How socity (in america) treats child killers.


Frankly, I don't give a dam!
Valued Senior Member
In recent lights of what has been going on in our state, has most the state pretty outraged...

We have a baby stomper (18) back up in out county calming he didn't understand what was going on in his last trial that made him go to prison for 30 years.. After STOMPING on a 18month old trial, and making his 15 yearold girlfriend help him cover it up. Tho she got off with a slap on the wrist.
*2 of the new articles here

3hours south of us...
a woman goes to drop a kid off at school and has an apointment with the school.. 2 children. 4 and 2.. she brings the 4yo in, and forgets about the 2year.. leaving the child in a closed up van for 2-3 hours, then while on the phone with 911, says she was just in there for 15 min!!
the 911 call

If possibly, on the daily times, read alot of the comments, or even on both...
with the Tegan case, the guy already had his trial, and went to jail.. now he is crying saying that he didn't know! after it was explained to him very clearly! I am friends with the babys family, and tho I will not go to the court room(I will kill the SOB) they are outraged! I guess the other day, the judge told the ass and his family she was sorry for them! While he has yet to say sorry about killing a small, helpless infant!!! This, has EVERYONE up here outraged!! We have all been there to support the family, and this is what comes out of stupidity!

and the mom leaving her child in a car, words can't even start to say how I feel! I just read that in the new artical her step dad is saying that ""The one thing that upset me, is a lot of slander. Everyone who knows Stephanie knows better. She's a great mom she's on top of those kids. She's always with them."- all I can think is I guess that she ISNT on top of them kids all the time if she can "forget" about a child! and shes not even getting charged for much!!!

Oh I forgot!
that was brought up to my attention last night too...

I do have a point, I just need to remember it! hahaha!!

I cannot fathum what this world has been comming to! The first time the 2yo death was published, it also stated that a little boy climbed into a parked car to play in it and died.... Does anyone watch their kids anymore?

Why are child crimes not stricter then they are? This is our future! and these ppl are getting out of jail, getting to go home, and being just flat out retarded... Tho's who know me, know I have a valid point.. if you can make it clearer, I would greatly appreciate it.. I am still soooooo pissed off about all these crimes involving children and these idiots getting away with crap, or not getting away with more!!!
In recent lights of what has been going on in our state, has most the state pretty outraged...

We have a baby stomper (18) back up in out county calming he didn't understand what was going on in his last trial that made him go to prison for 30 years.. After STOMPING on a 18month old trial, and making his 15 yearold girlfriend help him cover it up. Tho she got off with a slap on the wrist.
*2 of the new articles here

On April 15, 2007, The San Juan County Sheriff's office responded to a home where Casey Morriston, Garcia's 15-year-old girlfriend, was watching McKinney. Paramedics pronounced the toddler dead at the scene, and there was a footprint on her stomach.

Garcia, then 18, was wearing sneakers matching the impression. During an interview at the Sheriff's Office later that day, he said he "guessed that he could have" been responsible, according to court documents.

He pleaded guilty to "knowingly, intentionally, or negligently" causing her death on Nov. 5 2007.

Okay. 18 year old Garcia and his 15 year old concubine are staring at this dead child with apparently a sneaker print on its abdomen. He pleads guilty to "knowingly, intentionally, or negligently" causing her death on Nov. 5 2007. One of them, or both of them, know what happened.
The child's name was Taegan McKinney. That name doesn't even match either of the two witnesses.
Who the hell's child was this? It doesn't even say in the news article.

During an interview at the Sheriff's Office later that day, he said he "guessed that he could have" been responsible, according to court documents.

So who are the parents of this McKinney child?

Oh, never mind. This seems to shed light on everything.

In the comments of one of those articles, we see this
Arizona Farmington said:
did someone check his greencard?

Well, I really wonder.

WTF happened here?

Ah! Young love. :facepalm:

Garcia was in the San Juan County, New Mexico, home of his 15-year-old girlfriend where he says he tried to jump over the infant, landing on it instead. The infant began vomiting, was given a bottle and put to bed.

After "a movie and a half" the couple went for help because the little girl was lying "with her eyes half open and limp." The girlfriend suggests that he had been "talking weird about doing stuff and how he was Lucifer," and possibly taking pills.


if I could find the articles that where wrote when it first happened, they have more details.
if I could find the articles that where wrote when it first happened, they have more details.

It sounds like a creepy case. The first one. Don't know about the second one.

Oh! I'm sorry I completely glossed over what you said when I was looking at those links!

christa said:
If possibly, on the daily times, read alot of the comments, or even on both...
with the Tegan case, the guy already had his trial, and went to jail.. now he is crying saying that he didn't know! after it was explained to him very clearly! I am friends with the babys family, and tho I will not go to the court room(I will kill the SOB) they are outraged! I guess the other day, the judge told the ass and his family she was sorry for them! While he has yet to say sorry about killing a small, helpless infant!!! This, has EVERYONE up here outraged!! We have all been there to support the family, and this is what comes out of stupidity!

Well, you know the family of the infant, so what are the details of the fatality? It sounds convoluted to say the least.
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"Jose Garcia’s plea agreement in the infant’s death was overturned by the State Supreme Court, which cited ineffective counsel as the reason for its reversal. "

"Jose Garcia’s plea agreement in the infant’s death was overturned by the State Supreme Court, which cited ineffective counsel as the reason for its reversal. "


I don't know who this is directed at, but yes I do.

I haven't seen many details of what happened other than the few articles I read.

I really don't know what happened. It sounds fucked up, is what I know.
I'd like to have justice served and the correct punishment given to those who are found guilty of any crime. While there are cold blooded killers among us there's also those who are just plain stupid and do things that they do not knowingly want to do. But sometimes shit happens as they say and perhaps a cold blooded murderer gets off with a child killing or killing anyone for that matter. But then there are those who really do not deserve to be executed due to their own stupidity that causes the death of a child because of their neglect or irresponsible behavior. They should never had the child to begin with but who are we to tell others who should do what.:shrug:
"Jose Garcia’s plea agreement in the infant’s death was overturned by the State Supreme Court, which cited ineffective counsel as the reason for its reversal. "


this kid had everything explained to him more then 3times just so he could understand what was going on! hes trying to say that his lawyer was nto great because he doesnt like prison!! it took 3 years for him to figure all of this out? to us it sounds more like he was talking to someone on the inside and trying to find ways out of it.....
I'd like to have justice served and the correct punishment given to those who are found guilty of any crime. While there are cold blooded killers among us there's also those who are just plain stupid and do things that they do not knowingly want to do. But sometimes shit happens as they say and perhaps a cold blooded murderer gets off with a child killing or killing anyone for that matter. But then there are those who really do not deserve to be executed due to their own stupidity that causes the death of a child because of their neglect or irresponsible behavior. They should never had the child to begin with but who are we to tell others who should do what.:shrug:

I do admit that they where not the greatest ones to ever babysit.. I do not know why she was left in her care.
I really don't know what happened. It sounds fucked up, is what I know.

If I posted a story about you killing a child, would you wnt a fair trial before sentencing or is it enough that people read my account of what happened and decide that it sounds fucked up.

also to reply to a comment:
her internal organs where popped, all her ribs crushed.
brain popped, skull shattered...

so you need more?

I do...there is a difference between murder (which requires malice aforethought) and manslaighter, and even manslaughter has degrees. Involuntry manslaughter occurs when you take a reckless act with no intention to kill, but a death results nonetheless. That's usually worth only a few years in jail. If the level of negligence is low enough (a jury's decision, but guided by standards that vary from state to state) it is not even criminal.

For example, say my family is watching TV and I decide to go into the kitchen. Because the room is crowded, I step over an infant on my way, but I slip and fall on her, killing her.

Result: I go free, because no where is that level of negligence a crime. I could have picked the infant up, so there were ways to avoid the death, but still: no crime. If I jump over the infant that makes the negligence more egregious, but depending on the circumstances (again, like the innocent motice of wnting to get to the kitchen and the room being crowded), that may or may not be criminally actionable. That is a question for a jury.

That is not to say this guy shouldn't be in jail, but he should get a fair trial (with effective counsel), not summary execution. This case might be murder for all I know, but it also might be a non-criminal tragic lapse in judgment.
"Jose Garcia accepted responsibility and was sentenced to 30 years in prison."

That was in 2007, and in your first post, in 2010, a court said the man lacked effective counsel. Courts do not say that lightly. The criteria for what is "ineffective" includes things like the lawyer being drunk, high, clinically depressed, not actually admitted to practice law, not actually having looked at any of the evidence, not having bothered to look up the law, etc.

That a defendant loses the case isn't by itself even close to grounds to claim that counsel was ineffective.

Because his counsel was ineffective, it means that when that counsel adviced defendant to plead guilty, the counsel was likely not competent to give that advice. Competent counsel might well have shown that this was simple, non-criminal, negligence. It is unlikely (I hope), but that is why we have "trials" and "juries" and we do not simply consult the internet.

I also point out that Garcia is not "getting away with it", all that this means is that there will be a new trial as soon as the prosecutor is ready to refile the charges.
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If I posted a story about you killing a child, would you wnt a fair trial before sentencing or is it enough that people read my account of what happened and decide that it sounds fucked up.

I am neither judge nor jury nor plaintiff nor defendant. What I think really has no weight in this case.

Like I said, it sounds really fucked up. But my opinion means nothing here because I'm not involved with the case. I only responded to what I could see (what was posted) and the few articles I looked up. Because I'm not involved, I didn't put much effort into it.

I hope the court doesn't proceed like that.

The initial investigation has revealed that a fifteen year old girl was babysitting Teagan at a residence on County Road 3010. The girl’s boyfriend, Jose Garcia, came over to the residence. Throughout the evening Jose was drinking beer and the girl and Jose were fighting and arguing. The altercation between the girl and Jose was physical at times. At times, the girl and Jose were inflicting injuries on themselves. For example, the girl lightly cut her wrists and banged her head on the wall. Jose punched walls hurting his hands.

Young couple in love.:puke:

Sounds like no one should have trusted her in the first place. Hindsight, I suppose.
also to reply to a comment:
her internal organs where popped, all her ribs crushed.
brain popped, skull shattered...

so you need more?

oh ya, and her (At the time) 4year old brother was also there. he was unharmed thankfully!!

What is the source of this? Is there an official autopsy report you can provide?