How Much You Know


Would you tell me how much do u know about Islam.Who is the prophet Mohamed.Does he believe along muslims in Moses and christ and that bible was revealed to the latter while Torah to Moses.
Would you tell me how much do u know about Islam.Who is the prophet Mohamed.Does he believe along muslims in Moses and christ and that bible was revealed to the latter while Torah to Moses.

You know , I don't know much about most religions and I really don't care. Since I don't believe in any religion there's no reason for me to want to study about any of them. I do however respect everyones religions and if they BELIEVE in it then that's their concern to understand it not mine. Don't make me believe in something that I don't think exists. Don't also force me to learn about things I also don't believe in for that doesn't make any sense to do so.
Would you tell me how much do u know about Islam.
I know for a fact that it is utter bullocks.

Who is the prophet Mohamed

7th century arab bandit and petty warlord. He invented a new religion by blending arab nationalism with earlier faiths.

.Does he believe along muslims in Moses and christ and that bible was revealed to the latter while Torah to Moses.

Of course he based his new religion on what he gleaned from jews (before exterminating them) and christian missionaries from syria.

Hope this helps, any questions feel free to ask.

warm regards

Edit:I almost forgot islam has more copy paste evangelist idoits than any other religion.
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Would you tell me how much do u know about Islam.Who is the prophet Mohamed.Does he believe along muslims in Moses and christ and that bible was revealed to the latter while Torah to Moses.

This is sort of an open-ended question. Would it disturb you to think that he is not widely considered an actual prophet?
Honestly! You really need to read a few books.

Anything more than a couple of paragraphs ON LINE in one of these Discussion Forums would be condemned as being too WORDY.

But what you are asking could be the Course Description of an Advanced Class in Religious Studies.

Anyway, go to your nearest Public Library and read 20 books about Islam (no, don't borrow them, or you will be put on some Terrorist Watch List).

Or read 20 books about ANYTHING.

You strike me as somebody who could value greatly from reading almost anything.

Would you tell me how much do u know about Islam.Who is the prophet Mohamed.Does he believe along muslims in Moses and christ and that bible was revealed to the latter while Torah to Moses.
Tresbien, most of the anti-Islamists on here know nothing about Islam except what they read on hate sites. To them Islam is a culture, an inferior one at that, which wants to take over the world by force. When asked for proof, they rely on age old, Christian arguments and turning and twisting the verses from the Quran and on the unislamic actions of dictators and rulers whoa re the allies of the US and who wouldnt be there if the US dint support them. Believe it or not, but Kissinger actually tried to defend the Tianmanen square massacere...
You mean that they rely on actual events, history, social fact and the written statements of the Quran? They certainly do. What evidence, exactly, have you provided to the contrary? Wishes? Sounds like witchcraft to me. :D

tresbien, you need to present this issues in your own words. I don't recommend islamonline, as I recall some very shady articles and philosophies there. I would prefer you didn't post that link. Thanks.

Best to you both,

I know only a little about Muhummad (PBUH) but I do know that Gabriel visited him during his meditation bringing the Message of God and that it was a continuation of God's previous word (Judaism, Christianity)

If you believe that anyway, I am more patriotic than religious
I know that it begins with a version of the old testament, and that is all I need to know. The OT is just a bundle of superstitious creation myths. The idea that the entire universe was created for the benefit of humans, by a deity that looks like a human, is ludicrous.
I know only a little about Muhummad (PBUH) but I do know that Gabriel visited him during his meditation bringing the Message of God and that it was a continuation of God's previous word (Judaism, Christianity)

If you believe that anyway, I am more patriotic than religious

I'm fine with both patriotism and religion, so long as neither is used to oppress somebody.
You mean that they rely on actual events, history, social fact and the written statements of the Quran? They certainly do. What evidence, exactly, have you provided to the contrary? Wishes? Sounds like witchcraft to me. :D

First of all, witchcraft is not real, and the Quran doesnt allege anywhere it is. Secondly, the main thing I have a problem with is people labelling some horrofic actions as "Muslim" or "Islamic" thereby implying that Islam or Allah endorses it. That is why I use the Quran to refute anya rgument made against Islam. Im not defending the House of Saud, neither do i defend any terrorists. But when you try to attribute my religion as the reason behind some vile actions then I wont accept it.
First of all, witchcraft is not real, and the Quran doesnt allege anywhere it is.

YUSUFALI: He said, "Nay, throw ye first!" Then behold their ropes and their rods-so it seemed to him on account of their magic - began to be in lively motion!
PICKTHAL: He said: Nay, do ye throw! Then lo! their cords and their staves, by their magic, appeared to him as though they ran.
SHAKIR: He said: Nay! cast down. then lo! their cords and their rods-- it was imaged to him on account of their magic as if they were running.

YUSUFALI: So Moses conceived in his mind a (sort of) fear.
PICKTHAL: And Moses conceived a fear in his mind.
SHAKIR: So Musa conceived in his mind a fear.

YUSUFALI: We said: "Fear not! for thou hast indeed the upper hand:
PICKTHAL: We said: Fear not! Lo! thou art the higher.
SHAKIR: We said: Fear not, surely you shall be the uppermost,

YUSUFALI: "Throw that which is in thy right hand: Quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked what they have faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician thrives not, (no matter) where he goes."
PICKTHAL: Throw that which is in thy right hand! It will eat up that which they have made. Lo! that which they have made is but a wizard's artifice, and a wizard shall not be successful to whatever point (of skill) he may attain.
SHAKIR: And cast down what is in your right hand; it shall devour what they have wrought; they have wrought only the plan of a magician, and the magician shall not be successful wheresoever he may come from.

Secondly, the main thing I have a problem with is people labelling some horrofic actions as "Muslim" or "Islamic" thereby implying that Islam or Allah endorses it. That is why I use the Quran to refute anya rgument made against Islam.

All right, what about when the Quran or the hadith overtly sanction it? Are you willing to refuse it in the name of humanitarianism? I'm capable of this. Can you also stand to the throw?
YUSUFALI: He said, "Nay, throw ye first!" Then behold their ropes and their rods-so it seemed to him on account of their magic - began to be in lively motion!
PICKTHAL: He said: Nay, do ye throw! Then lo! their cords and their staves, by their magic, appeared to him as though they ran.
SHAKIR: He said: Nay! cast down. then lo! their cords and their rods-- it was imaged to him on account of their magic as if they were running.

YUSUFALI: So Moses conceived in his mind a (sort of) fear.
PICKTHAL: And Moses conceived a fear in his mind.
SHAKIR: So Musa conceived in his mind a fear.

YUSUFALI: We said: "Fear not! for thou hast indeed the upper hand:
PICKTHAL: We said: Fear not! Lo! thou art the higher.
SHAKIR: We said: Fear not, surely you shall be the uppermost,

YUSUFALI: "Throw that which is in thy right hand: Quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked what they have faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician thrives not, (no matter) where he goes."
PICKTHAL: Throw that which is in thy right hand! It will eat up that which they have made. Lo! that which they have made is but a wizard's artifice, and a wizard shall not be successful to whatever point (of skill) he may attain.
SHAKIR: And cast down what is in your right hand; it shall devour what they have wrought; they have wrought only the plan of a magician, and the magician shall not be successful wheresoever he may come from.
The verses are as follows:
They said, ‘O Moses, either do thou cast first, or shall we be the first to cast.’
He said, ‘Nay, cast ye.’ Then lo! Their cords and their staves appeared to him, by their magic as though they ran about.
And Moses conceived a fear in his mind.
We said, ‘Fear not, for thou wilt have the upper hand.
‘And cast that which is in thy right hand; it will swallow that which they have wrought, for that which htye have wrought is only a magician’s trick. And a magician shall not thrive, come where he may.
So you think these verses prove that Islam believes withcraft to be real? What else can i expect from someone who doesnt know. It seems that everytime something bad is done by the Muslims, people like you want to defend their actions. But, fortunately, your ignorance then shows through. Fortunately, there are people who dont support these idiots in their false religious practices. Anyway, verse 20:67 has a couple of interesting things which you have no doubt missed. The words “Nay, cast ye” show that the Prophets of God never take the offensive. They wait till they are attacked and then they defend themselves.
The expression “appeared to him” clearly indicates that the cords and staves of the magicians only appeared to Moses as though they ran about while actually they did nothing of the kind.
Verse 20:70 makes it clear that it was the rod of Moses and not anything else which “swallowed” that which the mgicians had wrought, and which undid their magic. The rod of Moses wieled with the spiritual force of a great Prophet and thrown at the command of God exposed the deception that the magicians had wrought on the spectators.
It’s interesting to note that in verse 7:118 the staves and the cords of the magicians have been described as their lies. This would fit in here as well as Moses represented the truth and the magicians had wrought something of lies and deceived the spectators. Nowhere do these verses say that witchcraft is real.
All right, what about when the Quran or the hadith overtly sanction it? Are you willing to refuse it in the name of humanitarianism? I'm capable of this. Can you also stand to the throw?
Where does it sanction it? You mean against murderers and people that break their covenants and attack? No, I wont denounce that. If someone attacks you without reason then you have the right to self defence. It is a universal human right and since Islam does not go against human nature it allows one to defend oneself. After all, criminals need to be stopped. Its no good saying “Turn the other cheek” because you will get attacked and the criminals will be bolstered. Yes, you can forgive if people desist, but if they don’t then they deserve to be punished.
The verses are as follows:

So you think these verses prove that Islam believes withcraft to be real? What else can i expect from someone who doesnt know. It seems that everytime something bad is done by the Muslims, people like you want to defend their actions. But, fortunately, your ignorance then shows through. Fortunately, there are people who dont support these idiots in their false religious practices. Anyway, verse 20:67 has a couple of interesting things which you have no doubt missed. The words “Nay, cast ye” show that the Prophets of God never take the offensive. They wait till they are attacked and then they defend themselves.

Actually, it's you that hasn't understood - the passage proves that witchcraft is acknowledged by islam. All the weaseling in the world won't change that.

Verse 20:70 makes it clear that it was the rod of Moses and not anything else which “swallowed” that which the mgicians had wrought, and which undid their magic. The rod of Moses wieled with the spiritual force of a great Prophet and thrown at the command of God exposed the deception that the magicians had wrought on the spectators.

How can Moses have "undone their magic" when you say their magic wasn't real?

Where does it sanction it?

Sura 9, Sura 5, etc, ad nauseam. Characterizing other religions as criminals is the lowest form of intellectual deception. Who decides who has "attacked", and what? For some islamists, cartoons are an attack. For others, stuffed bears. For others, insulting Mohammed. What defines an attack? And who decides?

