How Do Theists Separate Fact from Fiction?

If I told you "god does not exist", you would tell me "Yes he is a list of my experience as proof". How is that not attempting to alter another persons view?

if i tell you the truth about an experience, whether is alters someone's view is not up to me. :shrug:
because i have experienced it. i discuss my experiences.

But, you don't do that, you come here standing on a soap box making daily declarations of your so-called 'experiences' which to most everyone else is little more than insane ranting. Then, when questioned, you can't explain any of it.

dare i say, there are others in the world who have come to conclusions similar to mine, based upon their own experiences.

Insanity does get around. But, of course, there is little difference in what you claim than what is being claimed by most insane Christians.

it's fun. :) and enlightening.

Insanity is fun and enlightening? :runaway:
god and i have communicated.

There you go again, the same self-indulgent insanity.

It would appear that theists do in fact separate fact from fiction:

Reality is fiction and magic is fact.
But, you don't do that, you come here standing on a soap box making daily declarations of your so-called 'experiences' which to most everyone else is little more than insane ranting. Then, when questioned, you can't explain any of it.

Insanity does get around. But, of course, there is little difference in what you claim than what is being claimed by most insane Christians.

Insanity is fun and enlightening? :runaway:

hey Q, how many times can you use the word, or a form of the word "insane", in a sentence?
Reading the Virgin Mary thread has inspired me to create this new thread. Hopefully when all is said and done our theists friends can provide the skeptics out there the necessary information that will finally show the difference between what is fact and what is fiction.

So without wasting any time.....

Can a believer please tell us how they know what is factual as it pertains to their belief system. A system includes but is not limited to text, custom & ritual.

Is belief facts an oxymoron? If believers insist on reminding us of how their facts are gospel then I think everyone should know how this distinction is arrived upon.

Do believers base their facts on the most recent data culled from the sciences arena?

If knowing is 'you gotta have faith' then is it even worth discussing?

First off, a large majority of 'believers' take the scripts as spiritual guidance. The stories give metephoric meaning through many different symbols.

Many don't believe God wrote the books himself, and that the messages are not to be taken litterally. But at the same time, the metephores that people in the past found their truth in, got passed down.

If you really wanted to understand rather then just critisize what you don't know, you could try to interpret the metephores. Isac Newton did just that!

Problem is 2 fold:
#1 It would be extremely time consuming (that's why I haven't bothered, it's just not important enough to me - I already know what I need, I don't think I need to know other peoples journeys!)

#2 You need to already have an open mind if you expect to see not only the 2 sides to everything, but also the balance between the extremes.

Me myself, I am spiritual, not religious. But I do understand many things about religion now a days, when I use to be against what I called 'blind faith'.
I use to have tunnel vision - it seems to me many out here still do have tunnel vision.
Experience is not truth? Isn't your lack of her experience what keeps you from accepting it?

What is your criteria of truth sans experience?

Yes, just like her lack of my experience keeps her from accepting my viewpoint. a personal experience can hardly be considered a truth to others. :shrug:
There you go again, the same self-indulgent insanity.

It would appear that theists do in fact separate fact from fiction:

Reality is fiction and magic is fact.

don't be silly Q. there's no such thing as magic. :rolleyes:
Yes, just like her lack of my experience keeps her from accepting my viewpoint. a personal experience can hardly be considered a truth to others. :shrug:

I would say a personal experience is the only way to convince one self of the truth, if you have no faith.
If you have no faith, you will not believe anyone else's experience because you don't trust their version of the truth.

Personal experience yes, but there are collective experiences that have actual facts behind them that you could believe.
I can give a broad and general definition of you in an attempt to understand you, but that's hardly the point are not god. If god is not an endeavor then and only wants you to figure out what you need to, then god is something that should be deeply personal, and trying to inform others of his/hers/its intentions is entirely contradictory to figuring things out on your own.

Furthermore if you cant define, quantify or see something...then for all respective purposes it does not exist.

Actually, I'm full of life that I don't understand. I am the God of my body even when I don't understand the life inside me, and even when I ignorantly do consume things that aren't good for that life inside. Ignorance is Bliss - thank God :).

God has more then one deffinition, and is not fully understood, because it goes much bigger then our physical realities allow us to see.
But you don't have to use his name, or believe in him - the same source of information is within yourself whenever you're ready to accept the info without worry or fear - but I'll warn you, the gate can be intense if you aren't ready for it ;).

Yes we need to find our own way, but a little guidence doesn't hurt - Lori isn't gonna take your journey for you, she's just trying to open your mind to other possibilities beyond your imagination, and if your mind was free, you'd know there is a side to life that is beyond the physical - doesn't matter to me what you need to believe to know your truth, but I do like minds to be free.

And just because you can't see something, and you don't understand it - does not mean it doesn't exist - lol. That is ridiculas.

So a kid in a third world country, that has never seen a TV, never been out of his/her area, never been exposed to the rest of the world - does that mean the USA doesn't exist because this kid can't define it, and hasn't seen it?

You sound like a guy that hasn't been exposed to both sides of the world, so you still seem to think the physicalk is the only side, and that anyone that sees more then you is dellusional - LOL
I hope you find your way some day, but I ain't worried about it - we would never be able to feel and know our comfort zones without the extremes, so all the power to you - if it wasn't for the extreme logical minds, the balanced brilliant minds wouldn't exist ;)
Personal experience yes, but there are collective experiences that have actual facts behind them that you could believe.

Whats an actual fact? Something you are willing to believe without checking up on it? What makes these "facts" valid in and of themselves?