How exactly is Christianty a Monotheistic Religion?


IQ of "Highly Gifted"-"Genius"
Registered Senior Member
Please, I would like an explanation. You see, in the Torah, it states that we are to believe in one God, THE GOD. Now here comes along Jesus, some human being. Not only is the worship of Jesus polytheism but it is also idoltry. How can you consider yourselfs polytheists?
It is monotheistic. Christians believe in the Trinity, which is that God has three states: the father, the son, and the holy spirit. They are all one God, not multiple gods.
Catholics have a whole pantheon of saints who are said to act for certain specific situations and subjects. Monotheism can't survive very long, especially in multicultural societies. Once you believe in one God, that opens the door to believing in all sorts of supernatural entities.
Please, I would like an explanation. You see, in the Torah, it states that we are to believe in one God, THE GOD. Now here comes along Jesus, some human being. Not only is the worship of Jesus polytheism but it is also idoltry.

So much for highly gifted, genius iq.
@Photizo: What exactly do you mean by that?
@WillNever: They also state Jesus as the SON of God. Contradictions... Ta ta.
@Photizo: What exactly do you mean by that?
@WillNever: They also state Jesus as the SON of God. Contradictions... Ta ta.

You need to go to some website to read about the the Christian idea of God existing in different states. You either don't understand it or are taking figurative ideas in a literal sense or both.
The trinity must have been thought of post bible, right? Is it in the bible?
So much for highly gifted, genius iq.

I think he is a jewish teenaged punk with a bone to pick with christians. It's a pretty common phenomenon as jewish kids come to the realization that christians, as Ann Coulter once put it, seem like "perfected jews."

Jews believe in just the old testament. Christians believe in both the old and the new testaments. It makes jews feel like they are worshipping just half of a religion. A lot of jews carry a deep-seated inferiority complex related to this phenomenon. As for me, I don't subscribe to any formal religion so I can safely say all this with a very even-handed approach.
LOL, if the religion is perfect, it needs no updating. Jews view Jesus as a radical priest. If anything, they feel superior because they are God's chosen people and they were among the first monotheists. The fact is Christianity incorporated many Pagan concepts, either deliberately or as a natural result of it's integration with formerly pagan societies.
LOL, if the religion is perfect, it needs no updating. Jews view Jesus as a radical priest. If anything, they feel superior because they are God's chosen people and they were among the first monotheists. The fact is Christianity incorporated many Pagan concepts, either deliberately or as a natural result of it's integration with formerly pagan societies.

Spidergoat, I know you are jewish and/or descended from jewish people. That is why you are exhibiting cognitive dissonance in the matter.

However, most jews feel VERY inferior to Christians. If you want to really insult a practicing jewish person, then simply refer to Jesus as "King of the jews" in front of them. When that term was coined, it was not meant as a slight... but it enrages jews all the same. :cool:
Spidergoat, I know you are jewish and/or descended from jewish people. That is why you are exhibiting cognitive dissonance in the matter.

However, most jews feel VERY inferior to Christians. If you want to really insult a practicing jewish person, then simply refer to Jesus as "King of the jews" in front of them. When that term was coined, it was not meant as a slight... but it enrages jews all the same. :cool:

It's not inferiority, it's resentment that they don't at least have the dignity to call themselves Jewish, which they are- a radical Jewish sect.
You're stating a fact. I'd like to see you support that with something concrete beyond your usual rhetoric.

One example is the very common jewish accusation that christianity is polytheistic. We are seeing that right now in this thread -- and you can read about that claim all over the internet. The argument itself makes the assumption that Jesus himself was a God separate from that of God the father.

As well, read some articles about the attempted stifling of Christmas songs in public schools, by militant jews.
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It is monotheistic. Christians believe in the Trinity, which is that God has three states: the father, the son, and the holy spirit. They are all one God, not multiple gods.

which is henotheism. henotheism is multiple deities which are facets of one.
Nay, there are not multiple deities. At least not in the sense that christians interpret the concept of a deity, which is all that matters in this case.

dieties is the wrong word. henotheistic faiths have one god that presents in multiple forms