How Far Can An Iguana Raft With No Water?

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Could it be you aren't interested in a level headed, informed analysis of a scientific model, you just copy and paste work which tells you what you want to hear and you ignore the rest?

And the 2008 award for stating the bleeding obvious goes to.......... Alphanumeric

Actually it's the plate tectonics supporters who ignore the dozens of poorly dispersing disjunct sister taxa on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean. See all my prior posts related to biogeography you are deliberately ignoring, e.g. Chilean flat clams found only in New Zealand and Chile, Tuatara, Abrotanella, marsupials, etc etc.

"Wegener’s theory of continental drift was systematically ignored for fifty years. Whoa! Ignored? What’s wrong here? Science is about controversy, about debate. It is about new ideas. Ignoring an important new contradiction to prevailing ideas is really bad science. In fact, it is anti-science." -- J. Marvin Herndon, physicist, 2005

"It is a standing vice of geophysics not to argue against unpalatable facts and arguments but simply to ignore them and carry on as if they did not exist." -- Peter Fellgett, physicist, 2003

"The Expanding Earth Hypothesis goes back to at least 1933, a time when the Continental Drift Hypothesis was accorded the same sort of ridicule. Now, Continental Drift is enthroned; and ironically many of its strongest proponents are vehemently opposed to the Expanding Earth, ignoring the lessons of history." -- William R. Corliss, physicist, 1985
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Hmm.... OIM is still ignoring me. Obviously he has no retort. Nor any papers he's written which show him to be a contributor to science. Obviously you can't take what you try to dish out there OIM. ;)
See the Formal Debates forum for where I comprehensively debunked OIM's Expanding Earth hypothesis.
See the Formal Debates forum for where I comprehensively debunked OIM's Expanding Earth hypothesis.
It's not my hypothesis. It's well established theory at this point in thousands of publications and peer-reviewed scientific journals. Subduction is a myth because the mantle is cold and it's rigidity increases with depth.
Repetition doesn't help your case, OIM. Please stop making a fool of yourself.
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