How did jesus walk on water?

It depends on the surface tension of water against the spacial density of the object. Certain frogs can leap on water because of their webbed feet. This doesn't mean that Jesus didn't do it:D
Remarkable how ‘holy men, trying to discredit Dawkins, for example, are then found screwing male prostitutes and buying drugs.
What does this say about the religious mind?
It is ripe for exploitation by charlatans and ‘do-gooders’; naïve, gullible little minds, burdened by fear and drugged up on hope to cope with their many insecurities.
So is the custumer base of male prostitutes and drug dealers made up entirely of "holy men"? Is it mostly "holy men"? If not, what does that say about the irreligious mind?

It tells you nothing, that's what. Humans like sex. Some people like to do it with the same sex, some with the opposite. Some with both. This applies to holy men, atheists, democrats, and republicans. Sometimes people, regardless of their religious views or political affiliations, pay others to have sex with them.

Such action does not indicate that their views on religion, taxes, or computer programing are incorrect. It simply means they were horny.
So is the custumer base of male prostitutes and drug dealers made up entirely of "holy men"? Is it mostly "holy men"? If not, what does that say about the irreligious mind?

It tells you nothing, that's what. Humans like sex. Some people like to do it with the same sex, some with the opposite. Some with both. This applies to holy men, atheists, democrats, and republicans. Sometimes people, regardless of their religious views or political affiliations, pay others to have sex with them.

Such action does not indicate that their views on religion, taxes, or computer programing are incorrect. It simply means they were horny.

It does matter, you freak, when your entire authority and ideals are based on a morality you cannot live up to yourself.
A hypocrite is someone you preaches what he cannot practice.

If Haggard wants to preach about ‘family values’ and against homosexuality then, at the very least, let him not take it up the ass while he’s doing it.

Regular human beings can indulge their sexual desires because they d not pretend to be anything but sexual or what they are.

If Christians want to be taken seriously maybe they should first stop contradicting their own beliefs, concerning love, fidelity, morality and decency.

It’s ironic that this same preacher chastised Dawkins in the documentary for sounding arrogant.
How can anyone with some degree of reason not sound arrogant when faced with such duplicitous stupidity?

Are these the type of holy men, people like lightgigantic hold as the highest of all authorities or does he rely on the dead who cannot shame themselves and show how feeble they are to be taken as authorities on anything but bullshit and charlatanism.
Perhaps we should switch the focus of this topic to something a tad more scientific...

Is there are any way today that allows one to walk on water with some device or another?

Also, if we still don't like the idea of switching the topic... what are some ideas as to why the people in those times thought Jesus walked on water? What other physical feat did he accomplish for them to percieve or extrapolate it into him walking on water?

(Isn't there a device now that allows people to part water like Moses did?... read it somewhere in Popular Science).
In my original post, there is link to a machine installed underwater in a pool, in a church, that allows one to walk on moving platforms so that you appear to walk on water. It's like an escalator, but with sensors on each step.
It does matter, you freak, when your entire authority and ideals are based on a morality you cannot live up to yourself.
A hypocrite is someone you preaches what he cannot practice.
Certainly the particular guy you're talking about [whoever he is] is a hypocrite. But you made the claim that his actions reveal something about the religious mind in general. That some particular guy can't live up to an ideal does not invalidate the ideal itself.
Well, we have the bible which contains detailed descriptions of his philosophy and life. We have the effect he had on world history.

Can you prove that Julius Ceaser existed? What about Plato? Or Socrates?

I don't know what kind of proof you're looking for regarding something that happened two thousand years ago. But I'd say denying the existance of a Jesus is akin to claiming that we never landed on the moon.

M*W: Jesus didn't exist, so he didn't have a "philosophy nor life." The NT was written (commissioned) by certain individuals in the Roman Empire as a parody of the life of Caesar, so the Caesars did, in fact, exist as our history books state. However, the whole truth about the Caesars may never be known.

Whether Plato or Socrates existed may be proven by their writings unless disproven that they were written by others as in the case of the bible.

Since Jesus never existed, he never walked on water. That story was written in line with other bible stories that relate to astrotheology. That being the case, Jesus (the Sun) and (the Sun of God) walked on water only as a reflection of the setting sun.

There is nothing mysterious about the "miracles" in the bible. They need to be understood in the context they were written.
Oh, it was a metaphor. Interesting.

No, not just a metaphor.

What He did was physical, but many things He did either fulfilled previous scripture about Him or laid out types and shadows to be yet fulfilled.

Sometimes you just do a small thing in type to create a larger thing in the anti-type.
I didn't say that was why He walked on the water, only that it also set a interesting type.

He walked on a Sea.
A Sea represents in spiritual types....the dead.

Those that represent the entire "body" of Christ, are prophesied to "walk on the ashes of the dead" in the millennium after the battle of Armageddon.

Sure, and the Jericho story was thought to be fictitious until the ruins were discovered, and Jericho went down circa 1400 B.C., just like the Bible says, next.
They're not going to listen Ice.....

The walls were wide enough to run chariot races on.
All evidence of giants is being covered up intentionally by certain societies....

Case in point....the "society of Jesus" is not about the preservation of truth.
They were about the destruction of it.
The historical societies aren't about the preservation of history either.
Just the opposite.
Religion is a covering.
Science that's told to the masses, is slanted the same way.
So.........those that tow a party line are just followers without a clue.

The worlds' a maze.
Narrow is the way and few there be that find it.
Just be thankful and say; "there but by the grace of God go I"
The Bible has never shown any historical inaccuracy, that it why it has been accepted as the primary road map for archaeological endeavors in the Middle East for centuries, didn't you know this?

M*W: The bible is historically accurate? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What rock did you crawl out from under? Wake up and smell the truth. The paper the bible is printed on isn't even good enough for shit paper. However, it is somewhat useful for lining bird cages and litter boxes.
I never read anything in the new testament about jesus walking on water and I did read most of it for sure, someone tell me where it is if you can, I only learned that in school or something.

Not only Jesus, but Peter also walked on water.....MATTHEW 14:22-30

That's the power of faith.
If you believe without doubt, and do the works......all things are possible to those that believe.
You have to put works with you're faith.
Faith without works is dead.
Your works are you're faith expressed.
That brings it to pass.
I've seen it.....I've done it.

It's your own faith raised to a level that can catch it.
Jesus said; "Thy faith has made thee whole"
It was their faith that healed them....Peter's faith that let him walk on water.
Get it?
It's not magic.
It's more, it's the very power that created the worlds with but a word, right within your grasp.

As for those that call the Bible lining for bird cages......let me think of the appropriate words for them.

"Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

Even the unclean spirits recognized the Lord....
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Also, if we still don't like the idea of switching the topic... what are some ideas as to why the people in those times thought Jesus walked on water? What other physical feat did he accomplish for them to percieve or extrapolate it into him walking on water?

(Isn't there a device now that allows people to part water like Moses did?... read it somewhere in Popular Science).

Here is a description of what other things may be possible to such persons

SB 11.15.3: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: The masters of the yoga system have declared that there are eighteen types of mystic perfection and meditation, of which eight are primary, having their shelter in Me, and ten are secondary, appearing from the material mode of goodness.

SB 11.15.4-5: Among the eight primary mystic perfections, the three by which one transforms one's own body are aṇimā, becoming smaller than the smallest; mahimā, becoming greater than the greatest; and laghimā, becoming lighter than the lightest. Through the perfection of prāpti one acquires whatever one desires, and through prākāmya-siddhi one experiences any enjoyable object, either in this world or the next. Through iśitā-siddhi one can manipulate the subpotencies of māyā, and through the controlling potency called vaśitā-siddhi one is unimpeded by the three modes of nature. One who has acquired kāmāvasāyitā-siddhi can obtain anything from anywhere, to the highest possible limit. My dear gentle Uddhava, these eight mystic perfections are considered to be naturally existing and unexcelled within this world.

SB 11.15.6-7: The ten secondary mystic perfections arising from the modes of nature are the powers of freeing oneself from hunger and thirst and other bodily disturbances, hearing and seeing things far away, moving the body at the speed of the mind, assuming any form one desires, entering the bodies of others, dying when one desires, witnessing the pastimes between the demigods and the celestial girls called Apsarās, completely executing one's determination and giving orders whose fulfillment is unimpeded.

SB 11.15.8-9: The power to know past, present and future; tolerance of heat, cold and other dualities; knowing the minds of others; checking the influence of fire, sun, water, poison, and so on; and remaining unconquered by others — these constitute five perfections of the mystic process of yoga and meditation. I am simply listing these here according to their names and characteristics. Now please learn from Me how specific mystic perfections arise from specific meditations and also of the particular processes involved.

and here is how laghima siddhi, or making oneself lighter than the lightest is achieved

SB 11.15.13 I exist within everything, and I am therefore the essence of the atomic constituents of material elements. By attaching his mind to Me in this form, the yogī may achieve the perfection called laghimā, by which he realizes the subtle atomic substance of time.


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam elaborately explains that kāla, or time, is the transcendental form of the Lord that moves the material world. Since the five gross elements are composed of atoms, the atomic particles are the subtle substance or manifestation of the movements of time. More subtle than time is the Personality of Godhead Himself, who expands His potency as the time factor. By understanding all these things clearly the yogī obtains laghimā-siddhi, or the power to make himself lighter than the lightest.
The NT was written (commissioned) by certain individuals in the Roman Empire as a parody of the life of Caesar, so the Caesars did, in fact, exist as our history books state. However, the whole truth about the Caesars may never be known.
I had never heard of that before?

I thought the Julia were relatively broke - that is, up until Gaius made their fortune? Why would someone as important and distinguished as Gaius Julius Caesar give two rat-turds about some Middle Eastern come-up Arab/Jewish Mystery cult plagiarizing the more sophisticated Greco-Roman versions?

I don’t get it,

I had never heard of that before?

I thought the Julia were relatively broke - that is, up until Gaius made their fortune? Why would someone as important and distinguished as Gaius Julius Caesar give two rat-turds about some Middle Eastern come-up Arab/Jewish Mystery cult plagiarizing the more sophisticated Greco-Roman versions?

I don’t get it,


Best to let Medicine Woman give you the info you seek as she seems knowlegeable, but the fact the Roman Empire adopted christianity as it's official religion should tell you something. What better way to control your populations than under a one God belief system, especially a god depicted as a cruel,harsh and judgemental (sure...with a little love and kindness sprinkled in) being who committed almost as many heinous acts as Genghis Khan.
Best to let Medicine Woman give you the info you seek as she seems knowlegeable

I couldn't disagree more.
Much of what she posts here is heresay, supposition, jumping to unsupported conclusions and simply made-up fantasy.
Jesus - Walking on Water

The interesting part of this story is that it is not really about Jesus showing that he has wonderfully supernatural powers that no one else could ever have.

If it were, the various accusations of standard hero worship like other religions' stories of supernatural events might at least have some credibility.

But the point of the story (which was slightly alluded to in another post) is that an ordinary person (Peter) could do miraculous things (walk on water) if he was brave enough to get out of the boat in the first place and then to keep his eyes on Jesus. Whether you believe in the supernatural, God or Jesus, this does raise the story to a very different level of philosopical teaching.

This is one of the things that makes the recorded miracles of Jesus generally so different. They are not just 'magic tricks' as described in much ancient religious literature. There is always a much deeper meaning and teaching behind them.

You can believe what you like about the New Testament and its veracity or otherwise but the intertwining of day to day natural events, historical background and places with the moral teaching and the supernatural events (or miracles) makes it something that cannot just be dismissed as the same as other ancient religious writings.

You have to have the greatest admiration for any group of people who nearly 2000 years ago could produce such a clever piece of 'hoax' writing, if that is what you choose to believe.

But of course if you truly believe that only matter/energy exist, you probably have no alternative but to believe that. I would contend that on the basis of probability alone, that that is less likely than the existence of the supernatural. One day of course we shall all find out (personally when we die) or perhaps more accurately if there is a supernatural, we shall all find out, if there is not, none of us will know anything at all.


But the point of the story (which was slightly alluded to in another post) is that an ordinary person (Peter) could do miraculous things (walk on water) if he was brave enough to get out of the boat in the first place and then to keep his eyes on Jesus. Whether you believe in the supernatural, God or Jesus, this does raise the story to a very different level of philosopical teaching.
Excellent point.
This is why I see much, if not all, of the stories in the Synoptic Gospels as metaphor.

But of course if you truly believe that only matter/energy exist, you probably have no alternative but to believe that. I would contend that on the basis of probability alone, that that is less likely than the existence of the supernatural. One day of course we shall all find out (personally when we die) or perhaps more accurately if there is a supernatural, we shall all find out, if there is not, none of us will know anything at all.
Isn't "supernatural" simply "natural" that we can't yet explain?
Let's say, for example, it is actually proven that people can communicate via telepathy.
Telepathy, then, would no longer be considered "supernatural".

It is certainly possible that the things we see as "supernatural", such as ghosts, demons, souls etc. actually ARE real and do have a very tangible, natural explanation that we just have not discovered yet.

"Supernatural" really is a fairly meaningless term, isn't it?
If we have proof of something's existence, it is natural.
If we do not, some say it does not exist, some say it is "supernatural".
Fact of the matter is that it is simply something we have no proof for.
Isn't "supernatural" simply "natural" that we can't yet explain?
Let's say, for example, it is actually proven that people can communicate via telepathy.
Telepathy, then, would no longer be considered "supernatural".

It is certainly possible that the things we see as "supernatural", such as ghosts, demons, souls etc. actually ARE real and do have a very tangible, natural explanation that we just have not discovered yet.

"Supernatural" really is a fairly meaningless term, isn't it?
If we have proof of something's existence, it is natural.
If we do not, some say it does not exist, some say it is "supernatural".
Fact of the matter is that it is simply something we have no proof for.

Yes exactly, things only appear magical and supernatural with ignorance, however with knowledge they appear ordinary, natural
Gordon said:
You have to have the greatest admiration for any group of people who nearly 2000 years ago could produce such a clever piece of 'hoax' writing, if that is what you choose to believe.

I think it's a fascinating story. When I was a kid, stories from the Bible stood out more than any scientific theory, but so did Humpty Dumpty I might add.

I think to understand the true nature of the Bible and religious scriptures in general is to understand the time it was written in. What part did story telling have in society without all the aspects of communication we have today? What was the policy on relaying events as they happened? I think Jesus existed, but I think his story was reinvented in the decades after his death. The resurrection was key to gaining followers. Without the supernatural aspects, who would join such a religious sect given the competition there was at the time with upcoming religions and other charasmatic leaders who gained followers?

Regardless of the philosophy that is used and how commendable it may be, the supernatural aspects must be there to encourage people to follow that religion. I think that tells us a lot about our superstitious minds.

But of course if you truly believe that only matter/energy exist, you probably have no alternative but to believe that. I would contend that on the basis of probability alone, that that is less likely than the existence of the supernatural.

How so? I look forward to turning your reasoning around against you.

One day of course we shall all find out (personally when we die) or perhaps more accurately if there is a supernatural, we shall all find out, if there is not, none of us will know anything at all.

Yeah, that's the most annoying thing about all of thise... Atheists never get the chance to say "told you so".