How Do You Picture God?

Did anyone here understand why I pictured George Burns?.

Yea Lemming! were the hell is zeus when you need him?.

Lemming3k said:
Blessed are the greek....
Oh, it's the meek! Blessed are the meek! Oh, that's nice, isn't it? I'm glad they're getting something, 'cause they have a hell of a time.

Godless said:
Did anyone here understand why I pictured George Burns?.
Though I think many are too young, or have better taste in movies.
Brutus1964 said:

I believe if you were to see him he would be completely different than you would expect. [/quote]
I believe it when I see it :p
I believe that he is the same form that we are, only perfect. [/quote]
ok so hes a man?
He has a physical body but he is made of pure matter [/quote]
we are made of pure matter also aint we.or is it artificial matter? :D
that is beyond our understanding. [/quote]
if its beyond your understanding how can you be describing him here?
He is made of pure light but does not give off heat or burn your eyes to look upon him.
All light originates from him and is the source of all the energy in the Universe.
If you could observe what he does you would see that he does not act in supernatural ways at all.
The things he does only seem magical because he is infinitely more advanced than we are.
This is the God that I worship. Not a formless incomprehensible all encompassing blob of power.
Just like the sun he is only in one place at one time but his influence is felt everywhere.
He can move anywhere instantly. [/quote]
quite a fantasy thats for sure,no wonder being described with such contradictory definitions cannot logicaly exist,
and if it did why would you need to worship him, again?
He is not subject to the speed of light because all time is before him.[/quote]
you do realize this is totaly meanigless dont you?
If you looked at the angels around Him you would see that they too have physical bodies that are made of pure light.[/quote]
I dont think you could describe light as being physical,especialy on sciforums!
They are made of the same pure matter that our own spirits are made of.[/QUOTE][URL=]oh yes the spirits[/URL]
Though I think many are too young, or have better taste in movies.

What a drag it is getting olddd..
Brutus1964 said:

How do I picture God? I think why some people have a hard time believing in God is because of the way he is portrayed by so many different religions. He is viewed as everything from an old man with a white beard, to no form at all. I believe if you were to see him he would be completely different than you would expect. I believe that he is the same form that we are, only perfect. He has a physical body but he is made of pure matter that is beyond our understanding. If you could shake his hand you would feel that he is a physical being. He is ageless but not old looking; He would look like a man in the prime of his life and have a countenance brighter than any sun. He is made of pure light but does not give off heat or burn your eyes to look upon him. All light originates from him and is the source of all the energy in the Universe. If you could observe what he does you would see that he does not act in supernatural ways at all. The things he does only seem magical because he is infinitely more advanced than we are. This is the God that I worship. Not a formless incomprehensible all encompassing blob of power. Just like the sun he is only in one place at one time but his influence is felt everywhere. He can move anywhere instantly. He is not subject to the speed of light because all time is before him. He commands all elements because they obey him. He speaks to us through our consciousness'. He obeys his own laws. If he broke them he would cease to be God. He will not do that because he has a perfect knowledge not to. He has free will but chooses to stay perfect and sinless. If you looked at the angels around Him you would see that they too have physical bodies that are made of pure light. They are made of the same pure matter that our own spirits are made of.

So where did you get this from, the bible? Perhaps you could quote some verses in support this view? If its a personal view then why should we place any weight upon your opinion?There are 1000s and 1000s of different views on god, i see no reason why you should be correct. (Or why even for that matter the Christian god is the correct one, why not Thor or Allah?)

What I was trying to say is that God, Angels and our own spirits are made of matter, only a purer form. God has a body of flesh and bone that is made of the purest form of matter. This matter does not decay, and is indestructible. Spirits are also made of matter but not of flesh and bone like God. Once we die and are resurrected we will also have a physical body made of this same type of matter.
Brutus1964 said:

What I was trying to say is that God, Angels and our own spirits are made of matter, only a purer form. God has a body of flesh and bone that is made of the purest form of matter. This matter does not decay, and is indestructible. Spirits are also made of matter but not of flesh and bone like God. Once we die and are resurrected we will also have a physical body made of this same type of matter.

As above where is your biblical support for this view?
Prester John

If I told you, it would reveal my particular Christian denomination, and I would rather not do that. You can try and guess for yourself though. Lets just say it came from modern day revelation.
Godless said:
Though I think many are too young, or have better taste in movies.

What a drag it is getting olddd..

I'm old enough to remember ;) Now he was a god I could have hung out with.
Phewwww!! At least I'm not the only one to recall those old movies.

Brutus if you believe your own assertions!!. I have a gold watch I like to sell ya!.

Um, isn't this exercise the same as forming an image of God, a graven image, an idol?
Isn't that why the Jews didn't even write or speak His name? ...because he is supposed to be incomprehensible?

Exodus 20:4
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

Leviticus 26:1
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up [any] image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I [am] the LORD your God.

Deuteronomy 4:16
Lest ye corrupt [yourselves], and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,

Deuteronomy 5:8
Thou shalt not make thee [any] graven image, [or] any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the waters beneath the earth:


In the old days people would make graven Images of their Gods and then worship the images themselves. These were usually images of animals, things of nature, or even people. That is what god was prescribing. He commanded us not to worship or put anything above God himself. This also includes things of our day such as money, sex, science, material possessions, hero's, or famous people. Religions have symbols, icons, and sacred relics. These are fine as long as we are not worshipping these things instead of God. That is the meaning of the scriptures you are citing. Many religions in the past and present have interpreted those scriptures to mean that no images can be produced of anything for any reason such as photography and art. This is not a correct interpretation.
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How many gods have there been? How many more are yet to come? How many incarnations has Yahweh alone had?

Man is different from other animals; he can invent endlessly as suits his wonts.
Who says people worshipped the images themselves? Perhaps they were symbols too, but the pagans didn't get a chance to speak for themselves. When people wear a cross, and kiss it for good luck, isn't that the same thing as a pagan amulet? I think it is, at least, the spirit is the same. Modern Christians are pagans, just look at the way they celebrate Christmas, with a tree, around the winter solstice.

Besides, we aren't talking about a symbol, but our image of God, which is a mental likeness.

Leviticus 26:1
Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up [any] image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I [am] the LORD your God.

-This verse doesn't seem to make any exception for symbols. You shall not set up a standing image (like Jesus on the cross), and bow down before it. Isn't that exactly what people do? Wouldn't they want to avoid even the appearance of idol worship?

Why is burning a cross so taboo? If it's just a symbol, it shouldn't matter.

Symbols are very powerful on the human psyche. Sometimes people will put symbols above the actual thing that the they were only meant to represent. God's commandment is meant to help us avoid that. In my church we do not really use the cross as a symbol because we worship a living God, not a dead one.

Many symbols that once were considered good are tarnished because of there misuse. The Swastika has been around for thousands of years as a symbol for yin and yang, but the Nazis took it over and forever tarnished that as a symbol. A burning cross symbolizes racism so it too has negative connotations. Satan too will take symbols of God and corrupt them as a way to discredit the symbol in the eyes of men.
how childish do you picture god? :D

they who fail or have hard times to grasp that the one that is denoted by the name "allah" in the qoran is not a god, must read this thread as a lesson.
others must go to immediately and learn what is referred to as "allah".