How much sleep do you need?

what we need is some why to make us where we dont need sleep at all I think its a waste of time I could be doning other thing other than sleeping but, I have to sleep.
my school starts at 7:30am, ends at 2:03. I feel much more tired and less alert in block 4 (last class) than I do in my first block. I go to sleep no later than 11:30pm, get up at 5:45am (bus gets here at 6:30). So I get about 6 hours of sleep.

What's funny is that the elementary school starts at 9:00am!!! and my high school starts 2 hours and 30 minutes before them!!!

I remember always getting up at 6am when I was younger, now I want to sleep till 12pm!!!....sorry just a little rant.
I once read a story about an Autralian who was shot in the head during World War I... and he never went to sleep again and apparently, he did not die either. Though the story seems unlikely, it makes one wonder if the sleep function of the brain can somehow be "disabled".
Sleep is vital for correct brain function. The synapses that connect neurons consume protein during normal operation. During sleep these reserves of protein are restored.

The synapses are the targets for recreational drugs and substances like nicotine, i.e. brain altering drugs. These drugs either speedup or slowdown synapse function and hence cause the brain to function abnormally giving rise to hallucinations and other similar effects. During sleep deprivation the synapses become starved of protein and cannot operate correctly and hence create abnormal brain activity, which we experience as hallucinations once again.

Note that in these modern times we are usually able to sleep in the safety of our homes, however, many thousands of years ago when we lived in caves and the open and were subject to significant predatory dangers, it would seem very foolish to become frequently unconscious for 8 hours at a time. We can conclude from this that sleep is of significant importance to our survival.

But how much sleep do we need? This seems to depend on how efficient our body is at replacing missing protein. We know that there is a range of values for many human biological cycles that seem to be determined by genetics. Some will have a more efficient mechanism than others. The net requirement for everyone is that all consumed protein is replaced during each sleep period. Some people can simply do it faster than others.

In an interview with Margaret Thatcher some years ago it was revealed that she could survive adequately on around 2 hours of sleep each night. I find I wake up after 6 hours.

Sleep is probably one of the most important activities for a healthy and efficient brain. I do everything I can to maximize this potential. E.g. no phone in my bedroom, no alarm clocks, no sleeping partners, etc. Also, going to bed at the exact same time every night optimizes the sleep cycle giving maximum potential for the best sleep duration and optimum quality.

Just my few thoughts on the matter.

Sharing my sleep..or lack of!

Living the life of student is hard, and I've been getting less than average amounts of sleep. I find that I have trouble associating things, and my diction has...umm....what's that word?...OH Yeah! "died". And I'm getting dyslexia-like syndromes...I catch myself spelling things wrong and things putting in places wrong. My usual cat-like reflexes have slowed to a drugged cat's reflexes, and I can't add large numbers in my head for beans. :D
Inbetween my job (3rd shift, walmart) and technical school I find myself sleeping three hours during the day and three hours during the night. Ive been doing it this way for the past 2 weeks. I feel fine, but it could just be because Im on Thanksgiving break right now.
le coq said:
Am now finishing a book called The Chemistry of Conscious States by Allan Hobson, a neurologist/sleep researcher. He says that the time needed varies per person. Some only need 3-4 hours a night, and some people actually need 9-11 hours a night. It has nothing to do with laziness, as our society tends to laud those who need little and scoff at those who need more as "lazy." So the answer is most likely "genetic."

Some high schools are starting to set their hours back to start later on in the morning because researchers have shown that teenagers require a lot of sleep and their natural circadian rhythm tends toward a later bedtime. Students in the early classes didn't perform as well academically, I guess.

kmguru brought up an interesting point about the flu and sleep, which Hobson talks about as well, his point being that sleep is one of the most effective healing agents and that it is crucial for mental and physical health, for learning and optimum performance during the day.

"Too much sleep" usually happens with depressed people (like when I get laid off - you all know what I'm talking about, right?), and this has more to do with the quality of REM sleep. The chemistry gets unbalanced, and too much REM sleep can actually be bad. The healing process cannot work right until this balance is corrected.

There was a research done on sleep deprivation with rats; they died with 4 weeks of no sleep. They died in six weeks with only their REM sleep interrupted.

On par with diet, sleep is one of the most important conscious activities that one can do to be responsible for their health.

John Le Coq

Thank you! practically the only person on the web to agree with my theory on sleep time based on biological differences. Does Hobson have a website?
"my theory on sleep time based on biological differences"

i think that's less of your theory and more of common sense.

since i never answered this thread, i sleep from 6-10 hours. i can function on 6 but i consider it too little. i'm well rested with 9. 10 is oversleeping on the weekend but not so much that i get groggy.
I dont know about the biology, but psychologically I need 24 hours sleep per day. it's just that I have to do something to stay alive so I decided to be a 6 hours sleeper instead :D
Since i havnt answered this before i might aswel:
A// How much do you need? They say the average is eight hours a night. But I read someone saying he could do with four hours.
Anything between 8-15 depending on the week im having, im just always tired.
B// What are the consequences when you don't sleep the hours you need?
Tired most of the day, lack of appetite, feeling ill(i put it down to immune system having something to do with rest).
C// Is it possible to train your body and/or mind to be satisfied with less hours of sleep, or is it genetic?
I'd guess genetic, im never satisfied with less sleep.
D// Is too much sleep really bad for you? I heard it shortens your life.
Technically it doesnt shorten it you just spend more of it asleep, rather than the usual one third we spend asleep.
E// Is the time for going to bed and the time for getting up important?
So long as the right amount of time passes in between i doubt it, my sleep pattern varies depending on my next day plan and im fine if i get the right sleep in between.
no sleeping partners
I sleep better when im with my girlfriend, strange.
lol martian, i did have a strict routine when i couldnt get a job of at least 12 hours sleep and another 10 in bed, now i have a job im rethinking the routine to 14 hours sleep and 10 in bed. ;)
Sleeping is a habit. You can train yourself to sleep less. There's some extreme case that men hadn't sleeped for 1 year and didn't hurt him at all.