How many sciforums muslims support the spread of sharia upon unwanting people?

You seem to be confusing the concept of God with bad religion? I know may theists who are intelligent and yet shun organized religion.. and only because how organized religions treat other human beings who disagree.

I also know some catholics that are actually not a problem and very intelligent, it depends on how people execute their faith and to what degree. I know some who are willing to say they may indeed be wrong, those are the tolerant ones I speak of.

I never said anything about the "concept of God" vs bad religion. If someone simply believes in God and doesn't subscribe to any violent religion then he or she is not the topic of discussion here. Religions such as Jainism that are inherently non-violent are not in this discussion. I'm referring, particularly to true Muslims, true Christians, and true Catholics, and true Mormons. If you describe yourself as one of those listed faiths and you don't strictly follow your holy book you are not truly practicing those religions. That's called "cherry-picking".

I'm speaking to any religion that will forcefully push their ideas on other people regardless of if they want it or not. I'm not referring to simple deists.
How would they be distinguisable from the soldiers with the democratic drones?

Those soldiers must have been there a long time. A thousand years at least.

Here is a thought. Maybe people from western countries should think of sharia as a drone and the resulting Islamisation of their society as liberation.

Liberation from freedom? Hard to conceive such a concept, really. Did you mean not having to think any longer?
isn't applying sharia law in the whole world an end state every muslim should work towards reaching?
doesn't islam recognize "violence" as means of achieving that goal?
Nope and yep.

Say - maybe some of you really do hate us for our freedoms? :eek:
isn't applying sharia law in the whole world an end state every muslim should work towards reaching?
doesn't islam recognize "violence" as means of achieving that goal?


i didn't get the pic sam, but doesn't islam state that the world should either be under islamic law, or in the process of being so?
doesn't islam teach that it is the most superior way of life, and while other ways may exist, they have to exist UNDER islamic law?

and no G, we don't hate you for your freedoms, we pity you for them...
i didn't get the pic sam, but doesn't islam state that the world should either be under islamic law, or in the process of being so?
doesn't islam teach that it is the most superior way of life, and while other ways may exist, they have to exist UNDER islamic law?

Indeed, it says so right here:

[2:285] The messenger has believed in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so did the believers. They believe in God, His angels, His scripture, and His messengers: "We make no distinction among any of His messengers." They say, "We hear, and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is the ultimate destiny."
WHEW! why do i feel a huge rush of relief? i thought you'd be leading the opposition...
and the verse i had in mind was;
"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers." (al-bakara,193)
WHEW! why do i feel a huge rush of relief? i thought you'd be leading the opposition...
and the verse i had in mind was;
"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers." (al-bakara,193)

Guess that tolerance thing isn't working out for you, huh?
islam does tolerate other religions and [maybe] atheism, it just demands to be head honcho.

bad subjects aren't so bad under a good king, good subjects aren't much under a bad king.
under true islamic rule, non muslims have a better life then when they govern themselves. but, that's in theory.
The concept of God leads to bad religion. Always.

If that were true, the godless would lead by example. But somehow they seem to be unable not only to come up with a social system on their own but also end up with ideologies that are so much worse when it comes to ethics, tolerance and the community

Why do you suppose that is?
islam does tolerate other religions and [maybe] atheism, it just demands to be head honcho.

So that already isn't going to work.

under true islamic rule, non muslims have a better life then when they govern themselves. but, that's in theory.

I think you mean in bullshit. Everyone knows Muslims are always better off under the rule of non-Muslims. Provided that there's not a big problem getting access to Muslim women. That's a requirement, understand?
So that already isn't going to work.
we need not discuss whether it will or won't, since it already did in the past.
look, any system can be abused, islam included. but while how the system is executed plays a role, so does the system itself and how good it really is.

also, you don't know the islamic rule to make your assertion, if your source is todays governments, then i understand what you're saying. but you don't understand what i'm saying, because you don't know what i'm talking about.

I think you mean in bullshit. Everyone knows Muslims are always better off under the rule of non-Muslims.
you know when's that true?
when non muslims follow islamic teachings more that muslims do.
and it is said; that in this world, there is islam void of muslims, and muslims void of islam.
Provided that there's not a big problem getting access to Muslim women. That's a requirement, understand?
not really, as long as christian and jewish women are in supply:D
we need not discuss whether it will or won't, since it already failed in the past


you know when's that true?
when non muslims follow islamic teachings more that muslims do.
and it is said; that in this world, there is islam void of muslims, and muslims void of islam.

We'll do without interference, thanks.

not really, as long as christian and jewish women are in supply:D

No deal. Hand over your women.
scifes said:
islam does tolerate other religions and [maybe] atheism, it just demands to be head honcho.

Do you view muslim supremacy over other religions and [maybe] atheism as a noble intention? Is it something you dream of occurring?

lucysnow said:
By the way do you know that Choudary is on the dole? Bunch of lazy wankers.

"Choudary’s recruits are told that it is their Muslim duty to claim benefits, ensuring that they make no contribution to the ‘enemy’ British state."
He probably views it as a strike against non-muslims. His beliefs and actions are extremely machiavellian on behalf of islam. I think those are some pretty horrible ideals, but it seems that certain sciforums muslims admire them.