How exactly is Christianty a Monotheistic Religion?

Please, I would like an explanation. You see, in the Torah, it states that we are to believe in one God, THE GOD. Now here comes along Jesus, some human being. Not only is the worship of Jesus polytheism but it is also idoltry. How can you consider yourselfs polytheists?

God is one. Yaveh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one. While Jesus appeared in the flesh He was not just a human being He was the Word made flesh.

John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
WillNever: You seem to subscribe to the "fact" that Jews are just imperfect Christians, and I don't feel inferior whatsoever. You see, we feel, at least I do, that they stole our book and teachings, adding random jibberjabber along the way.
WillNever: You seem to subscribe to the "fact" that Jews are just imperfect Christians, and I don't feel inferior whatsoever. You see, we feel, at least I do, that they stole our book and teachings, adding random jibberjabber along the way.

Do you blame Jesus for this? He started this jibberjabber, and the likes of Paul, Peter, Matthew, Luke, and John repeated it.
Look, Jesus was a good guy, good ideas, but I don't like how he compared himself to God.
WillNever: You seem to subscribe to the "fact" that Jews are just imperfect Christians, and I don't feel inferior whatsoever. You see, we feel, at least I do, that they stole our book and teachings, adding random jibberjabber along the way.

That seems unlikely, krazedkat. The first Christians were jews, according to the biblical scholars, so that means the book belongs to them. You can't steal your own book. :cool:

In truth, both the old book *AND* the new book belong to Christians. Nothing seems to belong to jews anymore, however. That is such a shame.
Not all Christians were Jews, Christians soon recruited many gentials. MANY of the original Christians were gentials. Oh really, The Kabalah and Torah just, don't exist?
I am noticing that the people in this thread who are of jewish faith/descent appear to be most militantly attacking Christianity as some kind of rogue sect. Are they perhaps lettering their innate biases and inferiority complexes influence their opinions about Christianity and its status as a further developed religion?

Is there a possible relationship between their attitude toward Christianity and their own ethnic background? Why do jews, above all other religious groups, resent the holiday of Christmas?
Further developed? In what way? Not to mention that fact that "further developed" is COMPLETELY biased. We resent the Christmas holiday because it's the worshiping a HUMAN, a mortal deity, something we were taught AGAINST.
Probably because of the hypocracy. They worship a Jew and then turn around and oppress them.
Christianity must be considered polytheistic. The father, son, and spirit, are separate identifiable entities with individual properties. These are 3 "things". To then claim they are only 1 "thing" is simple nonsense.
I also don't like them because of their anti-gay agenda and anti-muslim thinking. (note this is not all Christians, some of my best friends are Christian). Not to mention the oppression, ever heard of the Crusades?
Christianity must be considered polytheistic. The father, son, and spirit, are separate identifiable entities with individual properties. These are 3 "things". To then claim they are only 1 "thing" is simple nonsense.

agreed, that was my argument, WillNever still claims they're one. :shrug:
Christianity must be considered polytheistic. The father, son, and spirit, are separate identifiable entities with individual properties. These are 3 "things". To then claim they are only 1 "thing" is simple nonsense.

I tend to agree. It was deemed blasphemous to say that the Son is the Father or the Father is the Son, they were surely identifiably separate. To be one and equal in all respects, you must be the same thing thus terms should be exchangeable. So identifiable separation can not possibly exist- which in Christianity exists. They are self-acclaimed monotheists if anything. They may truly believe in One God, but what they actually believe in can't possibly be one in the strict sense.

Peace be unto you ;)
I tend to agree. It was deemed blasphemous to say that the Son is the Father or the Father is the Son, they were surely identifiably separate. To be one and equal in all respects, you must be the same thing. So identifiable separation can not possibly exist- which in Christianity exists. They are self-acclaimed monotheists if anything.

Peace be unto you ;)

And with you
shalom aleichem
Christianity must be considered polytheistic. The father, son, and spirit, are separate identifiable entities with individual properties. These are 3 "things". To then claim they are only 1 "thing" is simple nonsense.

All things religious are simple nonsense, cris. However, christianity is monotheistic. Believing in three "things" is not equivalent to believing in three gods -- not within the context of that dogma, anyway.

spidergoat said:
Probably because of the hypocracy. They worship a Jew and then turn around and oppress them.
That would explain past animosity. However, jews today are not oppressed. You or krazedkat have not been oppressed by Christians, have you? Unless you think that you can mythically "inherit" the injuries that happened to your descendants.

krazedkat said:
Further developed? In what way? Not to mention that fact that "further developed" is COMPLETELY biased. We resent the Christmas holiday because it's the worshiping a HUMAN, a mortal deity, something we were taught AGAINST.
Biased how..? I practice no religion, krazedkat. My mother was a Methodist of Scottish descent and my father a Lutheran born right in Germany. After having my brothers and me, my mother converted to Catholicism and raised us as such. However, all of us including her are now non-practicing, secular people. Therefore, I have no religious stake in this issue. You, on the other hand, have a very big stake. You let your jewishness seep into your identity. That is why it offends you when I say christianity is simply a further developed religion -- which it is -- or when you are reminded of the superiority of Christmas to Chanukah. :cool:
So religious non-christians and christians it seems are going to apply everday logic to christian mythology as if deities were things like chairs or billiard balls. I can see an atheist assuming that the same logic applies, but other religious people? Very strange. Every religion has odd and contradictory characteristics, if one tries to analyze them from an everyday, secular logic.