How hard would it be to start a conspiricy theory?

Especially if I could get support from a few dozen physics professors and NASA.

Exactly. Heck, don't even get support; just post some links showing someone talked about him at NASA once, then claim "NASA working with Rossi on reactor."

So what can you read into this?:shrug:
This story about how Gene Labell the old Judo guy choked Steven Segal unconscious and then Segal pissed his pants had been going around of years, even 12 years ago it was part of the folklore of martial arts.

So I decided to quickly to Photoshop an image of Labell actually doing it, because I'm a shit stirrer. And the Aikido, or I should say the Aiki - Fruity types on that martial arts group were pissing me off.

Everyone on the martial arts forum said it was fake and the worst photoshop they'd even seen. I never claimed it was real.
But over the years its been coped, and posted on numerous blogs as the definitive image of Segal getting his ass kicked by an old man.
Gene Labell says it really happened but it was never actually photographed.

Warning, its not good but its been floating around the net for over 12 years.
Pretty good for a fake that everyone said was crap.


Here's Josh Rogan talking about the incident.
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So what can you read into this?:shrug:

Style: Was Harry Truman so verbose?

The Autograph looks right, I must say.

And the paper, ink and typewriter must have checked out OK.
If it's a forgery, it is professionally done.

Added later.
Truman did have this circumlocutionary style.

Here's a quotation:
I do not believe there is a problem in this country or the world today which could not be settled if approached through the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

And from a letter of his to the Secretary of the interior:
I need not emphasize to you the importance of petroleum in the life of the Nation and the consequent necessity for assuring the adequate and continuous availability of this vital resource. You are requested to keep me informed concerning significant developments in the petroleum field, and to consider and recommend such steps as may be necessary appropriately to safeguard our petroleum future.

ie "Make it a priority to give me me information and your opinions regarding any significant development in Petroleum worldwide." In about three times the number of words.

I don't believe this is a genuine document written by Truman,
but I can't find any fault with it.
Remember that I am looking at a document that was produced before the age of the internet.
I can quickly check a variety of autographs. I can check to see whether he used phrases like "clear and present danger"- He did.
I can check on the history etc.
It would be far easier for someone now to produce such a forgery.

Whoever produced this had access to secret files from the time, had studied Truman's letters,
had a typewriter and ink and paper from the right period etc

If it is a fake, then that throws up a new puzzle.
Who would be capable of making it?

There is another conspiracy theory,
that the CIA have for years spread UFO disinformation.
That seems to fit this document.
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Actually Captain that's a complete fake, or a faked fake. I'll explain what I mean. I believe someone put this document forward as a proof of the existence of an organisation called Majestic Twelve.
Which is a favourite bone of conspiracy theorists, I believe they manually inserted the name "Majestic Twelve into a existing document which was genuine.

Now what I did was insert the whole middle paragraph and placed the words onto a scan of an old blank piece of paper, using photoshop.

In writing that paragraph I just stylistically followed what was already written, inserting historical facts and pre-empting things that I knew were going to occur in 1948. Wikipedia is a useful resource for that.

The cleverest part of it was degrading the courier text so that it looked like the ink had spread as if on an old hand typed letter.

Like any forgery the details (imperfections) are important, but if you add enough titbits, most conspiracy nuts will believe it because that's what they want to believe. It only took about half an hour.

Or the document might be genuine and I'm just be a government lackey trying to debunk it. ;)
I think wouldn't take long to be uncovered.
Unless you had access to a document that no-one else had access to.
And you wouldn't have a genuine signature.
You would have to pretend it was a photocopy of an original.

A document, like that below, would be immensely hard for someone to produce an "original" version of.

I suppose you could put it on the internet and claim you had the original in a bank vault for safety.
Actually Captain that's a complete fake, or a faked fake. I'll explain what I mean. I believe someone put this document forward as a proof of the existence of an organisation called Majestic Twelve.
Which is a favourite bone of conspiracy theorists, I believe they manually inserted the name "Majestic Twelve into a existing document which was genuine.

Now what I did was insert the whole middle paragraph and placed the words onto a scan of an old blank piece of paper, using photoshop.

In writing that paragraph I just stylistically followed what was already written, inserting historical facts and pre-empting things that I knew were going to occur in 1948. Wikipedia is a useful resource for that.

The cleverest part of it was degrading the courier text so that it looked like the ink had spread as if on an old hand typed letter.

Like any forgery the details (imperfections) are important, but if you add enough titbits, most conspiracy nuts will believe it because that's what they want to believe. It only took about half an hour.

Or the document might be genuine and I'm just be a government lackey trying to debunk it. ;)
But this actually raises an important point. A tremendous amount of real evidence, were there any, could be 'debunked' with what amounts to a small conspiracy theory. In this case the conspiracy theory is aimed at the evidence of a conspiracy. It is not what it seems to be, it is a fabrication by persons unknown.

One of the common arguments against conspiracies is that there would be evidence, people would talk. But any paper evidence can be dismissed as fabricated, witnesses as loonies or provocateurs, etc.
I think wouldn't take long to be uncovered.
Unless you had access to a document that no-one else had access to.
And you wouldn't have a genuine signature.
You would have to pretend it was a photocopy of an original.

A document, like that below, would be immensely hard for someone to produce an "original" version of.

I suppose you could put it on the internet and claim you had the original in a bank vault for safety.

Forging documents is easy, the hardest part is finding the right type of paper that's also the right vintage.
You can age the paper yellow by taping it to a window for two weeks, ultra violet light does the trick.

Also you need to find the right vintage typewriter and its almost impossible to find the right sort of ribbons for them.

Signatures are easy, all you need to do is practice tracing over them with a printed copy on a light box until you're fluent. And then place the typed letter on the light box and trace the signature on to it trying to be as flowing as possible.

It's much easier to make a digital forgery like the Truman Letter because it can only be scrutinised via a computer monitor.
But all the tricks are in it and the information is contemporary with the letter, as is the writing style of Truman who you could say invented to vernacular used during the cold war and US government departments and military today.

Note, in it are:

Roswell implications, Majestic Twelve, Soviet R1 Missile development (Playing on cold war paranoia), The Rand Corporation as a government stooge organisation.And the White house and the CIA coving up UFO shit!

Which is a bit of a give away that its a fake, because the CIA was only founded in September 1947. Before that it was called Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and came under the Oversight of the War Department and the State Department.

Truman established the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) in January 1946, and it only became known as the CIA in late September.

If its for real, it would have to have had to have been one of the first things The CIA dealt with. But its more probable that Truman in that letter would have used the term CIG rather than CIA.

But who the hell would know what CIG meant unless they were a cold war history nut. The purpose of the letter is entertainment not absolute historical accuracy.
Scarymonster probably started a conspiracy theory without realizing it. Someone will copy that picture from the internet and away we go.
Are you sure that this isn't a real document that you've found and don't know what to do with;)
You've done a very good job of it.
I don't think you appreciate how difficult it would be to make a 3D document that would pass muster with an expert,
but as you say a digital one would do the job.

I think that to do the job properly, you would need to make up a whole new letter.
Just changing some words would make it easy to find the original document and the plot would be laid bare.
The way he gets to the point by going all round the houses would take a bit of craft.
And you would have to check that all the word usages were contemporary. I didn't like the phrase "Alien Technology". Was that around at the time?

I couldn't read a great deal of his writing. I find it annoying. Too much faffing around.

Next step. Make a few websites that feature it as an element.
Include a few quotes from dead academics and military people confirming its authenticity,
and maybe a few from people like Dan Rumsfeld denying it.
Produce a youtube video, and you'd be all set.

We could very well see some UFO believer posting it as a genuine document soon.

A similar thing happened to someone who altered a picture of the Apollo landing.
I forget the details now, but he added something into the reflection on the mirror-like headgear.
He did it to show how easy it was to produce false artefacts.
It was reproduced for years as evidence of the moon landing conspiracy,
and his efforts to tell people he had faked it were branded as more lies for the sheeple.
Possibly still is.
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