How our space Brothers/Sisters etc. get here.

Its simple, some of you seem have a materialistic view, mine is spiritual. I do believe when we die some part of us keeps existing(soul, astral body, etc). I think the brain and body a mere shell, tool, interface etc for our souls, astral body or whatever you want to call it to experience this realm of duality. :) You will ask for proof, i do not care to even try(there probably is no physical proof, but theres plenty of supporting non physical information, NDE, Astral Traveling, OBE, Edgar Cayce's readings carry weight in my book), we both believe what we believe. Im simply shareing my views, they will absorb into your subconscious and one day they may pop up into your conscious mind and you might find some worth in them(maybe not, oh well).

As for proving the speed of light theory wrong i am not saying it is in the first place. Im saying theres probably alternate ways which are faster than linear travel. Which if you read my previous post with an open mind you would see that is what im trying to convey.

I can see by the way you reply to me the state of your mindset, very ego driven. Why do you find the need to insult? Can you not carry on a conversation with someone of opposing views in a calm and decent way? This imo is the next step in our evolution, to overcome the ego and react to situations in a more centered way. Instead of taking an opposing view as a direct attack on one's self(because subconsciously the ego can tie beliefs into itself), we can calmly discuss matters and not let the more animalistic reactive part of our brain let emotion take over(example the mob mentality). Not to say this part of our brain or consciousness hasnt been nessesary or that we wont need it in our lives. But overall concouring the ego would help bring peace to the world i think.
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As for credibility i care nothing about it, i expected remarks similar to what i have gotten, its the same with all materialistic views ive been exposed to.
Peace :)

Btw heres a really great site that might give you a different perspective on what the limits of what we will evolve into are. Also maybe on where older ET civilasations might already be.
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snake river rufus said:
What does "materialistic views" have to do with credibility?

Barehand killer thinks that hard science can be circumvented using hard drugs.

It doesn't matter to him if science says we cannot exceed the speed of light, as long as he can drop some good stuff and hallucinate his way to Alpha Centauri each weekend.
barehandkiller said:
Well just for discussions sake lets say there always has been space peoples out there(theres been lots of ufo sitings). Then lets assume they have the technology to get here.

You guys missed that Barehanded had stated "Just for discussions sake". I'm sure he realised that as absurd as his suggestions of things seem, he is just theorising in the "What If's" and Acknowledged that.

I know people are attempting to cut him down like a Wacko and barehanded knew that some of you would be attempting that which he's mentioned in a more recent post.

The reason I mention all this is because in certain respects he's theorising and poseing questions for discussion and I'm guessing after a discussion not abuse/flaming.

Some of you should realise by now that if someone has a point of view that is absurd abusing them through personal attacks and flaming doesn't cause that person to re-evaluate their view or take in any information embedded within a flame, instead the individual is more likely to turn to a community of people that have been displaced by such attacks and flamings for support. So rather than re-establishing their basic understanding of science to either support or undermine their original claim, they are forced into circles of people that do not have those understandings either that "support" the persons theory just because it might support their own (building quite a large house of cards of misconstrude theory based on the facts of other misconstrude theories).

So I ask you give the guy a break, let him pose his theories and rather than flaming try to explain why those theories aren't necessarily built on accurate facts.
You know, I was reading barehand's replies, and before I even got to Styrder's post, I knew what I wanted to say to him.

Its simple, some of you seem have a materialistic view, mine is spiritual

And I can appreciate that. I apologize if I can across as an asshole. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions. I didn't realize (though I should have) that you were merely stating your point through the eyes of a spiritual person.

You will ask for proof, i do not care to even try(there probably is no physical proof, but theres plenty of supporting non physical information, NDE, Astral Traveling, OBE, Edgar Cayce's readings carry weight in my book), we both believe what we believe. Im simply shareing my views, they will absorb into your subconscious and one day they may pop up into your conscious mind and you might find some worth in them(maybe not, oh well).

I will say something else in your defense here as well...when confronted with the matter of "proof" you simply stated that you have none, only your belief which is supported (at least in a sense of you aren't the only one who thinks this stuff) in writings, which you link here for our viewing.

That is a much better, more honest approach to this than some others have taken. Guys like Norval (I know I always bring him up, forgive me) will state only "You guys are aliens and carrying on the lie!" when in truth he should say exactly what you said. People who have beliefs which cannot be backed (if even at least not yet) by scientific method should say something to that effect, rather than claim that they have the ultimate knowledge and insight to the whole matter, including "proofs" which they refuse to show.

As for proving the speed of light theory wrong i am not saying it is in the first place. Im saying theres probably alternate ways which are faster than linear travel. Which if you read my previous post with an open mind you would see that is what im trying to convey.

And there may be. But you struck a chord with us all by saying so, because you are taking your unalienable right to a belief and trying to merge it with science fact, which is never going to sit well in a forum such as this.

To your point, however, I will discuss with you at length. The reason we believe that the speed of light is the fastest possible speed anything in the universe can go is simply because there are so many theories which hold true to that single limit. Even ones that do not directly correlate with measuring the speed of light, such as measuring the speed of other things in the universe. Not only has light never traveled faster than its own speed limit, but nothing that we have witnessed has. So it seems very, very unlikely that any medium can travel faster than light.

If you want to believe that perhaps there is some alternate method, then that is fine. I would myself like to believe that there is a way around it, simply because even at the speed limit of the universe, the distances between things are far too great to travel. I wish there was a way to travel faster than light, because then we would be able to discover so many new things, even if none of them happened to be extraterrestrial civiliaztions. There is so much plain, vanilla, boring stuff to be seen, heard, and learned that it boggles the mind.

There would be extreme benefits to it, as well, such as mining resources from other planets, or finding a home "in a galaxy far, far away..." for Humanity once our Earth has been depleated, or the Sun dies. But unfortunately, I believe strongly that there is not a way to circumvent this unfortunate limit.

But anyway, if your spiritualistic approach to life makes you happy, then that's great. And it's also great to know that you at least have some sort of an interest in science, and are not completely blinded by the dogmas of religion. I wish you would take more to heart the known things about the universe, because I believe that understanding one thing is the key to understanding the next thing, and when you miss a step in that pattern, you kind of cut yourself off to a real knowledge of a subject. But either way, it's good to know that you're not a defensive prick about your belief system; actually, it's the oposite. You feel rather enlightened, and you're willing to openly discuss this topic without the fear or typical lashing back reflex that most here have.

barehandkiller said:
This imo is the next step in our evolution
There are no "steps" in evolution. Evolution is a random process of gene mutations, and those individuals who have the most suitable genes for the situation become more successful and breed.
Communist Hamster said:
There are no "steps" in evolution. Evolution is a random process of gene mutations, and those individuals who have the most suitable genes for the situation become more successful and breed.

I should have been more clear in what i meant, which was a step in consciousness evolution(or the way we think), not really physical. I dont think we will be evolving an extra set of arms or legs(no matter how cool it might be). But as we get more knowledge about genetics and dna we could learn how to use more of our brain power, having better if not perfect memory, better processing power, maybe even mental power to affect our enviroment.
The question about that kind of evolution, barehand, is if it is even possible. Again, it is fine for "discussion's sake" to wonder if maybe we'd be able to use "mind powers" to have total power of our environment, but that kind of thing is pretty much science fiction, today and in the future.
JDawg said:
The question about that kind of evolution, barehand, is if it is even possible. Again, it is fine for "discussion's sake" to wonder if maybe we'd be able to use "mind powers" to have total power of our environment, but that kind of thing is pretty much science fiction, today and in the future.

I remember something from the Bible which Jesus said, paraphrased it was "These things which i do(healing, making the blind see etc i assume) you will do and more". Most likely some of you may not believe he did these things or even existed, but personally i do. Edgar Cayce did some amazing psychic things supposedly(i have read into it and if true he had an amazing gift). I do believe lots of fakes are out there but i doubt all are. Has anyone saw that David Copperfield video where he flies around doing acrobatics? they even put him in a covered crate while doing this and waving stuff above him and to the sides. If it was a trick it was the best ive ever seen! I'll try to find it for ya.

edit here it is. If theres strings i sure cant figureout how they worked in that box. copperfield
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Wow...OK, man, so, David Copperfield isn't really flying. Bro, you're starting to sound like a little kid, just believing everything you see...

David Copperfield's levitation stunt is very, very good...the best in the world, actually. But sorry to break it to ya: He's isn't really flying. U.S. Patent 5,354,238 describes the harness system in which he uses. Also, if you really closely watch the video, he never actually goes through the hoops. They definately pass under him, but never completely over him. And the box is a very neat construction, but neither the lid, nor the person who walks above the box is in a position to disturb the wires. Also, you'll notice that Copperfield doesn't turn around in the box.

JDawg said:
Wow...OK, man, so, David Copperfield isn't really flying. Bro, you're starting to sound like a little kid, just believing everything you see...

David Copperfield's levitation stunt is very, very good...the best in the world, actually. But sorry to break it to ya: He's isn't really flying. U.S. Patent 5,354,238 describes the harness system in which he uses. Also, if you really closely watch the video, he never actually goes through the hoops. They definately pass under him, but never completely over him. And the box is a very neat construction, but neither the lid, nor the person who walks above the box is in a position to disturb the wires. Also, you'll notice that Copperfield doesn't turn around in the box.


Well darn, i guess i was really hopeing it to be true. I want paranormal abilities myself so bad hehe, ive always read fantasy books(magic, wizards, warriors,dragons etc). I would like to hear any comments about this video.
Its about a man useing his Chi supposedly to be able to send an electrical charge out of his body(he uses it in accupuncture healing) as well as starting fire. It loads slow(very slow) so id just put it in a seperate window or tab and let it do its thing.
You find some great info and links Barehanded...thanks.
I like the Qi energy.

As for some of those magicians, they are without a doubt ggod at what they do.
Some of their tricks are amazing.

For instance, check these out, I'm sure you'll like em. angel
& angel


This one is fun too.
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barehandkiller said:
There are many theories as to how ET's gets here. The most common thing i hear about ET visitation from skeptics is its to far and it would take forever even at the speed of light. Well i would just like you too think about it all for a second.... i personally dont think the universe was created unintelligently or by shear chance. IMO something intelligent enough to create a universe with sheer mental power or will would be intelligent enough to know we would want to travel the universe and make it a possibility(and it not take generations to do so). We are explorers by nature, we have explored most of the surfaces of Earth and lots of ocean, IMO the Creator knows explorers would get bored with nothing else new to explore. Therefore something within me tells me that the speed of light limitation is bunk, the IS a way around it or some other faster means of transit. Just figured id share my thoughts.

BTW heres a interesting video with info on interstellar travel.
Theres lots more on or

Next time you travel to Vega, take the space subway. Lot's of exits. :D
I don't think there are aliens anymore, I'm to tired of this nonsense. I bet you the the government is just messing with us.

If there are aliens I have heard they are similar to insect like beings but not identical.
sderenzi said:
I don't think there are aliens anymore, I'm to tired of this nonsense. I bet you the the government is just messing with us.

If there are aliens I have heard they are similar to insect like beings but not identical.

I wouldn't let that 'bug' you to much. :D
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Thats a good point, and a hard one too dispute, however, not everything needs 'evidence' to be proven, evidence that can be censored, pursuaded and often twisted.

just a thought...
Um, by definition, yes, everything DOES need evidence to be proven.

By evidence, we mean empirical evidence. Stuff that isn't refutable. Stuff like, "Jesus, that spaceship landed on our lawn."

Technologically enhanced cultures don't standardly follow religion, or really morals for that matter. Morals put a stop to the fullbodied path of science, the problem that you're going to find with your assumptions (barehand) is that you're not only bringing a religious aspect, but one that is very new age, and most people will find it quite a bit ludicrous, the video you link is also .... Well, quite frankly verging on a cult style video.
JDawg said:
Um, by definition, yes, everything DOES need evidence to be proven.

By evidence, we mean empirical evidence. Stuff that isn't refutable. Stuff like, "Jesus, that spaceship landed on our lawn."


oh, okay. I stand corrected! :cool: