How does your faith help you cope.


Valued Senior Member
I have no doubt faith helps folk in how they manage life.
Building values morals guiding I can imagine how a faith could help greatly.
Perhaps my question may be too personal but if you are prepared to share the practical benefit of your faith please share the way faith helps.
I will step aside and not rattle on as I can do all too often in an over the top presentation.
No replies suggests faith is of no help in managing one life such that it is worth reporting.
Just as I thought.
No replies probably suggests that the examples are personal and no one wants to share those in a public forum particularly in a thread where their faith is being questioned.

I think it's easy to imagine how faith helps for those who are believers. Your spouse dies at an early age. Your faith may have you believe that they are in a better place, that you will join them one day, that there is a greater plan, etc.

If it helps (even artificially) someone get through a rough time I think this is the least objectionable aspect of religion as it truly isn't negatively affecting anyone else.
No replies probably suggests that the examples are personal and no one wants to share those in a public forum particularly in a thread where their faith is being questioned.
You are no doubt correct.
Religion is personal and certainly how it works for you is very personal.
I think it's easy to imagine how faith helps for those who are believers. Your spouse dies at an early age. Your faith may have you believe that they are in a better place, that you will join them one day, that there is a greater plan, etc.
Yes some things would be a strain and having a belief that helps avoid the horrible realities that must be faced would help some folk.
If it helps (even artificially) someone get through a rough time I think this is the least objectionable aspect of religion as it truly isn't negatively affecting anyone else.
Yes life can be a struggle.

I thought this thread would generate replies along the lines of examples of someone other than the poster.
You know...I had a friend who got off drugs because an angel saved him...that sort of thing.
Moreover I thought I could start s thread so folk could be positive and given my recent rants it was my way of giving back.
I have been drawing attention to negatives, its made up for example, so I thought it would be good to encourage some positive input.
Thank you for your positive input.
oftimes, I find that I do not understand what people mean when they use the word "faith".
I have no doubt faith helps folk in how they manage life.
Building values morals guiding I can imagine how a faith could help greatly.
Perhaps my question may be too personal but if you are prepared to share the practical benefit of your faith please share the way faith helps.
I will step aside and not rattle on as I can do all too often in an over the top presentation.
I don't know if you are including into the word of God and and his commandments. Or do I believe that my son will make in his medical study ?
He's talking about God.

Since I am one of the beings of weak mind, and ignorant in spirituality It is good for me to put my faith in God, I believe live come from Him , and if I am obey his commandment I will not be alienated from Him , Therefore He will favor me in coping this life
If would know like the many strong minded and know how life initiated then I would not need to have faith , but everything would revolve around me , an I would be the master of my life.
Since I am one of the beings of weak mind, and ignorant in spirituality It is good for me to put my faith in God, I believe live come from Him , and if I am obey his commandment I will not be alienated from Him , Therefore He will favor me in coping this life
If would know like the many strong minded and know how life initiated then I would not need to have faith , but everything would revolve around me , an I would be the master of my life.
Why would everything revolve around you just because you found out where life came from?

Do you feel that "he" is "favoring" you in this life?

Is it beneficial for you to not be in control of your own life?
Why would everything revolve around you just because you found out where life came from?

Do you feel that "he" is "favoring" you in this life?

Is it beneficial for you to not be in control of your own life?
My body is in control of my desires. I live in an environment of self preservation so do you, but we have law in the society which restrain our wants , the laws don't tell us to respect each other. The higher law ( Gods ) law dictate us to respect each other

He God favors me in controlling myself one step higher, and so I less likely will get myself into difficulty with the hyman law.
My body is in control of my desires. I live in an environment of self preservation so do you, but we have law in the society which restrain our wants , the laws don't tell us to respect each other. The higher law ( Gods ) law dictate us to respect each other

He God favors me in controlling myself one step higher, and so I less likely will get myself into difficulty with the hyman law.
Yet, most people respect each other whether they believe in God or not. The only differenc is that I do have self control as do you but you think it is God's doing. It's not. It's you.

I have no idea what "hyman law" is.
I imagine faith could be a comfort, but so can opium.

While driving I will get into a car accident do to ben imbricated with pot, the I get myself into trouble with hyman law
Yet, most people respect each other whether they believe in God or not. The only differenc is that I do have self control as do you but you think it is God's doing. It's not. It's you.

I have no idea what "hyman law" is.

It is God's word that helps me to have self control.
Human law every society create its own law.
I don't know if you are including into the word of God and and his commandments. Or do I believe that my son will make in his medical study ?
Hi Timojin thank you for participating in this thread.
Faith in God is what I had in mind but certainly faith in people, government and even yourself could all be addressed if you wish.
While driving I will get into a car accident do to ben imbricated with pot, the I get myself into trouble with hyman law
At first I was going to agree, but then I remembered all the news stories I've read about someone crashing their car because they saw Jesus in a Kit Kat, or God told them He would take the wheel.
Let us assume that "GOD" is infinitely indefinable.
Let us further assume that the universe is neither infinite nor indefinable.
What then?
Can someone have faith in the infinitely indefinable?
If, we further assume that all creation, the universe included, is the work of "GOD", then can one have faith in the universe?
Let us assume that the universe and all therein are constrained by being finite, both in force and materials.
Then we do have the ability to perceive the potential patterning of the interactions of those forces and materials.

If so, than would an understanding of those patterns be classified as "faith"?
I'm hesitant to describe what I have as 'faith'. I base my religion on tradition and my experiences with the divine. I don't trust blindly.
Nevertheless, my religion or whatever-you-call-it helps me, not so much cope, but with a general sense of grounding and connectivity. It is my lens for connecting with the land, with my ancestors, and with the gods. On occasion, it helps me in more tangible ways; my religion is transactional, like those of the ancient Romans. Reciprocity and hospitality are key.