How many SOULS can God create ?

Have you thought about souls being present on other worlds?

I guess it still might mean a finite number accommodated

Another guess is excess souls go straight to heaven without out going past Earth

Which sort of leaves out the prospect of the devil gaining access to them

Do sperm and ova get ½ a soul each?

Because that's a hell of a lot of ½ soul wastage

"Do sperm and ova get ½ a soul each?" IMO, NO . . . . . . Perhaps a review of relativity theory is indicated? (HAHA!)
Perhaps a review of relativity theory is indicated?

Good question

If you happen to search through your family tree and find it full of saints or sinners

would it be because of the physical aspect

of your genes


you were given a good or bad soul?

It's all about your relatives :)

There are medical cases where a person has the two halves of their brain separated, and it turns out they each have a different personality, one may believe in god and the other not. Are these two souls? Does one go to heaven and one not? Did they start out with one soul and create two? Or is each soul just half a soul?
There are medical cases where a person has the two halves of their brain separated, and it turns out they each have a different personality, one may believe in god and the other not. Are these two souls? Does one go to heaven and one not? Did they start out with one soul and create two? Or is each soul just half a soul?

Two Souls .

Since each side of the brain has a different personality , they see things differently .

The rest makes no sense .
But think of past lives this way , energy can not be destroyed or created .
So what? Your personality runs on energy, and when you are dead, that energy (mostly heat and chemical energy) dissipates into the environment.

The energy is focused by my personality . Hence this energy doesn't get rarefied.

Energy is the ability to produce work

I've just come in from doing about an hour's work in garden

Didn't notice my soul doing any of the work

It would appear the soul is a leech

Holding presence in my body

Not doing anything and when I die what does the soul do?

It pisses off and leaves me to rot

Thanks a lot soul
