How our space Brothers/Sisters etc. get here.


Registered Senior Member
There are many theories as to how ET's gets here. The most common thing i hear about ET visitation from skeptics is its to far and it would take forever even at the speed of light. Well i would just like you too think about it all for a second.... i personally dont think the universe was created unintelligently or by shear chance. IMO something intelligent enough to create a universe with sheer mental power or will would be intelligent enough to know we would want to travel the universe and make it a possibility(and it not take generations to do so). We are explorers by nature, we have explored most of the surfaces of Earth and lots of ocean, IMO the Creator knows explorers would get bored with nothing else new to explore. Therefore something within me tells me that the speed of light limitation is bunk, the IS a way around it or some other faster means of transit. Just figured id share my thoughts.

BTW heres a interesting video with info on interstellar travel.
Theres lots more on or
OK, dude, put down the joint for a second. You think that universe was created by a creator with the intent of allowing Man to traverse it via faster-than-light travel? Is that your little acid-trip theory? OK, just wanted to make sure that was a vitimin I took this morning, and not an Ecstacy pill.

"The spped of light limitiation is bunk, the IS a way around it", just forget every observation ever made, and the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about...

Barehandkiller, the speed of light limitation has been verified by many and various experiments. Just because you are too stupid to undestand this doesn't mean it's not true.

If there was an intelligent creator who wanted us to travel and explore the Universe, why make it so damned big? I mean, come on, why put obstacles in our way?

Or do you think that it's some test, that scientists who don't believe won't be able to tavel, but a bunch of tripped out hippies on acid can explore the Universe using some mental gateway? ;-)
It's a well-known fact that scientists are the worst tavellers in the universe. They've lost every tavelling competition they've ever entered. That's why they haven't found a way around the spped of light limitiation yet.
Yes, but, uh, the speed of light refers to and only refers to... light! correct? To "travel" at the speed of light, one would have to *be* light, nein? Just because ape-man can only see the obvious, thus measuring the obvious, doesn't conclude that light is the *only* available means of trajectory, nein?
Redarmy said:
It's a well-known fact that scientists are the worst tavellers in the universe. They've lost every tavelling competition they've ever entered. That's why they haven't found a way around the spped of light limitiation yet.

Hmmmm I don't know if I agree with that. What about the great scientist Nicoli Tesla? Didn't he make it to andromeda and back via plasma propulson and still managed to make it back in time for his eggs and bacon.
I was saying IF an object had a device that affected its magnetic gravity field causing it to have no weight or momentum(discs and/or orbs have been seen stopping on a dime from thousands of mph) then maybe Einstiens Law might not apply(if the object weights nothing its mass cant be multiplied im thinking) i was not saying a object with weight can travel in a straight line and accelerate past the speed of light. Im thinking theres faster alternative ways. Such as entering a higher dimension where there is no matter as we know it to be here. Or instant teleportation(lab tests are being done where tiny things like protons are being teleported)

And other tests are being done on psychic teleportation. There are many more sites but heres one.

These things are just beginning to be delved into, imagine what it might be like 100 years from now? Imagine what a ET civilasation much more evolved than us might be capable of.
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phlogistician said:
If there was an intelligent creator who wanted us to travel and explore the Universe, why make it so damned big? I mean, come on, why put obstacles in our way?

Or do you think that it's some test, that scientists who don't believe won't be able to tavel, but a bunch of tripped out hippies on acid can explore the Universe using some mental gateway? ;-)

Or perhaps it is set up so only sufficiently spiritually evolved peoples will be able to travel the stars, we atm are not, we are to trigger happy and war oriented. Once we evolve past all that i have no doubt we will recieve help from our Allies in space spiritually and techology wise so as to be able to travel the universe helping others and exploring.
barehandkiller said:
Once we evolve past all that i have no doubt we will recieve help from our Allies in space spiritually and techology wise so as to be able

There's no "we" and there never will be.
Meanwhile said:
There's no "we" and there never will be.

Do you mean that you do not believe humans to still be evolving(if not physically at least consciously?) Or that you dont believe we will one day evolve into peacefull beings?
barehandkiller said:
Once we evolve past all that i have no doubt we will recieve help from our Allies in space...

I'm guessing the second "we" is the one that Meanwhile meant.

Currently since there are No confirmed Allies in Space, other than those terrestrial Allies in the form of other countries, that "We" would definitely be misconstrude.

There is no "We"!
Stryder said:
I'm guessing the second "we" is the one that Meanwhile meant.

Currently since there are No confirmed Allies in Space, other than those terrestrial Allies in the form of other countries, that "We" would definitely be misconstrude.

There is no "We"!

There is in a lot of people's perspectives, eventually IMO their will be a "we" for all!
The only way there would be a "we" in unanimous decision making is if one dictator ruled the world, "Luckily" nobody agrees to having such a dictator (or which dictator it should be) so we don't have to put up with controlled superstate.

Again, as for "Allies from space" you assume there is someone out there and someone that wants to be friendly, I mean as an analogy you could stand on the edge of a desert and assume there must be someone in the middle of it and perhaps they might be friendly (unless you've got a bottle of water and don't want to share), however who's going to stand in the middle of a desert?.

(It's a difficult analogy to use because admittedly a desert might be classed as nowhere, a complete void, however there usually places around the desert where people use the desert on occasion to travel from place to place. This suggests IF there was a someone, whats to say they came here for any more reason than taking a short cut across a desert?)
Well a one world government imo is a good idea if done right. One based on freedom liberty and justice for all, similar to the US's forefathers design for the US. I totally disagree with the NWO that is trying to come about. I try to imagine it and its not a pretty sight(actually i see it as not a whole lot different than it is now, which isnt promising).
Stryder said:
Again, as for "Allies from space" you assume there is someone out there and someone that wants to be friendly, I mean as an analogy you could stand on the edge of a desert and assume there must be someone in the middle of it and perhaps they might be friendly (unless you've got a bottle of water and don't want to share), however who's going to stand in the middle of a desert?.

(It's a difficult analogy to use because admittedly a desert might be classed as nowhere, a complete void, however there usually places around the desert where people use the desert on occasion to travel from place to place. This suggests IF there was a someone, whats to say they came here for any more reason than taking a short cut across a desert?)

Well just for discussions sake lets say there always has been space peoples out there(theres been lots of ufo sitings). Then lets assume they have the technology to get here. IF they had bad intentions they could prolly have pounded us into submission hundreds of years ago with death lasers or some other technology and be ruling us atm.
I think the point Stryder is making is: if there are other advanced races out there, why on Earth would they want to visit this war-torn shithole when they could go and have fun with the six-breasted Amazons of Cygnus-X1? Do you see? There are probably trillions of far more exciting planets to choose from.

So why bother coming here?
You're right to an extent redarmy11 (Perhaps not the six-breast amazon thing, but your guess is as good as mine to what might be out there).

I mean our planet has limited resources and although we are slowly starting to work out what needs worrying about (Environmentally and Economically), I doubt we'd have anything to offer any space travelling aliens other than a giant "Rat Maze" for them to pick the prize one and do weirdo tests on them.

Simply it would be like Indians with beads offering them in trade for a state of the art car or Games console. What we value and consider necessary isn't necessarily of value to them.

In fact if you were to look how us humans tend to put prices on things that are both in demand and limited (Oil, Diamonds, Platinum etc) if you were to apply the same logic to space, then "Life" is a commodity since in the sparseness of space we have yet to have irrefutable proof of life elsewhere other than here pretty much making it Rare and obviously it's in demand if you look analyse Darwin's point of Natural Selection and life's attempt to survive in the most hostile of places.

I just don't believe we could ever have the world unified under an authoritarian society because thats exactly what you'd have to contemplate to have a unified world. Pick any subject and there will always be people with a difference of opinion, this isn't just about being right or wrong, or antagonising the person but is key to an individuals statement of them expressing their own individuality through their own opinion, rather than sheepishly "Ayeing" with a herd of others in unison.
Prov that the spped of light limitiation is bunk then, smartarse. the IS a way around it!

I can't believe we're having this discussion. The proof is in the pudding; the fastest speed ever observed in the universe is the speed of light. And no, that doesn't refer to just light, either. The speed of light is a definition, not a theory. The speed of light is the fastest anything can go. There are little tricks, such as things appearing as if they're moving faster than lightspeed, but those observations are based on the witness's frame of reference. Anyway, there's no point arguing it.

But wait one second, partner...How are you going to ask me to prove anything? You're the one making the claim, so why don't you prove to me that there is such a thing as faster than light travel? What's that? Oh, you can't? Oh, your claims are all baseless and without a single shred of evidence? Oh, I see...well then...

I was saying IF an object had a device that affected its magnetic gravity field causing it to have no weight or momentum(discs and/or orbs have been seen stopping on a dime from thousands of mph) then maybe Einstiens Law might not apply(if the object weights nothing its mass cant be multiplied im thinking)

OK, there is a problem with that statement. You are basing your theory on something which hasn't been proven...meaning, you are basing the idea of the possible mechanics of faster than light travel on the mechanics of...a friggin UFO?? C'mon, man! We don't even know if UFOs exist (and they most likely do not) so how are you going to base your claim of FTL travel on them? It's not sound, man.

Or instant teleportation(lab tests are being done where tiny things like protons are being teleported)

Now this stuff is interesting. I've done some light reading on the subject, and I think there is some very, very interesting stuff in there, but we are so far from knowing to what extent this branch of science can be of use to us, that it's not even worth discussing.

Or perhaps it is set up so only sufficiently spiritually evolved peoples will be able to travel the stars, we atm are not, we are to trigger happy and war oriented. Once we evolve past all that i have no doubt we will recieve help from our Allies in space spiritually and techology wise so as to be able to travel the universe helping others and exploring.

That's cute. No, really, it is. But it's stupid and childish, as well. No, really, it is.

"Spritually evolved"? I'm sorry, pal, but again, you are equating science to spirituality, and there is no connection. The human spirit, as it were, is merely a fantasy. Consider the human spirit, and all the good that comes along with it, an equal to the human emotions of the "heart". Now, we know the heart's true function, but that does not stop us from continually equating our loves and passions to it. When we fall in love, we say that we "gave our heart to someone", and when we do kind things and charitable things, it is said that we have a "Kind heart", when in fact, all our hearts do is pump blood, man. The root (and practice and apllication) of our emotion lies in our brain. Nowhere else.

The same can be said of our spirit. If you are a follower of God, you follow with your brain, not your spirit. If you are a good person, it is because your brain chemistry allows it. The same applies if you are a bad person.

To be "spiritually evolved" is a matter of the brain, my friend. There is no spirit, as you believe it.

But anyway, you're losing credibility with this post.

And here is another reason...

Do you mean that you do not believe humans to still be evolving(if not physically at least consciously?) Or that you dont believe we will one day evolve into peacefull beings?

Exactly. Our genetic makeup does not call for peace. We are animals. To believe that humanity will one day have no use for war or for fighting is a romantic fancy that has no base in reality. We are possessive, territorial creatures who will always fight for what we believe to be ours. And why? Because there will always be someone who will try to take what is ours!

The seperation between Man and the rest of the animal kingdom is small. We share 97% of our DNA with a certain chimpanzee, I believe, so what makes you think we are so far superior? At least in the sense of doing away with what comes so naturally? We have become what we are thanks to our intelligence, and the physical tools which we were given. Thanks to our deductive reasoning, we were able to take control of land and animal and become what we are today. If it was not for the very things you are condemning us, we would not be around today.

And don't think that because we are here we should abolish it. First of all, we can't; it's in our genes, and it will always be there. Secondly, if we were to lose the instinctual desire to take, we would lose society and structure.

Think of it this way; the rest of the animal kingdom we see today is in a form that is best suited for life in this environment. Tigers look and act the way they do because it bests suits them. Elephants look and act the way they do because that way works. Humans look and act the way they do becuase that way works. I'm not saying that Man won't someday evolve further, but you must understand that there is no reason to change. Our physical and mental makeup works, there's no better way to say it. Evolution occurs so that a species can survive in a certain environment, and what we see today is just that: A species that can survive. There has not been a significant change to the Human physical structure since the rise of the Homo Sapien, most likely because that is the epitome of what Man needs to be.

barehandkiller said:
There are many theories as to how ET's gets here. The most common thing i hear about ET visitation from skeptics is its to far and it would take forever even at the speed of light. Well i would just like you too think about it all for a second.... i personally dont think the universe was created unintelligently or by shear chance. IMO something intelligent enough to create a universe with sheer mental power or will would be intelligent enough to know we would want to travel the universe and make it a possibility(and it not take generations to do so). We are explorers by nature, we have explored most of the surfaces of Earth and lots of ocean, IMO the Creator knows explorers would get bored with nothing else new to explore. Therefore something within me tells me that the speed of light limitation is bunk, the IS a way around it or some other faster means of transit. Just figured id share my thoughts.

BTW heres a interesting video with info on interstellar travel.
Theres lots more on or
I'd just like to see 1 shred of evidence that "they" have ever been here.