How much rope do we give God?

While it’s interesting to read or translate the Bible for reasons of learning how humans thought in those days, its accounts fail to match what has been found by science, for example, space not being a firmament and the Earth not being a center of anything, plus, in general, that the revelations are not revealing at all, being that the predictions never came to pass, but for some written after the facts of the past.

Many have seized on Biblical ‘truths’ such as that slavery is permissible, and so forth. The Bible’s ‘One’ is basically an amalgamation of the many old Jewish Gods of legend.

Now that God has published the #1 best-selling book, I heard a rumor that He may even enter the modern media and come out with a movie. Will people then fight over this medium, too?
Who was she, Shorty, Oleander or ????:D

I took a picture of her:


The picture kind of wavers around, proving that she is an angel.