How to identify a fake Christian

Ivor Bigun

Registered Member
Do any of the following apply to you..

I am not poor (Luke 6:20)
I own a shirt, car, house, computer or some other possessions (Matthew 19:21)
I make future plans, investments, buy clothes, food, drink etc. (Luke 12:22-29)
I would not assist a mugger or burglar (Luke 6:29-30)
I sometimes invite friends and relatives to dinner (Luke 14:12-14)
I sometimes pray in Church or other public place (Matthew 6:5-6)
I think many of the 613 laws in the Old Testament no longer apply (Matthew 5:17-19)
I love my wife, children, parents, siblings, life (Luke 14:26)
I do not love my enemies (Luke 6:27)
I have been attracted to a woman (Matthew 5:28)
I think women should be allowed to teach (First Timothy 2:12)
I think women should be allowed to speak in Church (First Corinthians 14:35)

Then you are a fake Christian.
We've had plenty of assertions here that one must adhere to every single tenet ever imposed by X in order to not be considered a fake X by the poster.

I'm a liberal, but I do not donate a ridiculous amount of money to the arts. Does that make me a "fake liberal"?

It's a terrible argument. It suffers from several errors, including straw man, false dichotomy and Nirvana fallacies.
Do any of the following apply to you..

I am not poor (Luke 6:20)
I own a shirt, car, house, computer or some other possessions (Matthew 19:21)
I make future plans, investments, buy clothes, food, drink etc. (Luke 12:22-29)
I would not assist a mugger or burglar (Luke 6:29-30)
I sometimes invite friends and relatives to dinner (Luke 14:12-14)
I sometimes pray in Church or other public place (Matthew 6:5-6)
I think many of the 613 laws in the Old Testament no longer apply (Matthew 5:17-19)
I love my wife, children, parents, siblings, life (Luke 14:26)
I do not love my enemies (Luke 6:27)
I have been attracted to a woman (Matthew 5:28)
I think women should be allowed to teach (First Timothy 2:12)
I think women should be allowed to speak in Church (First Corinthians 14:35)

Then you are a fake Christian.

I am worried. I thought I was agnostic

Apart from I sometimes pray in Church or other public place (Matthew 6:5-6) they all apply

I don't want to be a fake Christian, I want to be a real agnostic

I'm a liberal, but I do not donate a ridiculous amount of money to the arts. Does that make me a "fake liberal"?

No, but then the Arts in this life are not as important as eternity in the next one.

It is very important to a proper Christian to get everything exactly right to ensure a ticket to bliss.

One tiny mistake is all it takes to fail the application process.

Being banned from an Art Gallery is small beer compared to eternal torment by demons with re-hot pokers.
It's a terrible argument. It suffers from several errors, including straw man, false dichotomy and Nirvana fallacies.

I've just double checked the OP and I can assure you there are no errors.
All my statements are supported by the verses quoted.
If you say there is an error, please give at least an example.
Which quotes are wrong?
We've had plenty of assertions here that one must adhere to every single tenet ever imposed by X in order to not be considered a fake X by the poster.

So are you hoping God is tolerant and will overlook little indiscretions?
Judging by the punishments from God as depicted in the Bible, I suspect he isn't and won't.
In Numbers 15:32-36, a man found gathering sticks on Saturday was stoned to death.
It was God who commanded this punishment.
Has God calmed down recently ?
Or is he the same always ?
So are you hoping God is tolerant and will overlook little indiscretions?
Judging by the punishments from God as depicted in the Bible, I suspect he isn't and won't.
In Numbers 15:32-36, a man found gathering sticks on Saturday was stoned to death.
It was God who commanded this punishment.
Has God calmed down recently ?
Or is he the same always ?

Jesus was asked how many time should I forgive my brother ? SEVEN Jesus answered " seven time seventy."
Does that answer your question
So are you hoping God is tolerant and will overlook little indiscretions?
Judging by the punishments from God as depicted in the Bible, I suspect he isn't and won't.
In Numbers 15:32-36, a man found gathering sticks on Saturday was stoned to death.
It was God who commanded this punishment.
Has God calmed down recently ?
Or is he the same always ?
Wait a second there, buddy. Christianity has taken this into consideration. Everyone is a sinner anyway, and if they ask for forgiveness, it will be granted. And Judaism doesn't have a hell.
Wait a second there, buddy. Christianity has taken this into consideration. Everyone is a sinner anyway, and if they ask for forgiveness, it will be granted. And Judaism doesn't have a hell.

But Judaism say someone have to be sacrificed to obtain forgiveness, a lamb , a dove, or other
Then you are a fake Christian.
Striving to be a better person is a good endeavor. If Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other spiritual pursuit drives you in that direction, it's worth the effort and the label.
No, but then the Arts in this life are not as important as eternity in the next one.
It is very important to a proper Christian to get everything exactly right to ensure a ticket to bliss.
One tiny mistake is all it takes to fail the application process.
Perhaps in your view of things. Which is fine; you can believe whatever you choose.
Striving to be a better person is a good endeavor. If Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, or any other spiritual pursuit drives you in that direction, it's worth the effort and the label.

The guys that flew planes into buildings in the USA also thought they were good, based on their sincerely held beliefs.
Everyone is a sinner anyway, and if they ask for forgiveness, it will be granted. And Judaism doesn't have a hell

I am aware that the Jews don't believe in Hell.
Moses slept with his fathers.
Hell is a Christian dogma.

Suppose Osama Bin Laden asked for forgiveness ?
Would he bask in the glory of Heaven ?