How does your faith help you cope.

but everything would revolve around me

In truth it does

The catch?

It does the same for everybody

When you die the Universe vanishes


It still exist for everyone else but you won't know anything about that


So at the moment the Universe revolves around you while you are alive

Make the most of this one chance

I have no doubt faith helps folk in how they manage life.
Building values morals guiding I can imagine how a faith could help greatly.
Perhaps my question may be too personal but if you are prepared to share the practical benefit of your faith please share the way faith helps.
I will step aside and not rattle on as I can do all too often in an over the top presentation.

How does faith help in your life?

My body is in control of my desires. I live in an environment of self preservation so do you, but we have law in the society which restrain our wants , the laws don't tell us to respect each other. The higher law ( Gods ) law dictate us to respect each other

He God favors me in controlling myself one step higher, and so I less likely will get myself into difficulty with the hyman law.
Wait, you're saying you don't have enough self-control[1] to obey human law but, somehow, you DO manage to have enough to adhere to (fictional) laws from a (fictional) higher power?

1 Or simple decency/ conscience/ morality.
How does faith help in your life?


I have faith in myself.

There is little I have to cope with that is difficult.

But I always think no matter what I have to cope with that someone else will have to cope with more.

My legs don't function well and "burn" without let up but at least I don't need a wheel chair. I have one but I only use it if I have to walk a lot, I need to sit down sometimes.
But I use a walker mostly as it gives me a seat when I need it.
Its the way it is I don't have to cope its the way life goes for me now.
I had to give away my boat but at least I had one.
I don't look back.
My life has been so good I need not complain now.
Nothing bothers me and I don't wish to be anybody else or envy others.
I am a very lucky man really.
I am kind and people are nice to me, I have nothing to cope with.