How hard is it to start a new religion?

First the Hindu God Vishnu has to return as the Kalki Avatar. Then, and only then can Jesus make a return.
Maybe you can take all the aspects of current religions and unify them in some way, that way you can say THIS is the ONE TRUE religion.


Sometimes I wonder if in the future there will be only one religion.
I am for having a "God Day" where we pick one day in which every single human on the face of the earth all meditates at the same time and asks for a sign from God which will be televised around the world. If this sign is given we will know who God is and we will have one religion.
IAC, so you think God would ablige with this request? It is interesting to think about.

I mean, common, what's wrong with a yearly State of the Union address from the Big Guy himself?
It's just funny how no new religions have been started since the era of technology.
If someone wanted to start a new religion today, and gain a mass of followers, would it be possible? How many followers would that person or group of people gain? Could someone go on Youtube and proclaim a vision they had from God, and then start a new religion based on that vision?

I wonder if new religions would still be created today if technology and communication wasn't as advanced as it is. If I lived in the early 1st century, I would have brilliantly predicted that the religion which would last the longest would be the one which occured closest to the era of technology and communications advamcement. Because as soon as that era occured, no new religion could be made since everything that happens would be recorded and on the news. If Jesus existed today instead of 2000 years ago, then having faith in Jesus would be a matter of browsing through the newspaper or watching CNN (or Fox News - ;)).

Yeah man you're right all those people thousands of years ago who started religions and taught people to do good deeds and seek the truth, what the hell were they thinking?

Oh yeah thousands of new religions were made...but if you're talking about a new major religion lets look at history, this new technological age you're talking about began less than 100 years ago....:
500 BCE - Buddhism is started
30 AD - Christianity is started
600s - Islam is started

Thousands of years pass...nothing really seems like every 500 years or so a new religion is started so just wait for the 2400s...
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Except for the modern flowers-and-teddy bears version of xianity, religions taugh one to fear. Fear god, fear the priests/shamans, etc. And the last thing they ever did was encourage truth-seeking and free inquiry.

You need to study some history.
You fool I'm talking about the people who started the religions themselves....
First the Hindu God Vishnu has to return as the Kalki Avatar. Then, and only then can Jesus make a return.
You do know that the Hindu description of Kalki is almost identical to the 2nd coming of Jesus right? I mean almost everything about it is for the Islamic, Judaic, and Buddhist prophecies they all have many more differences...
If someone wanted to start a new religion today, and gain a mass of followers, would it be possible? How many followers would that person or group of people gain? Could someone go on Youtube and proclaim a vision they had from God, and then start a new religion based on that vision?

not at all difficult

SB 7.15.12: There are five branches of irreligion, appropriately known as irreligion [vidharma], religious principles for which one is unfit [para-dharma], pretentious religion [ābhāsa], analogical religion [upadharma] and cheating religion [chala-dharma]. One who is aware of real religious life must abandon these five as irreligious.

SB 7.15.13: Religious principles that obstruct one from following his own religion are called vidharma. Religious principles introduced by others are called para-dharma. A new type of religion created by one who is falsely proud and who opposes the principles of the Vedas is called upadharma. And interpretation by one's jugglery of words is called chala-dharma.

SB 7.15.14: A pretentious religious system manufactured by one who willfully neglects the prescribed duties of his order of life is called ābhāsa [a dim reflection or false similarity]. But if one performs the prescribed duties for his particular āśrama or varṇa, why are they not sufficient to mitigate all material distresses?
Oh really? Here are but two of dozens of jesus sayings designed to scare the shit out of the sheep:

Matt 10
10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matt 25
25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Thats a very minor part of Jesus's teachings, who taught if you must fear something, fear God, nothing else, do not fear petty things in life, what about the rest of his teachings? Your atheistic mind must have blocked the rest of his teachings out....
First the Hindu God Vishnu has to return as the Kalki Avatar. And how will we know this Vishnu,:bugeye: I honestly do not know much about Hinduism, I have seen things on tv and a few magazines and stuff.
LOL. Okay you smart asses (LG, VO, IAC, etc.).

How much black magic is there being performed today?

How many law-defying miracles are being performed today?

Has anyone risen from the dead lately?

How many demons are being sent out of people today?

The answer to all four questions: ZERO.

Funny how nothing supernatural exists in the age of technology and television. If someone turned water into wine today, it would be all over the news. There would be no vague, undated Bible or some other ancient scripture. There woud be VIDEO. Video for everyone to see.

All you Christians, how did Peter and John, the early Christian fathers. spread Christianity among the masses?
Give it up nds1. You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!

By success I mean to at least over throw what was the current status quo. Yes in my opinion that means convincing "smart" people to play ball too....if even to just be willing to control this new system. There must be advantage for them as well.

OK, so you want a large following, and longevity, .... tricky. I'd still go a variation on xtianity, but don't go too far too fast, herd the flock, so to speak. Setting yourself up as the 2nd coming would be sweet if you could pull it off. People would expect new teaching from the new messiah, and to leave the old school behind. get practising your miracles!
LOL. Okay you smart asses (LG, VO, IAC, etc.).

How much black magic is there being performed today?

How many law-defying miracles are being performed today?

Has anyone risen from the dead lately?

How many demons are being sent out of people today?

The answer to all four questions: ZERO.
not zero
just considerably less than what you may be likely to find in history due to the more recent advent of fully fledged gross materialism - you can still go to many places in south america and the himalayas to get a different grasp on the stats
Funny how nothing supernatural exists in the age of technology and television.
lol - funny what does exist in the age of technology and television if you asked me
If someone turned water into wine today, it would be all over the news. There would be no vague, undated Bible or some other ancient scripture. There woud be VIDEO. Video for everyone to see.
why would an intelligent person want to be famous in this contemporary world?