how many more??? ahhhh!!!!!


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
i spider had munchkins in my bathroom. ive 'offed' 5 of them, but i dont know where they are coming from... but my big question is.. how many of these liitle spiders am i gonna have to kill? i mean... ive seen charlotte's web.... but howmany actually live?:confused:
Poor Spiders. You murderer - :p

Spiders eat other creepy bugs, like the freakin' skeeters which are eating me alive. Go, go, go Spiders!:D

And now I don't even talk about the creepy crawlers, the roaches. Oh my goodness, they make my life hell...;)

Do spiders really eat mosquitos? I thought they ate like land-bugs, like silver fish and waterbugs and stuff. I dunno, i might be wrong. Bats eat 600 mosquitos an hour though..
I'm thinking of building a bat box actually..Its like a birdhouse, but for bats. It has a cool design to let them locate it by echo-loco, and up to like 100 of the little guys can hang upside down in there at a time.
Originally posted by Goofyfish
'Skeeters have families too!

Indeed they do! Lots of families they have. Duck and take cover won't help...:p

but howmany actually live?

One spider can produce hundreds of eggs. Most will disappear though, and move on to other surroundings where more opportunities for food exist. If they are of the wolf spider variety, you may not want to kill all of them. These busy guys will cover the entire floor, wall and ceiling of your apartment/house in one or two nights, looking for insects that are sleeping. They will usually find flys and other nuisances and carry them back to their lair and will not bother you at all.

Better than any no-pest strip on the market. ;)
I never kill spiders. They are good in killing all those tiny pests.
Besides our native saying is: Kill a spider in the evening and spoil your luck for the whole next day.

didn't say anything about the moring though, but I don't kill 'em in the mornings also.
wolf spiders.. aghghghhg!!!!!! scary scary scary!!!!!
i had one of those a few weeks ago.. -shivers- no.. the were normal little spiders. but i dont want them biting me om my sleep. but it is much better that i kill them than my cat.. she eats them.. but she playes with them first.. and every time she tries to eat one it crawls out of her mouth.. so instead of eating it, she pulls its legs off first, then eats it. it is really gross... but kinda interesing to watch. -laughs-.
..anybody hungry?

-notices that we've had a few gross bug threads lately.-
Yes, my cat loves to play with them too. I especially like it very much when he is busy with a roach. Oh, he is such a good cat...

Originally posted by Adam
I only sent 37 spideys to your place.

They must have joined up with my 14,900
You should try to let them live though, they help you keep a hygienic home.

It's terrible over here. The roaches seem to have a good time in the house. Doesn't matter what you do against them. It is the surrounding.

Now, when my cat is after skeeters, that is fun. He jumps all over the place, clawing with his paws in the air, trying to get them. He really turns 365 degrees or more if it was possible, in an instant. He is a trip, my cat...:D
Gallanapers eat skeeters too! The problem is most people think that they are giant skeeters and smash them.

We had roaches for years. Lucky for use we were in Missouri(ask someone down south about their roaches) but finally got rid of them by keeping th ehouse clean and having the house sprayed regularly.
You should try to let them live though, they help you keep a hygienic home.
NO. windex and shower cleaner, and lysol, help you keep a hygienec home.
spiders are BUGS.. ewww!!!!!!

8 legs creepy crawly-ing over your skin as you sleep... crawling in your ears... and up your nose.... gah!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
The Chain goes forever on...

I suggest you get something to eat the spiders, like a cat. Then, get a wild mongoose to eat the cat. Then, get one of them wacky monkeys to eat your wild mongoose. Then, when the wacky monkey starts wreaking havoc, get a big crocodile to finish it off. Then, get an elephant to step on the crocodile. After you get all the croc goo off the ceilings and walls, get a mouse to scare the elephant. Then, get some spiders to eat the mouse......

....oh dear, it seems i've started it again...:D :D :D