How hard would it be to start a conspiricy theory?


Happy medium
Valued Senior Member
I'm talking faking a couple of websites, maybe some official looking documents, then spreading it around on a few random forums like this one, and of course some Woooo wooo sites. I think it would be fun to see how far it would go. Maybe even get my own page on! What do you think? (for or against is ok, also let me know if your willing to help :D)
The best would be if it takes off. Then you get show all the gullible people how gullible they really are. can't teach a sneetch.

But WOW you can have fun with them!

PM me with your ideas? as long as my sense of personal ethics don't feel strained, I'm in!
Will no one help us in our hour of need?....the execution is simple...but without a plan!

A true bull$hit artist is needed as a co-conspirator...
If I were to PM you right now saying lets high five if we ever happen to meet at the Denver airport.. would that be a conspriacy. A secret plan for something no one could ever prove without our given testimonies. :D
A better question would be:

"How easy would it be for a conspirator to get away with a conspiracy?"

The answer:

Very easy. Due to brainwashing, many people don't believe that conspiracies could possibly exist. People are very easily manipulated by such psychological engineering, especially the "smart" ones, who are usually more intellectually vested in the reality presented to them.
It's easy to start a conspiracy theory. Just go on television with important looking satellite photos - you can just download these - and speak as close a baritone as you can get about the WOMD 'clearly indicated' by the random, square buildings shown. It might help if you are black, because a lot of black people will be serving when the country goes to war against the country those buildings are (supposedly) in.
It would be hard to start a conspiracy theory that some other nutcase has not already thought of, and placed on the internet.
Would be easy enough.. invent a character with built up unproveable credentials who claims something people would like to believe in, but has been in hiding/hidden (who knows). support it with a few websites. Might be worth it just for the traffic.. lol
What a coincidence, there's an advert on TV right now about the plight of Tree Octupi.
Bob Geldoff is doing it.

Look at this poor tree octopus, stranded in a Eucalyptus tree, Bejaysus.
(sad music)
For only $8 a month we could restore all its arms.
For just $2 a month, we could restore two of its arms and it could get out of the tree occasionally.
Or are you too mean to donate anything at all?
Look at this poor armless Octupus, and get your friggin' wallet out


Get yere friggin' Money out!
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Would be easy enough.. invent a character with built up unproveable credentials who claims something people would like to believe in, but has been in hiding/hidden (who knows). support it with a few websites. Might be worth it just for the traffic.. lol

Might just work! You could call him Rossi. I bet you could even build an entire network of believers around him with enough posts, websites and ambiguous news releases.