussing this round a bout in another forum catagory somewhere. you're right. if you are a person who is apt to lend themselves to helping where you see it is needed you owe it to yourself to know what you can and cant do to help. look at your states individual good samaritan laws. for the most part you cant get into into trouble helping a person unless you are terribly negligent. even so, it woould be in everyones best interest who is apt to pull over to help where emergency medical aid is need to get at least basic training in the skill and knowledge necessary to safely administer basic aid. even tho you may not be able to be sued for pulling someone out of an overturned and in the process aggrivating a spinal injury, and causing permanent paralysis, when there was no other immediate danger in leaving the person in place insisting they hold still until the paramedics arive, it sure would be a terrible thing to have to live with knowing you just tried to help and made it worse because you didnt know better. in general its good to offer comforting words to people in need and let them know youve called for help and will wait with them until they arrive, unless you see signes of problems that are immediately life threatening like lost of blood, or being trapped in a volitile environment. in the latter cases tho you really need to know how to apply a tourniquet and you need to know what the safest way to hold and drag and injured body from the site of injury is. you can probably do free community ed classes somewhere., i know i really need to get updated training that way too. peace
Perhaps th best way to protect yourself from getting screwed is to be careful who it is your helping.
cool skill, it is not always easy to identify people that will eventually get you screwed. I could go for compassionate people, but again.... I can count them in my fingers....
Yahoo! f****ed me 2 weeks ago.
I've spent hours emailing them over and over again about the bull they put me through. I have gotten nowhere. They have sent me no response as to weather they will give me my money back. Die!!!!
It seems like every week it's another thing.

Moreover, Walmart sold me a camcorder missing the the cdrom/usbcable/instruction manuel, and lense cap. And the thing looked like it was used. I made call after call. Nothing. It's not like I can go there because it's 3 hours away. Die!!!!
cool skill said:
I've spent hours emailing them over and over again about the bull they put me through. I have gotten nowhere.

I made call after call. Nothing. It's not like I can go there because it's 3 hours away.

you must not be very nice one the phone, although i would not have thought anything different since you seem like a bit of a cock