How do you talk to someone who believes...

greywolf said:
i dont know why its so hard for people to think this way? With this belief both sides would be right wouldnt they?
Beats me, but then I think both sides are wrong anyhow; Can we really contain All Truth in the meat between our ears? :D
that's why humans are differant from every other piece of God's creation. God made us and breathed life into us, whereas everything else come into existance through the words let there be...I find that much better than being related to an ape!
That story was made by a man thousands or years ago who probably thought the biggest diference between us and everything else in existence was the fact that we spoke and walked on two legs intead of four. Probably from his point of view it was pretty dumb for someone to think that god said let there be trees let there be rocks let there be man but now when u think of it it sounds a little dumb to think otherwise. Basically what im trying to say is what makes us so special?
I think both sides are wrong anyhow; Can we really contain All Truth in the meat between our ears?
If u think both sides are wrong then what do u think is right?
I think he's saying that the truth is far more than we can ever understand, so we'll never be right. I feel the same, but I think that it's like a limit in calculus. We may never reach the limit of absolute truth, but we can always get closer to it than we are. And that is the impetus behind science. If only it were the impetus behind religion as well. Their view seems to be that it was figured out long ago, and all we should do is believe and wait til the end.
to quote mustafhakofi. Ignorant people, dont alter their view's to fit the fact's.
Instead, they alter the fact's to fit there view's.
and you southstar certainly fit that quote .
prove beyond a doubt, the existence of a god, then explain who created him, and do this, without quoting the book written by man (the bible).
so do you also think the world is flat, and the sun and the planets go round the earth.
Chimps are disgusting. Have you ever seen them at the zoos? They stick their fingers up their asses and then suck on 'em. I don't need to remind you of that video where that chimp sticks his finger in his butt, sniffs it, and falls over lol. They throw their feces when angry. They EAT their own feces. They're canibals, they steal eachother's babies and eat them in the wild. I would NOT want to be around a chimp for an extended period of time, much less have one as a pet, it would probably try and wipe it's butt on me lol.

You may want to be related to them, but I don't!
Did you know that a common psychosis involves obsession with your own shit? Schizophrenic bums wipe it on the walls of their alleys. Little old men in nursing homes throw it at the nurses. Shit is something personal. It comes from you in a way that nothing else does. Beware, Enigma, lest you fall prey to Alzheimers and end up in a shit flinging contest with the crotchedy old fart next to you. :)
greywolf said:
If u think both sides are wrong then what do u think is right?
I was being facetious, sort of. I maintain opinions and beliefs about what is true and right, and what is false and wrong - but I also know my knowledge isn't perfect by a long shot. It's my arrogance that makes me assume that everyone else's knowledge isn't perfect either.

Posting on this site has helped sharpen and define some of my beliefs and clarified my understandings. I have warm feelings for many of the long time posters that I don't agree with, and even a few of the newbies. Since I come from a scientific / observational background decades long, but I also became a Christian a few years back, I've felt a great deal of the tension that exists between the the 'facts' and the 'Truths' I've learned.

I've tried to walk the razors edge between skepticism and faith, and I think they can co-exist. There is space inside me for these seemingly incompatible mindsets. It's like knowing when to put on the right set of clothes. You dress up for formal logic, wear a uniform for mental discipline, and grab a pair of jeans for jamming-out.

That's why I cringe inside when I see people trying to make religous doctrine logical and scientific - it's a demonstration of faithlessness. And I'm sad, in a way, when I see rationalists make statements of skepticism as if they are proven fact: It's an assault on intellectual honesty.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton:
"To the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sun is really a sun; to the humble man, and to the humble man alone, the sea is really a sea" - Heretics, CW I, p128.

Too many people are willing to 'kill' for their beliefs, and not enough people are willing to 'die' for them.
So what do I think is right? Whatever builds relationships. Whatever can bring peace, love, joy and purpose.
I would commit suicide before I bowed to a fatal disease.

That's the terrible thing about Alzheimer's and other mental diseases. You don't know that you're sick. It fools you. Your mind rationalizes it all out so it makes perfect sense.
Eveyone knows of course that apes are on quite a different path to humans and that we never descended from or are related to apes, right?

Just being precise - well fussy really.

Katazia said:
Eveyone knows of course that apes are on quite a different path to humans and that we never descended from or are related to apes, right?

Just being precise - well fussy really.

We are related, but not descendant from apes. We simply have a common ancestry.
Wait, I thought we are apes. We aren't chimpanzees or gorillas (or descended from them) but we are apes. That's what I've always thought anyway.
That's the terrible thing about Alzheimer's and other mental diseases. You don't know that you're sick. It fools you. Your mind rationalizes it all out so it makes perfect sense.

I think that sometime speople really do know it with some stuff, they just don't want to admit it