How exactly does "theism" exist?

Without asking me what I do, what I have thought about or not, you assume and take for granted that I have not contemplated other people's ideas of self-confidence. And then, you severely criticize me for it and ascribe to me many negative personal traits.
On top of that, you nevertheless expect me to openly discuss myself with you, here in open forums. And when I refuse, you see this as further proof of my laziness and denial.

You are the one who offered:
wynn said:
...after having perused many resources on self-help and how to build self-confidence etc. that I have become disillusioned with them, finding them shallow and lacking

I am discussing only what you proffered and have no expectations. Perhaps you do not realize how telling your own words can be. Perusal does not suggest any attempt at putting anything into practice, and you have yet to make any stab at correcting that inference.

All of this forms a rather consistent picture.
I have a consistent picture of you, too.

Good, then you should know that I can only take what you say at face value. Still no correction on the inference that you haven't exerted the effort and taken personal responsibility for trying to build self-confidence? You know, I would have taken any such correction at face value, but forever evading it is telling.
Good, then you should know that I can only take what you say at face value. Still no correction on the inference that you haven't exerted the effort and taken personal responsibility for trying to build self-confidence? You know, I would have taken any such correction at face value, but forever evading it is telling.

Again: If you think that I (or anyone else) should be willing to discuss themselves, in an open forum, with someone as hostile as you ...


But I guess that is your kind of self-confidence:

A total conviction that one is right, and that everyone who doesn't agree with one, is wrong.
A total conviction of one's own goodness and compassion.
Disregard for the people one is talking to and instructing.
Offering unasked for criticism and advice.
Demanding others to comply with one's criticism of them.
Severely criticizing others and attacking them personally for failing to comply with said criticism and advice.
Again: If you think that I (or anyone else) should be willing to discuss themselves, in an open forum, with someone as hostile as you ...

Again, I've only commented on what you proffered:
wynn said:
...after having perused many resources on self-help and how to build self-confidence etc. that I have become disillusioned with them, finding them shallow and lacking

If you don't want to discuss yourself, perhaps you should consider refraining from posting your opinion publicly.

wynn said:
But I guess that is your kind of self-confidence

You don't seem to have much of an idea of what self-confidence is.
If you don't want to discuss yourself, perhaps you should consider refraining from posting your opinion publicly.

It is possible to discuss an idea without discussing the person who happened to put it forward for discussion.
Millennia of philosophy are proof that it can be done.
It is possible to discuss an idea without discussing the person who happened to put it forward for discussion.
Millennia of philosophy are proof that it can be done.

Sure, but then you cannot dismiss valid answers based solely on your own parochial experience. Nor can you use an argument from fallacy to justify such a dismissal.

You made this discussion personal by parading your personal incredulity as if a sufficient rebuttal. If you do not like where this thread has gone, quit doing that.
I didn't simply dismiss answers, I was not convinced by them. Just like so many philosophers are not convinced by some answers. And just like them, I required further analysis - which all of you refused.

I didn't simply dismiss answers, I was not convinced by them. Just like so many philosophers are not convinced by some answers. And just like them, I required further analysis - which all of you refused.

What further analysis? There are some things in life that you can only learn by doing, and I am afraid this is one of them. This is analogous to saying you are not convinced you could swim when you will not enter the water further than waist high.
Read the Pali Canon or the Hindu scriptures, for example - there is plenty of further analysis on the topic.

For example, before we can talk about self-confidence and act on it, we need to know what the self is to begin with.

The problem of selfhood is well-noted in philosophy.
Read the Pali Canon or the Hindu scriptures, for example - there is plenty of further analysis on the topic.

For example, before we can talk about self-confidence and act on it, we need to know what the self is to begin with.

The problem of selfhood is well-noted in philosophy.

Esoteric excuses, but still only excuses. The self is simply what you consider yourself to be, nothing more. Self and self-confidence are only matters of consideration. Consideration is only a matter of discipline and self-control.
Read the Pali Canon or the Hindu scriptures, for example - there is plenty of further analysis on the topic.

For example, before we can talk about self-confidence and act on it, we need to know what the self is to begin with.

The problem of selfhood is well-noted in philosophy.

So you're saying that I cannot have self-confidence unless I have to have some Eastern understanding of "self"?