How do you pray?

See post above...

Jenyar said that it's a "question of showing genuine respect.."

Why exactly would anyone, (god included), be under the impression that having hair or covering your head meant "genuine respect", and not having hair or covering your head didn't?
I pray to my god Dionysus with a bottle of wine or, when I’m really feeling divine, with some Southern Comfort.

To my god Apollo I pray by reading a book.
SnakeLord said:
Jenyar said that it's a "question of showing genuine respect.."

Why exactly would anyone, (god included), be under the impression that having hair or covering your head meant "genuine respect", and not having hair or covering your head didn't?
It's a little more complicated than that, since the answer probably goes all the way back to when wearing any clothes at all became an issue of modesty and cultural/interpersonal awareness. The cultural connotations/social conventions of hair or clothes are usually quite relevant and meaningful, whether we understand them (or know their origins) or not.
It says in Mathew 5 or 6 (can't exactly remember) that you should go into your room, shut your door, and pray in private. I take this to mean in other words that your prayers to GOD are private between you and him.
Anyhow, here is what I do. I use to have such a hard time staying focused on prayer. If I were in bed, my mind would wonder off in a different direction and I would be thinking of something other than my conversation with GOD like events that may have happened or what I might need to pick up at the grocery store and so forth. Then I found myself apologizing to GOD for daydreaming or whatever. and then sometimes I would just forget to pray all together. Now I have a sure fire plan of making sure I spend time with GOD in prayer everyday. I never turn on the radio in my car. I now spend every minute of my driving time talking to GOD. I first start off by praising him. Then I thank him for all my blessings and then I asked for forgiveness for all of my sins. Finally I go into the personal details of my needs and concerns. I try to make a point of praying for the well being of and the strength to forgive my enemies. That is the hardest part for me. I find that by praying this way, my prayers are more sincere, and indepth. Not to mention, that I feel like my ride is a lot safer too. :)

Originally Posted by Hapsburg
Dude, you should've gone up to them while they were praying, grabbed sd much of thier food as possible, and ran off while yelling something obscene. That would have been hilarious.
Dude, what kind of twisted thing is that?
pasquala said:
Dude, what kind of twisted thing is that?
You have either no sense of humor and no sense of fun, or you're a moralist. So, you probably just don't get it.