How to explain to someone universe has no prupose and there is no meaning of life?

You are not making any sense Canute. I did not say I had an idea of what happens after I die. Nor did I say it depends on wether God exists or not. You completely misunderstood. I am making assumptions based on logic not temperament. If it was temperament that guided me, I would not even be talking to you right now.

What I beleive, or rather know, is that its total cessation at death, because the mind exists because of the brain, and without the brain, there is no you. Is this illogical to you?
Yes it is illogical to me. But that isn't quite the point. The point is that you don't know that consciousness arises from brain so you don't know that your consciousness ceases with your death. Just trying to cheer you up. :)
But we do know; what we don't know is that consciousness arises from something other than the brain. Thanks for trying.
crazymikey said:
I am a late entrant into this thread. I am an atheist. I do not see any meaning to life. Meanings ones create for life are only applicable to one self, and these meanings are relative to all, and are merely distractions from the illusory nature of existence. From all perspectives of existence, a quantum level, a cosmic level or a conscious level, ones individuality and existential value is rendered superflouous. There are many things in this life, I am unsure of, this universe is a perplexing place, but I am sure of one thing, and that is death. Wether today, tomorrow, in 10 years, in 50 years, death will ultimately come. I am sure that every experience, memory, relationship, pondering and attachment I have collected in life is going to vanish in the blink of an eye. I will cease to exist. Then what is the point of it all?

Billions of people have died invain. Millions of jews have been brutually put to death. Today, many innocent people die, and are quoted as statistics on CNN. Hundresds of thousand of malnourished children in 3rd world countries are dying every day. Then we have our so called advanced countries that are ignorant to each other, just graze the fields like sheep. Where you are born, what you are born as, how tall you are, what community, has a great bearing on your life.

Even if you spend your life helping others, what is the point, when 99.9% of human civlization could not even care less. I was born in a terrible family, up to the age of 20(I am 24 now) I had seen hell everyday. Today, I don't even know what to do with life. I've tried everything from education, fitness, filmmaking, web design, socialising with people, partying, drinking, playing games, watching television , sex and what not and it feels like one of those rats in a cage, running on a wheel, getting nowhere. Seriously, I think life is a curse. I find it intolerable sometimes, and painful other times. I don't know what I am suppose to do with it. I guess end it.

I wish I could believe in God and after life and all that jizz, but I am a logical person, and I cannot believe in something without have good reason to believe it. So the people saying, atheism, not beleiving in the after life etc, nullifies the meaning of life are right in my case. It does. Then again, you are deluding yourself, by choosing to believe in something that isn't even there.

Maybe epicurianism would appeal to you. Try the following
Crazy Mikey--

I see you got some good advise. Thank you for letting us know that you are on this planet. We need all the good help we can get in keeping this forum interesting. :)

Seriously, it is good of you to share, and I cannot give you anything better than Canute did. He is a good guy. Just thought I would say that most of us have been discouraged. When I was little, I used to think that other people had normal lives. Well, guess what, most people, underneath the suits and ties, the high heels and make up, are just as vulnerable. Some of us get what are considered good starts in life, and the rest of us do not. That is just the way it is. You said that you lived in hell for many years; okay, well, that should be enough of hell. So, make a promise to yourself that you will find a better way, and you will. Look out for those who would lead you, or "fix" you. All you need is encouragement. Remember, you have seen the bad; some have not. This should make you a bit wiser. Once you get your thoughts in place, you can be a tremendous asset in helping others find a better way.

My best to you. PMT