How do you explain the Bible?

Is the Bible...

  • Completely True

    Votes: 13 22.4%
  • Completely false

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Partly True

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • A Story Book

    Votes: 27 46.6%

  • Total voters
FieryIce said:
Are you insinuating that the human race is lazy, don't do things for themselves or are gullible?

This all happened 40 years ago, fulfilling prophcey
What happened about 40 years ago?..... your birthday?....

The Sign of the Messiah manifested again on earth, what the churches are mistakenly still looking for somewhere off in the future - the
"second coming" of Christ.
Jesus Christ's physical return to the earth doesn't happen untill after the "tribulation", when He comes back with the raptured saints.....
What's really promised to happen here before the tribulation is the "Revelation" or the "Appearing" of the Son of Man.
This is Jesus Christ in heaven, revealing Himself to mankind on the Earth, through the "mouthpiece" of a prophet, or a "Seer" such as the Old Testament prophets were.
The Sign of the Messiah being displayed - with the supernatural discernment of the Word of God (Heb 4:12) - the evidence God speaking through a person born with the Gift as a prophet.
This happened in the ministry of William Branham, 40 years ago and the message God revealed through Him tied all the loose ends of the Bible together and straightened out all the questions about doctrine the denominations still to this day argue about.
This was foretold in Rev. 10:7 to bring about the "completion" of the mystery of God, which is Christ in you , the hope of glory.
The "Rapture" as spoken of in I Thes 4:16, is "The Shout" - "behold the bridegroom cometh", "The Voice" of the Arc-angel, and "The Trump" of God.
This started 40 some years ago, but the organized churches rejected it because it exposed their doctrines and beliefs as false and proved they were leading their people away from God.
This "Revelation of the Son of Man - Jesus Christ breaking open the seven seals on the "Book" and revealing through a prophet the things thats been hidden since before the foundation of the world, ends up bringing about the manifestation of the Sons of God.
Jesus Christ comes to be glorifed IN His saints.
The mystery of God is "Christ in you"., the hope of glory.
That's the real second coming of Christ the Bible promises, God, manifested in flesh you and in me, and in anyone who will believe the Word of God, in It's entirety and let It have effect on their lives.
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You've been giving the same worthless tripe sermons since I've been here, and probably long before. All of it without even the tiniest, microscopic piece of evidence to suggest any reality to all the shit you type.

No offence, but you're just a walking leaflet. In all the time I've been here, I have not seen you say one thing of any value whatsoever.

You're like one of those doomed cult members from Waco, who bent down and sucked Koresh's nuts, just you're doing it to a different mental case.
TheVisitor said:
No offence, but you're just a walking leaflet


To be a reflection of - God -, and manifest Him in my life the goal of every christian.

Just substitute Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Osama for God, and then Nazi, Communist, or Taliban for christian.

Chilling isn't it?!?
7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
TheVisitor: To be a reflection of - God -, and manifest Him in my life the goal of every christian.

Barkhorn1: Just substitute Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Osama for God, and then Nazi, Communist, or Taliban for christian.

Chilling isn't it?!?

Fucking awesome.
SnakeLord said:
You've been giving the same worthless tripe sermons since I've been here, and probably long before. All of it without even the tiniest, microscopic piece of evidence to suggest any reality to all the shit you type.

No offence, but you're just a walking leaflet. In all the time I've been here, I have not seen you say one thing of any value whatsoever.

You're like one of those doomed cult members from Waco, who bent down and sucked Koresh's nuts, just you're doing it to a different mental case.
Just an observation of the constructive nature of the content of this post. Wow... 679 posts when I posted? I mean... we all can see the wisdom, knowledge and understanding which is reflected here. People should post like this more often. We're all here to learn right? I sure learned a lot when I read that. Yep... How embarassing... let's hope that all the 679 posts were of such quality. Remeber guys.. when reading... always check for posts like these.;)

Go figure...;)
My post was seemingly just as constructive as yours is. Furthermore, I wouldn't expect you to learn anything from it - it wasn't written to you. As for the other 679 posts, you do have eyes yes? I suggest to make you feel better, you go read them all.

Of course we could also point out several other posts here, that also have "such quality".. such as "You go Spidergoat". Yes, that was the entire post. Did you also learn a lot from that? Want me to continue? Ok, "Fucking awesome". That was the entire post after. Learn much from that? Well?

What you might not realise, is Visitors been saying the exact same lines since the day I came here. I would suggest it's about time he gave something of worth to support what he says, as opposed to the continually repeated paragraph that only requires ctrl+v.
To Snakelord: So, How About, I Say: "hear, Hear!"

I For One Had No Intention Of Offending You. You Must Admit That Some Of You Really Pour It On Anyone Who Expresses Any Belief In God. It Does Get Tiring, And You Might Note That I Did Not Call Anyone A Bad Name, But I Know Some Words! Yeah, I Do. Pmt
Oh don't worry, you haven't offended me in any way, shape or form. My post was there merely to serve as a rebuttal to MarcAC's somewhat sarcastic and misguided comments.

The whole Branham issue is about as worthy as the whole Koresh issue - which is why I made mention of it. While I do understand that there will be fanatics in the world who will preach their own versions of truth constantly, without so much as a tiny molecule of evidence to support it, I was telling him he needs to provide more than the same sermon over and over. I've read his exact same paragraph dozens of times already, and it is still completely meaningless.
SnakeLord: As I read your comments, I was pleasantly surprised as to how sincere and real they seemed. Sometimes I wonder if these are not the elements most lacking in this world of ours, where games and self promotion are so predominant. With so much hype and noisy pictures, it can sometimes be scary to just be oneself. Perhaps I am digging too deeply, or perhaps I am just a bit more philosophical than usual today; nonetheless, it did have a nice clear ring about it. Cannot ask for more than that. In any event, have an interesting day. PMT
Speech devoted to truth should be straightforward and plain. (Seneca, 60AD)

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)


:cool: pmt
SnakeLord said:
My post was there merely to serve as a rebuttal to MarcAC's somewhat sarcastic and misguided comments.
Sarcastic? How so? Well of course they were very misguided.
While I do understand that there will be fanatics in the world who will preach their own versions of truth constantly, without so much as a tiny molecule of evidence to support it,
So what's your version of truth? It's either we have that or truth doesn't exist to us.
SnakeLord said:
I was telling him he needs to provide more than the same sermon over and over. I've read his exact same paragraph dozens of times already, and it is still completely meaningless.
Which is no different from...
SnakeLord said:
You've been giving the same worthless tripe sermons since I've been here, and probably long before. All of it without even the tiniest, microscopic piece of evidence to suggest any reality to all the shit you type.

No offence, but you're just a walking leaflet. In all the time I've been here, I have not seen you say one thing of any value whatsoever.

You're like one of those doomed cult members from Waco, who bent down and sucked Koresh's nuts, just you're doing it to a different mental case.[/color]
Yes... my apologies... quite a misguided post... My aim however was to encourage people to stop wasting space like that on a public forum... shouldn't such character assasination be done in private messaging? Well I can see the sarcastic element of the Snake's post... the "No offence" phrase.;)
Sarcastic? How so?

Figure it out..

Well of course they were very misguided.

Yeah. You wasted forum space to tell me I was wasting forum space.. As you say later on in your most recent post... That can be done via private messaging.

So what's your version of truth? It's either we have that or truth doesn't exist to us.

My version of truth is that there's a giant invisible turnip floating around planet oogle boogle.

See how worthless it is sermonizing personal truth on a forum without so much as a shred of evidence? Luckily, this is the first time I've done it.. My response to Visitor, was to say he needs to supply some evidence if he intends on saying the exact same paragraph he's been saying for the past year.

Which is no different from...

There's a lot of difference. However, it might be easier for you to understand if I explain it using pictures.

Yes... my apologies... quite a misguided post... My aim however was to encourage people to stop wasting space like that on a public forum...

By wasting space on a public forum? Good plan.

shouldn't such character assasination be done in private messaging?

Apparently not for you.. why would it be any different for me?

Well I can see the sarcastic element of the Snake's post... the "No offence" phrase

What any of that has to do with you, is beyond me. Perhaps you're just a member of the 'Internet Samaritans'.

If you have anything else to say to me, do it in a private message heh.
Peace, my brothers. Sometimes haggling can relieve stress. Well, that it is relieved, may I share these quotes, because I can say nothing at this point that would be nearly so good. If you do not like them, blast away, but I especially appreciate the one from Einstein. PMT

Speech devoted to truth should be straightforward and plain. (Seneca, 60AD)

A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive. (Albert Einstein, 1954)
The thread is "How do you explain the Bible"

Many have made their best guesses and put their own interpretations to it in the past, some were close in some areas and some were not. But God's Word is of no privite interpration. "Word" in the Greek means two different things - "Rhema" is the "letter of the word", and "Logos" is the thought or true meaning of the word". One word can have many differnt meanings. The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.
God is a manifestion of the promises made in His word, in that effect, God is the Word. (1 John 1:1-14). The whole bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Just as God has chosen to hide Himself from the "world", He has also chosen to hide the meaning of His Word from the "world", so He can reveal it to whom He will in a time and place of His own chosing. In John 6:44, Jesus said: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him". Only those He has chosen to see, will, and the rest will not. What I'm about to tell you is profound and startling, but it is the truth. I'm not responcible for making anyone believe it, thats up to Him. The bible has been a locked, or "sealed" book, the complete revelation of which has been witheld until the last days. (Dan 12:9-10). Rev. 10:1-7 says the "book " will remain sealed until Christ returns with the book in His hand open, and in the "days of the voice of the seventh angel" the mysteries of God should be finished.
The Jews missed their day of "visitation", because they mis-interpreted the scriptures' meaning, by confusing prophecies of Christ first and second comings. They thought He was coming to set up His kingdom, and missed His coming as the sacrifice. The "Gentiles" today and their organized religions have also missed, and are missing their "day of visitation". Mis-interpreting the scriptures, they have confused the people about how Christ has promised to return in His second coming. What was promised to the Gentiles was the "revelation of the Son of Man". Luke 17:26 " And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:30 "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Jesus refered to himself when he was here as the "Son of Man:, it is the title of an office, when God uses a prophet to reveal Himself to the people. John 6:53 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." The Word itself seperates those who beleive from those who do not. He didn't explain it. Some said: "This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" and in John chapter 6:66 ( notice the numbers here) "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him". Others chose to stay even though they didn't understand, because they believed he was "The Christ". This is how God works. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
In Jesus ministry, the miracles were not merely done for show, it was to attract the peoples attention, then after God had vindicated His messenger, He sat down to teach them doctrine. First the sign, then the voice of the sign.
Jesus Christ, has promised at the end of this age,....He Himself, the only one worthy, would take the book thats been sealed down though the ages, "the bible" and open it revealing his Word (the the Son of Man revealed from heaven), to those who would "love his appearing".
Things mortal man had only guessed at through the ages, His doctrine, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. (Rev. 10:7). He is today calling His people out of it's organized religous systems refered to as " Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". Rev 18:1-4.
God promised to bring a people to perfection by "the foolishness of preaching"
That by those things Man calls foolish, He might bring to not the wisdom of Man, which God calls foolish.
His gifts to mankind are a five-fold ministry (prophets, apostles, evangelist, pastors and teachers) of God called men.
They asked Jesus: "By what authority do you speak these things."? "Where did you receive this knowledge? We have no record of any school you went to for learning".
His disciples said; "We speak that we do know".
This revelation was given to them straight from the mind of God. This is the way Jesus said His church (or the people) of His "kingdom" would be created, and they would be an invincible army the "gates of hell" could not withstand.
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The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.

And as such, every word you've typed after this sentence becomes completely null and void. In fact, everything you've ever said regarding the scriptures becomes null and void. In fact, everything anyone's ever said about the bible becomes null and void.

All you've done is interpret it incorrectly, unless you claim to be the author of the bible, (god).

In saying this, every religion, every church, becomes null and void. Every preacher, every priest, every choir boy, every human becomes null and void.

Even the bible becomes completely null and void, except to the one dude who can interpret the bloody thing. It makes me wonder why he'd even bother writing it, knowing nobody can ever interpret it, knowing everyone would be wrong.

"god is loving" is some people's interpretation. That's now null and void.
"jesus saved you from sin" is null and void
"we should obey god's commandments" is also null and void.

Need I continue?
All you've done is interpret it incorrectly, unless you claim to be the author of the bible, (god)


Jesus is God in human flesh, and so are His people who are manifesting Him (The Word) in flesh again....The Sons and Daughters of God.
So to say "I am God" would not be all that far off.....
This is the entire purpose of the scriptures, to bring us back to manifesting that which we really are......
Now when you bring in the story of the tares and the wheat.....not all will manifest God.
I am only saying in these last days of the "harvest" each kind will manifest that which they were from the beginning.
This is exactly what Jesus said would happen
The apostles in the New Testament said to the saints in the first age; "We are of God"

1 John 4:6 - We are of God. Whoever knows God listens to us, and he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

1 John 5:19 - We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one.

God is the only one who has eternal life, and in order to have it you had to come from God in the beginning.
God's Sons and Daughters have existed in God as attributes waiting for their turn to be manifested or expressed since before the foundation of the world.
This world, all the animals, including the serpent...the angels and even Satan himself are only created beings with a beginning and an end.
The Sons of God are not. They were not "created" but always were - as an attribute of God. Just like you were once in the loins of your father, we existed as a gene, a thought in the mind of God ....which in it's time and season comes to earth to be manifested in flesh.
Only this flesh is a creation and it will pass away and be replaced as a man takes one robe off and puts on another.
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Well now your starting to catch on.......
Jesus is God in human flesh, and so are His people who are manifesting Him (The Word) in flesh again....The Sons and Daughters of God.
So to say "I am God" would not be all that far off.....

But that in itself is just a mis-interpretation. The bible might say jesus is god in human flesh and you are his people manifesting him yada yada, but that's just your wrong interpretation of it.

Your post remains null and void.

Furthermore, Even you apparent 'sons and daughters of god' can't agree with each other, and it still stands that the lot of you are null and void.

In short: Null and void.
No point replying really, unless you intend to chat about the weather with me. Anything you say regarding god, religion or the bible is instantly... Null and void. Don't look at me like that... You're the one who said it.