How to cook a lobster?


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
For the Birds

City officials in a town in Northern Italy have passed animal rights legislation that essentially bans the boiling of live lobsters as "useless torture," reports the Daily Telegraph.

The new law, passed in the town of Reggio Emilia near Bologna, also requires "sociable" birds to be kept in pairs, regulates the size of bird cages, makes it illegal to keep a goldfish in a round glass bowl and requires owners to ensure that each pet sharing a meal gets an equal portion.

Some city residents were obviously caught off guard by legislation.

"I'd like someone on the council to explain how people are supposed to determine that a bird is 'sociable,'" said resident Davide Nitrosi. "Also, how am I supposed to kill a lobster before cooking it? Hit it on the head?"


PC or plain stupidity?

On a side note - Cooking a lobster after it is dead can make people sick.
well that's interesting. i'd say it's a step in the right direction but a little off the mark. how do you kill a lobster without boiling it?
and how exactly do you enforce the rest of that? maybe your sociable bird (like my little keet) wants its parent's full attention and wouldn't want to share it with another bird.
mmmm. Lobster. Cockroach of the sea.

You HAVE to cook lobster (crabs, too) alive. If you don't, they will quickly become riddled with nasty bacteria that are not in anyway good for you to consume. Two ways generally given to cook one: 1. Boil alive. 2. Split its head open, alive, and toss the tail quickly into a hot oven.

I suppose they could be frozen slowly and they'd die a slow death and be frozen before the pathogens proliferate, but my understanding is that the meat isn't as good that way.
hi guys

about the lobster, its concidered mindlessly cruel in australia to kill a cray (similar) by boiling

the only HUMAINE way to kill live cray (which we have at the restaraunt i work at) is by pithing.
that means holding a quited cray (ie put in the fridge to calm and numb it for a while) on the choping bord and then insert the knife into the back of the head and as quickly as possable cut forward cuting the brain in half

dead, Instantly. no pain

as for it making you sick, what idiocy

the BEST way to serve cray is cut in half, fried in garlic butter and then baked. Its to die for:) and i garentie its TOTALLY safe

its totaly safe to keep a half cray for a couple of days in a fridge AND you can buy raw dead cray at the fish markets. totally safe

you have about 2-3 day life shelf on all raw seafood but you MUST treat it properly. no leaving it on the bench in open air. store on a perferated tray so it can drain at 1-4C. The 2hr-4hr rule doesn't applie tho. Its one hr for seafood
Neither PC nor stupid. Its common decency.
You wouldn't call not torturing children "pc". Its just the right way to be.
You put lobsters on ice, they fall into a sleep they never awake from. Doesn't change the way they taste or anything. this is just common knowledge.

Also I like that thing about social birds, it should also apply to social fish. I have some clown loaches and to think some people keep a single clown loach makes me so depressed after watching my group interact.
Italy could use some stricter animal rights laws, around the fishing markets seeing people takeing bites out of live octapus white with fright is a common occurence.
The way we treat many animals is just plain ignorance where an understanding of that animal would cause all but the most hardcore sadists to change their ways.
The excuse "how do we know if our bird is social" is a lousy one, if you don't know whether an animal is social or not you obviously don't know enough about that animal to be owning it and having it rely on you for survival.
I mean, whether an animal is social or not is a pretty substantial aspect of that animal. If you don't know that much about an animal you shouldn't have it plain and simple.

The making sure the food portions are the same is a little over the top. Does that apply to people who have a mastiff and jack russel?
Hi Asguard.
Precisely right, you can kill them simply by cutting their neck. And even if you couldn't, there's nothing that forces people to eat lobster. I've never eaten lobster in my life (because of the way they're cooked) and I haven't perished from lack of lobster.
Vicious brats.

Speaking of sadism, most sociopaths start by torturing animals. Rather telling, no?
Yeah whats the deal with that? Its so annoying, I want to look up to serial killers but then i always find out they used to shoot arrows at their dog or something and I just hate them:(
Who am I supposed to idolise? Have there been any animal friendly serial killers? Not the violent rage short fuse killers, I have nothing in common with those freaks, but calm and collected fans of human suffering? Were they all animal torturers? :(
I've heard a bunch of stories about this. Some people say that if boil the water and then put the lobster in it killis it instantly, others that if you put the lobster in and then start boliing it it won't notice the gradual temperapture change because its brain isn't complex enough, or most simplistically, that lobsters are just too stupid to feel pain at all....its interesting that people made up these stories rather than ceasing to eat lobsters(or killing them before boiling them), perhaps it was just assumed that it wouldn't be standard practice if it was so cruel, so something along those lines must be true.
Dr. Lou:
Who am I supposed to idolise? Have there been any animal friendly serial killers?

Hitler was an animal lover, he wasn't a vegetarian for compassionate reasons but he did push for a prohibition of vivisection in the third reich and enact laws requiring the humane slaughter of livestock.

Edward Kemper, I believe, was a member of Save the Whales.
Erm... wouldn't it be a simple task to kill a lobster pre-boiling?

Just take a knife and stab it cleanly in the brain.
xev if lobster is anything like cray you have NO idea what you are missing:p

but still there are good and bad ways to kill things and a knife is better than hot water

missed YOU heeps xev

what you been up to?
Asguard said:
xev if lobster is anything like cray you have NO idea what you are missing:p

hey dude,

we call lobsters crayfish in Australia, it's exactly the same creature, not sure why though.

you from Oz?
In the US, the crayfish(sometimes called crawfish) is a seperate animal, which resembles a lobster, but is generally smaller and is found in fresh water.
jps said:
In the US, the crayfish(sometimes called crawfish) is a seperate animal, which resembles a lobster, but is generally smaller and is found in fresh water.

I think what you are now referring to is a yabbi, which we have in Oz, much smaller than lobster and crayfish.......

Kinda like a prawn with pincers right?
They're not exactly the same, Nebuchadnezzar. Both American and European lobsters have claws, the Australian versions do not, for starters. Apart from the freshwater crays like Yabbies and Marron which are similar, but again not the same, to the American Crawfish.

Different animals, all now called lobsters because it makes our restaurants, which have been cooking crayfish for a few hundred years, have recently decided it makes them look more cosmopolitan to call them lobsters, not to mention killing them humanely beforehand, presumably to cater to the sensitivities of any of those who empathise with crustaceans and care for their sensibilities and who happen to be wandering about the kitchen. Still, they all taste very similar if not the same. Rather good.

I cannot believe you're all making arguments for the humane treatment of a crustacean before cooking it. Next, we'll all be trying to figure out the least harmful way to kill mussels and oysters before boiling them. Idiots.
Fenris Wolf said:
I cannot believe you're all making arguments for the humane treatment of a crustacean before cooking it. Next, we'll all be trying to figure out the least harmful way to kill mussels and oysters before boiling them. Idiots.
I guess many of us just feel absolutly guilty when we put them in boiling water when they are still alive. The noise they make as they try to frantically scramble out of the boiling pot just puts people off as it is a realisation that they do feel pain. Putting them to sleep first is more humane and it helps ease our guilt when we chow down.

Mmmmm yabbies.. great, now I'm going to crave fresh water crays :D.
Fresh water crays are shit, why would anyone opt for them over lobster? Thats really bizarre. Fresh water crays are like survival food for the person lost in the wilderness. In real life they need to be heavily marinated to even be edible. And they're never great, lobsters are in a completely different league, as are prawns.

You can save torturing anything by putting it on ice, including mussels and oysters. Just because you can't relate to their jet valve the way you can a persons face doesn't make it any less diabolical to boil them alive.