How is Christianity Monotheistic?

I would never stand before the Father, im a god. Now what?

I can understand me or Aqueous saying this, but you said that jesus is the only messaih, then you violate the first commandment - the central tenets of christainity. What exactly is your theology?
All I know Jesus Thaddeus (translate it however you want) was the Messiah, the one and only.
I'm not sure what you mean. There was a disciple named Thaddeus. Are you using any book such as the Bible to define your religion? Where did you learn about this?

I would never stand before the Father, im a god. Now what?
I have no idea what you mean. I am actually trying to understand you.

Of course, this goes both ways, I hope you know that. Saying a master of faith can give you a deeper understanding of life through him telling you the numberless possibilities of a all powerful being, talking about YHWH of course.
YHWH is the name commonly associated with the God of the Bible. Beyond this I can barely understand what you mean. Can you say a little more about your religion, how you discovered it, and whether it has anything in common with any other religion? Is there any other person or group of people who share this belief? You seem to me to be expressing some of the language of Messianic Judaism or possibly one of the Churches of God, but I can't really tell from your language for sure.
This is stupid. Christians are not monotheistic.

I am not a Christian, but most Christians profess a belief in one God, usually further explained as Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) incorporated into one being. So what is you take on this? So what is your reason for saying they are not monotheistic?
I can understand me or Aqueous saying this, but you said that jesus is the only messaih, then you violate the first commandment - the central tenets of christainity. What exactly is your theology?

Im a god. I do not stand before the Father, He I. They are not mutually exclusive. Christians bare false witness, and false idol (Jesus piece). Also, they commit original sin, lust of knowledge (death, and God).
I'm not sure what you mean. There was a disciple named Thaddeus. Are you using any book such as the Bible to define your religion? Where did you learn about this?

YHWH is the name commonly associated with the God of the Bible. Beyond this I can barely understand what you mean. Can you say a little more about your religion, how you discovered it, and whether it has anything in common with any other religion? Is there any other person or group of people who share this belief? You seem to me to be expressing some of the language of Messianic Judaism or possibly one of the Churches of God, but I can't really tell from your language for sure.

One of the churches of God? You know of the seven spirits who are the seven churches; Faith, hope, science, knowledge, valor, bravery, and patience? I am a apostle, and disciple of all these things (teacher, and learner). I use my own theology, starting with the fact that God might exist, and we can not know if he does or not. I believe in all scripture to the point that it may be written as a lie to gain capital, or it may be written for morality, or it may be handed down as a first hand account. I believe certain Egyptian deities where men; Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, Horus, Anubis, Apep. I believe that ancient Isralieites believed themselves to be sons of God, and protected morality, and did not practice organized spirtuality, and Judaism was born out of the Hebrews who did not understand what these Israelites where doing, and wanted to appease to their God, like the Egyptians did.

I am against religion, being that all you need is faith. My mind is my temple and God is my pastor. I learned everything through the given word of God, only I can know of its authenticity because it is in my head. Just like Muhammad would have received the Qur'an, through a voice in his head. I believe Michael, and Gabriel where sent to give it to him in the spirit, I also believe it has been tampered with since. I have taken doctrines such as Revelation, the Gospel of Judas (father of Jesus), and the Gospel of Mary as pure evidence in the evil force pursuing Jesus and his disciples.

All I have is my faith.
Oh, I forgot to add, why is it so necessary for christians that their religion is monotheistic?

Monotheism was an advancement of growing popularity to the intellectuals of the Roman Empire era. It had shown up earlier in Egypt and Persia. The strong family and community life of the monotheistic Judaic tribes was also growing in populatiry. The old thousands of gods of the Roman era had become as obsolete as the Three Religions of the Book are now.

I see a lesson in that!

It's going to be time soon to replace the old and now obsolete faiths with one that is scientifically advanced for our times.

Want to see a possible facsimile of it? I worked one out in "The Last Civilization" based upon social evolution. If we can't come up with a good replacement in time, what we now have will indeed be the last civilization. . .

http://civilization-overview (dot) com

One has to believe in the doctrine of the religion depending on what kind of religion it is whether it be scriptures or God but the scripture or God are not the religion itself.​

Here's the edit to my comment:

One has to believe in the doctrine of the religion depending on what kind of religion it is whether it be scriptures or God but the scripture or God are not the religion itself.

One has to believe in the doctrine of the religion depending on what kind of religion it is whether it be scriptures or God but the scripture or God are not the religion itself.​

As for me . I believe in the God who created life upon the earth . what kind if doctrine do I need ?
Why do I have to have a doctrine ?
Christians theists only care about their faith being a monotheism "the belief in the One God" because monotheism has for centuries been universally understood to be more advanced than polytheism. So, they just call Yahweh "the one and only God" and the other ones, "Christ, Mary and Satan" as "spirits" "angels" or "one with Him." Its just a play on words.

In my work, I call it "a semi-monotheism" inorder to be accurate and at the same time, fair.

http://civilization-overview dot com
Christians theists only care about their faith being a monotheism "the belief in the One God" because monotheism has for centuries been universally understood to be more advanced than polytheism. So, they just call Yahweh "the one and only God" and the other ones, "Christ, Mary and Satan" as "spirits" "angels" or "one with Him." Its just a play on words.

In my work, I call it "a semi-monotheism" inorder to be accurate and at the same time, fair.

http://civilization-overview dot com

I think it would be more accurate to say that throughout Christian history, and prevalent among the largest segment of the Christian population today, is the belief in the Trinity, and that Jesus is the Son of God. Their belief does not place Mary, the saints, angels or Satan at the status of the godhead.

Obviously that leaves non-believers noticing that Christians seem to equivocate, or as you say, it's a word game.

What is missing from the general Christian system of belief is the connection it has with other world religions of the time, that influenced its development. Christians will readily acknowledge that their beliefs are influenced by Judaism, while at the same time disputing that Judaism is the true religion.

For anyone who looks a little deeper, the roots of Judaism are traceable to other ancient religions of that time and place. One such infusion of outside beliefs happened to be taking place in Judaism at the time the story of Jesus sprang up. This is why Christianity shows not only ancient traces of polytheism originating through Judaism, but other polytheisms contemporaneous to the writings of the New Testament, and among these are the rise of notions of angels and devils, Mary and the saints, and a host of other innovations to Judaism, such as resurrection of the dead, last judgement, and eternal reward in heaven. These are foreign concepts, imported from neighboring religions, such as Mithraism. The Son of God is an archetype prevalent in the religions of the region.

For me, it is not a word game, although many folks who post here do like to play word games.

For me, it boils down to understanding a few basic ideas from history and archaeology, that there is no "true" religion, since religions evolved, belief systems bumped into one another and either absorbed one another's archetypes, or created anti-archetypes to oppose them.

So to best deal with this question, a Christian ought to learn about the origins of Christianity--not from a biased source--but from a scientific one.

Incidentally, this question plagued ancient Christians and became the basis for numerous bans against heretical doctrines, and for the centralization of the authority for Christianity in Rome (before the schism), and for the Protestant use of the term "Catholic" as an epithet, as it is often used today. For perhaps 1500 years the term merely referred to the central belief that abhors heresies like anti-Trinitarianism or the non-divinity of Jesus. Furthermore, although Protestants often claim they have purged their religion of inventions added by Catholics, this claim demonstrates an ignorance of history. Catholics were the first Christians--the authors and caretakers of the scriptures Protestants hold sacred.

I add this to the list of Christian fallacies: that Protestants have built a belief system based on not only one, but two beliefs they claim are false: Catholicism and Judaism.

Also, there is nothing new in this issue of reconciling the Trinity with monotheism, or that Jesus was God incarnate. Such doubts arose as soon as the Jesus story sprang up. It's just that we have the advantage of perspective, to understand these beliefs in the context of history.
The way you explain how one God is also a trinity can be seen with an example.

A person's mother could be a mother, a wife, a daughter, and a sister. This is not four people but one person, with each of aspect of this quaternary an aspect of her one self as she relates to people close to her. Each of the four aspects are fully integrated and autonomous. She is the mother to her children. She is a good wife to her husband, a dutiful daughter to her parents, and a carefree daredevil to her little brother. Yet she is only one person.

With polytheism, each of these four aspects would be a unique person instead of four aspects of one person. In the case of the trinity, each aspect, like the mother who is also a wife, has a different relationship, with different people. The children see mom who feeds and cares for them. Her husband sees his sweet heart who discusses the day and warms his night, etc.

The father, son and the Holy Spirit are similar, with each aspect of God connected to a share of the human family. Some people are emotional and full of heart so they react better to a feeling God or the Son; love. Other people, are more in the their minds (like me) and need logical explanations. These commune with the Holy Spirit. The Father is old school which is popular with traditionalists. This differentiation of the God brings the entire family together under God, just as the mother, on holidays can bring her parents, children, siblings and husband together.