"Help! I can't get out! Oh god the worm, it hurts...!"

Maybe "Inventor of the FTL drive" would be nice.
I was thinking along the lines of...


But I think it's been done before.
Nope. No tombstone. I don't want some marker where people can stand around and be sad.

I've told my wife to have me cremated. Then she can walk around with my ashes, visit every person I disliked, throw a handful in their face and say, "Rick says, 'Hi!'"

I want one of those Viking funerals where they put you on a boat laden with hash, and set the boat on fire and then sent it out to sea. :D

I've always liked the sea. But Goofy's idea is good, too.
"I want one of those Viking funerals where they put
you on a boat laden with hash, and set the boat on fire..."

...and I want to be downwind. :eek:

Why do you want to be buried? So somewhere 20 to 400 years from now someone can argue over the remains they found while making a highway or a building? I assure you they won't be argueing over you as a person but rather as a set of bones.

Me, I would rather remain a traffic hazard. Put my corpse in orbit to fall around the planet for a few eons.

"Gone but still keeps on going!"
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No Tombstone here! I give my body to the medical 'world'. So they can use whatever is to be of any use to help out another human. I have a Donor-Codicil.

Whatever may remain, will be cremated and then let the ashes be blown in the Wind over the Ocean.

Forever and ever...:)
I, like Banshee, would devote my body to science (as long as they were absolutely sure I was dead - if they used the machine in hospitals to show the brain had ceased functioning).

To me, once a person has died, their personality has gone somewhere else (for the time being, whether to return or not - I have no idea). You're left with a mass of decaying cells.
If I were to have a tombstone ...

"Thanks to all who helped make it a great trip."
Take care ;)

Well of course you would be invited. But I don't plan on dying anytime soon.

You would have to sing this song:
"Did you ever think as a hearse goes by
That you may be the next to die
They wrap you up in a clean white sheet
And bury you down six feet deep
(Don't remember this line)
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
You face turns to a putrid green
Your insides look like whipping cream
(Don't remember this line)
And that is the end of a perfect day"

Originally posted by Xev
...bury you down six feet deep.
(Don't remember this line)
And all those years seem like one week,
And THEN your casket begins to leak!

Originally posted by Xev
I want one of those Viking funerals where they put you on a boat laden with hash, and set the boat on fire and then sent it out to sea. :D

I've always liked the sea. But Goofy's idea is good, too.

what a coincidence:eek: !!!:)
my idea has been exactly the same for about 1.5 years now. I hate gravejards and those funeral processions. I want it to be beautiful and clean (with no worms or whatever). And the ship would be named "Beyond the Invisible" and on the sail should be written "be young, be invincible"(my moto for all my lifes) [Maybe some of my slaves and women burnt with me:D]

And to ensure my relatives to fulfill this wish, I should state in my testament tht they shall receive all my money only if this is done;)
The day I arrived in Hawaii - an uncle in law (who I really didnt know) died. He was cremated and then we all went out on my dads boat and tossed his ashes into the sea. Thats how Im going to go. No graves, no rotting corpes, no tombstones. Maybe a lei or a flower wreath with my name on it - tossed in the sea but I dont think I have any last words....

Groove on
and now for something completely different


I have thought for several years now that a VERY cool way to end my time would be as a practical joke on future paleontologists/anthropologists or whatever comes along to follow our specie.
My idea is thus: I would like to be carefully layed out in an area which is extremely likely to provide excellent preservation and fossilization. I would like to be wearing animal skins with primitive stone implements and a laptop computer. Or maybe layed out naked with a collar on my neck and a dog (wearing a belt containing high tech equipment) holding the end of my leash in its mouth. The possibilities of extending confusion into the far future are endless.

If you have to go out you might as well go out with a chuckle.