How is the bible the word of god?

No, they could be working in their father's field already or they might have no faith that their father will love them for the things that they have done. But for those who show humility, i.e. I would even work as a hired hand, a servant, their humility will be raised to glory.

This is the good news that Jesus came to share.

For those who have ears to hear...


I understand where you are coming from but what of the father? Is it right that the father in the parable loses his son after he has given him his inheritance? Is that just?
Look how happy the father was when the son returned! He had thought his son as dead.


What of the father? The son has a right to live his life on his own, just like the father. It was the choice of the father to give the son the money, he cannot complain about what the son will do with it.
Yes, I think it is just. The happiness of the father should not be the ultimate aim of the son.
And as I said, the son might have been successful (if he wasn't a moron) and lived a successful and self-sufficent life on his own.

And what do you mean with:
I understand where you are coming from but what of the father?
Dreamwalker said:
What of the father? The son has a right to live his life on his own, just like the father. It was the choice of the father to give the son the money, he cannot complain about what the son will do with it.
Yes, I think it is just. The happiness of the father should not be the ultimate aim of the son.
And as I said, the son might have been successful (if he wasn't a moron) and lived a successful and self-sufficent life on his own.

And what do you mean with:

I mean I understand what you are driving at. Look if the son is doing the right thing he can be compared to the son who is working in his father's fields already. But even that son must realise that his father has provided him with everything that he needs to live. It would be silly of that son to think of himself as a bastard would it not?
Why wouldn't you want your dad to be proud in you? If you are living a good honest life I bet your dad is proud of you and you benefit because you have done the right thing and are living a good honest life. Note the father rebukes the faithful son "Look, dont be mad. Rejoice, your brother is home at last and everything I have is yours"
God is Our Father. It is important we make Him proud of us if we ourselves want to do well. Even if our earthly fathers have turned against us we still have a Heavenly Father who will never turn against those who love him. God is jealous for our love.

