How much help should the needy be given?

out of the 1 to 1/2 million runaways in the US each year the majority run away because of a disagreement. And tell me, would you rather a run away is picked up by the police or a pimp? Because I know of a 10 year old that ran away and was picked up by a pimp, spending five years as a child prostitute, where he not only had to have sex with adults and other children, but also animals.
out of the 1 to 1/2 million runaways in the US each year the majority run away because of a disagreement.

Of course you have evidence to support this that you'll share with us.
And of course "disagreement" is not just some shit abusive parents use to lie to the cops with.

I just think the problem would be better fixed at the root i.e by giving Xev a Kalashnikov, lots of bullets, and immunity to prosecution. :D
ARGH! are people too lazy to go to a search engine and check themselves?

listen to this, the stats are 1 to 1 1/2 million children run away each year, there is an estimated 300,000 child prostitutes. Thrown away kids usually don't go back home, the runaways do. You work out the stats and go check the figures yourself.

Where do I get my stats from. That 10 year old I mentioned above, now in his middle 30's and a multi millionaire has a private foundation that he set up to fight child abuse and prostitution. I get my figures from his foundation because I am extremely close to him. This person has also done more in your country to fight this than anyone who does it in the public light. He has talked to senate committees and is working with a number of politicians towards the changes that need to be done.

In other words, you spew figures from your arse?
Perhaps you might feel like trying to have a rational debate sometime else. Until then - ciao.
u people make me sick

ive been TRYING to get a VERY good friend of mine go to the goverment for help

insted he is puting up with a situation where he is afraid for his life

the dole here requires u to look for a job at the same time, AND do comuntity work

OR be in education

insted of going to the goverment he is living with someone who tried to strangle him and he is letting his 2 younger brothers live there as well

he never reported it because he wants to be able to finish his education which is a RIGHT here

but acording to u people he should what?
put up with it?
r any of u volentiring to protect him?

Slacker47, people like you make my stomach turn. Do you know what kind of people end up on the streets? I'll tell you, children are the highest percent of homeless people in the US. And no the adults on the streets, the majority aren't people who have stuffed up early in their lives. They are people who had jobs, a home, everything, only to lose it all.

I guess I wasnt clear:

I have many more stories about worthless bums.... however, there are a couple who i legitimately trust because i have "scouted" their life styles. I help them out sometimes, but for the most part, they are scum.

I put too much emphasis on the negative. There is only one legitimate homeless person in my neighborhood, and I know from experience. I have talked to him many times, and I do bring him food occasionally. I converse with many homeless people, and I have learned which ones to trust.

Read what I said the first time. Why should I trust them? I understand that some of them have been fired from jobs and such, but there are always jobs. Gas stations, trash collection, road work are all open jobs.

Instead of accusing me, offer a solution. I have tried bringing them food, money, and twice I have told homeless people about job openings. They take the money, and refuse jobs and food. With the money, they do lewd acts. With my evidence, how can I be a trusting person? Im not going to ask a bum to live with me.

If you give me a solution, I will act upon it, but those people were given a chance and they blew it.
the problem with giving money is that in MOST cases living on the streets = drug adict

if they arnt drug adicts when they start they will end up that way unfortunatly

what SHOULD be done, SHOULD be done at a GOVERMENT level

not give to beggers on the streets but fund trained professionals to help them