How to Get Saved?

One knows better while the other does not - the latter can learn and not become the other.
You mean they are cunning atheists huh?

Not specifically, no. People, be they religious or not, will more often than not exploit others for their own gain if given the chance. Even at it's very basics, men chatting up women for example - it's all about personal gain.

Religious establishment is a business, like any other, providing a service for it's own gain, (we wouldn't need to debate the sheer worth of the Vatican). On a lower level priests do the same thing. But it tends to be a case of do as I say, not as I do, (which is also amusingly enough the way god seems to work). In saying, a priest can quote "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven" while happily earning vast sums of money and yet applying the rule to all but himself.

The same thing can be witnessed on this very forum - For example how Jan excuses himself for any action he does that is against the teachings of jesus while denying anyone else that does the right to call themselves christian.

Nobody really 'believes' all that is written. They take little portions here and there that seem to have some personal relevance to them while happily ignoring everything else because they A) Don't care, B) Don't think it applies to them or C) Don't believe it.

You can tell when it's C because the response will be "oh, that part's not literal".

But there is the beauty.. you can define what is and what isn't and get paid shitloads for sharing it while ignoring anything you don't like - and they all do.
Not specifically, no. People, be they religious or not, will more often than not exploit others for their own gain if given the chance. Even at it's very basics, men chatting up women for example - it's all about personal gain.

Religious establishment is a business, like any other, providing a service for it's own gain, (we wouldn't need to debate the sheer worth of the Vatican). On a lower level priests do the same thing. But it tends to be a case of do as I say, not as I do, (which is also amusingly enough the way god seems to work). In saying, a priest can quote "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven" while happily earning vast sums of money and yet applying the rule to all but himself.

The same thing can be witnessed on this very forum - For example how Jan excuses himself for any action he does that is against the teachings of jesus while denying anyone else that does the right to call themselves christian.

Nobody really 'believes' all that is written. They take little portions here and there that seem to have some personal relevance to them while happily ignoring everything else because they A) Don't care, B) Don't think it applies to them or C) Don't believe it.

You can tell when it's C because the response will be "oh, that part's not literal".

But there is the beauty.. you can define what is and what isn't and get paid shitloads for sharing it while ignoring anything you don't like - and they all do.

I think thats true of almost all human behaviour, people tend to have slightly more flexible standards for themselves.
So are you saying that Paul was wrong here? And, if what you say is true, then why would we need missionaries or evangelists? :bugeye:

It's hard to believe by yourself that's why we need someone who carries Gods word.