How Do You Get Aids?


Registered Member
how do you get aids? in india people beluieve that if kiss a person with aids u will get aids right away. If you dirnk in a cup or glass of aids person u get aids.

There was story about this guy who had couple of drops of lactating woman's milk and had aids because of that.

Is that all true?

AIDS is generally transmitted via contact with infected blood, usually through receiving a tainted transfusion or sharing a hypodermic needle, is most commonly transmitted via sexual contact (specifically anally), and is less likely transmitted by breastmilk and possibly urine and saliva, although these last three things generally require large quantities for the virus to infect you, and thus the "few drops" story is nonsense and he was most likely a drug addict or having illicit sexual relations. Moreover, children have a 25 percent chance of getting AIDS if their mother has it whilst they are in the womb, with the possibility of AIDS being reduced to 8 percent with the medication ZDV taken under a strict regimen for a period of time.
I think you can get AIDS if a gay guy looks at you for too long, too!! And heaven forbid that he should smile or grin .......that's almost instant death in agony and horrid pain. I'm not sure about walking into the same room with a gay guy ...that could do it, too, so be veeeeerrrry careful. ;)

Baron Max
mumbaikaraja said:
how do you get aids?
Prince_James said:
AIDS is generally transmitted via contact with infected blood…

Arrrggghh! :eek:

I wish people would stop talking about "getting AIDS" and "transmitting AIDS". :rolleyes:

What is transmitted is a virus known as <B>HIV</B>. What people "catch" is HIV. A percentage of people who are HIV-positive will develop a spectrum of pathological symptoms as a result of the infection, known as AIDS. AIDS is a syndrome, a collection of different pathological disorders and infections. You don’t "give someone AIDS". No one "catches AIDS".

The two are popularly conceived as the same thing. There is no need to get into the technical aspects of the science to convey what it is all about.
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Well, it does help to know what HIV and what AIDS are:

(ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME) The most severe manifestation of infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists numerous opportunistic infections and cancers that, in the presence of HIV infection, constitute an AIDS diagnosis. In 1993, CDC expanded the criteria for an AIDS diagnosis in adults and adolescents to include CD4+ T-cell count at or below 200 cells per microliter in the presence of HIV infection. In persons (age 5 and older) with normally functioning immune systems, CD4+ T-cell counts usually range from 500 - 1,500 cells per microliter. Persons living with AIDS often have infections of the lungs, brain, eyes, and other organs, and frequently suffer debilitating weight loss, diarrhea, and a type of cancer called Kaposi's Sarcoma.

During the initial infection with HIV, when the virus comes in contact with the mucosal surface and finds susceptible T cells, the first site at which there is truly massive production of the virus is lymphoid tissue. This leads to a burst of massive viremia, with wide dissemination of the virus to lymphoid organs. The resulting immune response to suppress the virus is only partially successful and some virus escape. Eventually, this results in high viral turnover that leads to destruction of the immune system. HIV disease is, therefore, characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune functions. During the course of infection, crucial immune cells, called CD4+ T cells, are disabled and killed, and their numbers progressively decline.
Hercules Rockefeller said:
Arrrggghh! :eek:

I wish people would stop talking about "getting AIDS" and "transmitting AIDS". :rolleyes:

What is transmitted is a virus known as <B>HIV</B>. What people "catch" is HIV. A percentage of people who are HIV-positive will develop a spectrum of pathological symptoms as a result of the infection, known as AIDS. AIDS is a syndrome, a collection of different pathological disorders and infections. You don’t "give someone AIDS". No one "catches AIDS".

You are correct of course and though I'm generally a stickler for details, I agree with Prince James on this one. It serves no real purpose to draw this distinction since so many times a case of HIV infection does result in a full-blown case of AIDS. And just as equally important, a person cannot develop AIDS without having first contracted HIV.

So the argument you present, while correct is , for the most part, a moot point.
Prince_James said:
The two are popularly conceived as the same thing. There is no need to get into the technical aspects of the science to convey what it is all about.
Yes, you’re correct that they are popularly perceived to be the same thing. However, that perception is wrong; they are not the same thing – one is a virus, the other is a syndrome. They totally different things (albeit linked events). And this distinction is hardly "technical", as you describe it. I think it's a rather basic concept for the layman.

Now, more than ever, it is vitally important that the general population has an accurate understanding of biological sciences because medicine/biology have advanced to the point where they are presenting very difficult ethical choices. I totally reject the idea that we should stand back and let people believe things that are inaccurate or plain wrong.

Light said:
So the argument you present, while correct is, for the most part, a moot point.
I disagree – see above.

Light said:
It serves no real purpose to draw this distinction….
I serves no purpose to perpetuate scientific inaccuracies, even if it seems of minor relevance.<P>
Hercules Rockefeller:

Tell me, need you a complete and utter understanding of a stove to know not to touch its top whilst it is on or immediatly after it has been turned off?
What he is saying, is that his original post is hardly "complete and utter understanding", as it is quite basic and an easy concept for the layman. Why is it necessary to dumb it down to the level of being incorrect, when the correct concept is easy to understand?
Idle mind:

Because, once again, AIDS and HIV are considered essentially the same thing throughout most the world, for HIV does lead to AIDS, and the only way to get AIDS is through HIV. Technicality is not needed.
But, HIV is not the only cause of AIDS. AIDS is any immunodeficiency that is not caused through parental genetics (it is acquired in your life time). HIV almost certainly will lead to an acquired immunodeficient state, but AIDS doesn't necessarily have to be caused by HIV. Therefore, the distinction, which is simple in concept, should be made.
From what I've learned through the years, it's actually a bit opposite from what you're claiming Idle Mind. The AIDS's definition (at least the one I know) includes HIV, you must have HIV to have AIDS. However, some people with HIV actually live long, fulfilling lives and die from other causes (granted given enough time, yes they would indeed have acquired AIDS). I wouldn't have the statistics percentage wise, but such people do exist.
Hmm, that's interesting. I will have to look into it more. Apparently there are 20% of European caucasians who are immune to the HIV virus. When the virus infects T-cells, it attaches to the CD4 receptor and CCR5 co-receptor. In that 20%, the CCR5 is mutated and the virus cannot attach, preventing it from entering the cell.
so, what you all are saying is that you only get aids or hive disease which has no cure in the world as of right now is to have some serious blood transfusion or one time sex with some one infected or drinking breast milk but not just sip or drop but lots of it? I think that was the orinal post, maybe I didn't get the answer. Sorry in advance.

Yes. Blood transfusion, unprotected sex, and a great deal of breast milk all could give you HIV/AIDS. Blood transfusion is nearly one hundred precent, unprotected sex is extremely risky but not precisely on the "one hundred precent" level.
You get AIDS from your doctor. It is a disease by diagnosis. HIV not only is not a pathogen, it's not a virus.

Yes, unless you substantiate this claim, you are proliferating dangerous nonsense.
As a virology graduate i'm slightly concerned by some of the opinions expressed here. Shocking stuff i suggest that if your in any doubt about how u 'can catch AIDS' i suggest looking up the HIV-1 virus in a current virology or medical microbiology textbook and ignore most of the highly inaccurate information posted in this forum. Leave this to a informed medical person

Comments that the HIV-1 virus can be contracted via breastmilk, urine etc is just rediculous and that AIDS can be caused by other viruses is also truely outragous.