How to cook a lobster?

Lions should come up with a better way to kill zebras. That whole biting the neck stuff has to be painful. I mean really...predators should always make sure the prey dies as painlessly as possible...right?
I don't think lions and other predatory species exhibit the same self-loathing that some humans apparently do.

I read an article in "Backpacker" magazine that discussed the use of pepper spray as a means of defense in bear country (as opposed to carrying a gun). There were people interviewed who were completely against it. When asked whether they prefer to be mauled to death by a grizzly or prevent said mauling by spraying it in the face with pepper spray, giving it perhaps, 30 minutes of unpleasantness, they would choose death by mauling, because they didn't want to hurt the bear. Insane.
Paradoxically, the same irrational belief that we are not merely animals perpetuates both: a) killing of animals for mere sport or pleasure and b) defense of "animal rights" to the ridiculus degree. Both are dumb.
hi, resident vegan ^. you have to find your own niche.

Maia said:

You could avoid all of this idiocy and just be a vegetarian.

*bows all around*

Yes, thank you for the applause for the shockingly original, creative, new idea that no one could possibly have thought of. ;)

people were against pepper spraying bears?? :bugeye:
but you're supposed to keep them afraid of people. i give up. they deserve to be mauled to death.
immane, that is the stupidest argument against veggies i've heard. i sure as hell want a spider killed when it invades my space and starts making it's own house (although i usually leave them alone until they start actively bothering me) but i'm not going to eat it!

stop assuming motives and then pre-emptively bashing them. you need to take a 3 week course on conversation before you rejoin society.
immane1 said:
You veggie heads crack me up! You are the same people who stomp the shit out of a spider that you find crawling around your homes.

An interesting point you bring up. Perhaps some of us are a bit hypocritical when it comes to things like these? However, some of us might be vegetarian for completely different reasons. Maybe health? Though I do admit there is a teensy bit of a moral motivation for me.

Let's put a tarantula in your clothing and see if you can refrain from killing it? :D

immane1 said:
What use do lobsters have other than being food for other animals? I suppose this is useful, but would any animal go extinct if all lobsters vanished from the face of the earth? Doubt it.

Hahaha. Would any animal go extinct if I slaughtered your family? Doubt it. *wink*

On a more serious note, every extinction has its effect on the ecosystem. Surely that is common sense, and can usually be derived from one's AP Biology material.

immane1 said:
Furthermore, most world class athletes eat meat. Usually lean red meat, chicken and fish. I think you folks like plants because you can smoke them too!

Yes, but we're hardly world class athletes, are we? Irrelevant. Most of us aren't aiming that high, and living healthy is probably a reasonable goal for the rest of us mortals. :)

Oh, and meat eaters don't smoke? ;)
fadingCaptain said:
Lions should come up with a better way to kill zebras. That whole biting the neck stuff has to be painful. I mean really...predators should always make sure the prey dies as painlessly as possible...right?

Oh come on now, and is everything that lions do right for people to do as well? Forgive me for bringing this up, but lions are not a vallid standard for human morality. Heh, good enough for the cat good enough for FadingCaptain.
yes i am an aussie:p
live in melbourne


who the hell cooks oysters, they die when they are shucked (ie the shell opened)
mussles dont have a brain and you cant really kill them first anyway


a lobster is a large salt water yabbie for aussie or for everyone else a large crustation with claws like an elongated crab

a cray or rock lobster is a different animal. instead of large claws it has long feelers that come out of its head. I also belive that the claw is the bit of the lobster you eat where as a cray its the body


Yabbies are YUMMY, a little muddier than prawns but with a similar flavor

fithly: think of the rights of cellery not to be hurt. The only things on this planet that dont cause harm to eat are plants. There is also the fact that we arnt MENT to be herbivors, nor are we MENT to be carnivors. Our bodys are designed to be OMNIVORIOUS. We are SURPOSED to eat both or we are unhealthy

sixthly: unlike sheep, cattle ect we are HUNTING crays. which means we kill off the stupid ones and leave the intelligent ones to breed. Law of the jungle. This is because of the limits on the fishing of seafood so we dont hurt the animal population, where as all sheep get eaten.
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Asguard said:
There is also the fact that we arnt MENT to be herbivors, nor are we MENT to be carnivors. Our bodys are designed to be OMNIVORIOUS. We are SURPOSED to eat both or we are unhealthy

Hehe, you listen to ol' Asguard he knows what we're surposa' be now.