How to Get Saved?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
According to Paul below, all those who die without both, hearing and responding, to the gospel face eternal condemnation.

13 For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”
14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10:13-15)

Working in reverse order according to the above verse;
1) a preacher must be sent,
2) a person must hear the preacher’s message,
3) a person must believe,
4) a person must call on the name of the Lord,
5) and then he will be saved.

Yet most Christians today do not believe that this is the one and only way a person can be saved, do they?

If you have a problem in your life call God in Jesus name. Tell him your problem, you don't need a preacher, you will hear a massage a voice, than you will believe and be saved.
God doesn't need a cell phone to call you, brains waves are better than any antenna. Science fiction but true.
Now that I know that, I'm going to hell.
Fuck! Thanks a LOT Seti!
If you have a problem in your life call God in Jesus name. Tell him your problem, you don't need a preacher, you will hear a massage a voice, than you will believe and be saved.
God doesn't need a cell phone to call you, brains waves are better than any antenna. Science fiction but true.

Is the silence deafening?

Or, does talking to oneself promote sanity?
Great, now I have to become a Christian, or go to Hell.
Jesus! - Oh, wait, I guess I shouldn't have said that.
God damnit! - Oops. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Fuck it, I'll just go to Hell, instead.
I hope you're happy.

I have to go blaspheme or something.
If your statement is true than every single preacher or priest have Psychofrenia.

Or, any number of other mental disorders.

They are followers putting themselves in the position of leaders, without the ability to be such.
If your statement is true than every single preacher or priest have Psychofrenia.

Perhaps they're smarter than you might think. Our house was bought, (outright), by a priest for £500,000. While earning more money than the majority of people in England he was also probably off doing all kinds of dodgy things almost immune from the grip of the law.

Does he really 'believe'? Probably not, it's just an excuse to earn shitloads and bonk children while poor wretched fools buy every word he says.
Perhaps they're smarter than you might think. Our house was bought, (outright), by a priest for £500,000. While earning more money than the majority of people in England he was also probably off doing all kinds of dodgy things almost immune from the grip of the law.

Does he really 'believe'? Probably not, it's just an excuse to earn shitloads and bonk children while poor wretched fools buy every word he says.

You mean they are cunning atheists huh?
Humans have an uncanny ability to lie to themselves and justify any action that suits their needs or meets their desires.
If you have a problem in your life call God in Jesus name. Tell him your problem, you don't need a preacher, you will hear a massage a voice, than you will believe and be saved.
God doesn't need a cell phone to call you, brains waves are better than any antenna. Science fiction but true.

So are you saying that Paul was wrong here? And, if what you say is true, then why would we need missionaries or evangelists? :bugeye:
You mean they are cunning atheists huh?

So, it appeals to you to ponder that someone with a little critical thinking skills who refuses to share in theists god fantasies would naturally jump at the chance to humiliate and profit from them?

That IS cunning. :D
You mean they believe in God and Hell and Heaven but still lie, steal, cheat and molest children?

That does appear to be the case considering those who've been caught haven't claimed anything to the contrary.

Perhaps they truly are ashamed of their atheism. :D
So, it appeals to you to ponder that someone with a little critical thinking skills who refuses to share in theists god fantasies would naturally jump at the chance to humiliate and profit from them?

That IS cunning. :D

Theists would naturally be too dumb, wouldn't you say?

That does appear to be the case considering those who've been caught haven't claimed anything to the contrary.

Perhaps they truly are ashamed of their atheism. :D

Well thats hardly the time to be making new enemies, as Voltaire said.