How did I miss this?

So why bother with all that nasty birth stuff, just "poof" into place.

Well prophecy had to be fulfilled. And an avenue for denial had to be allowed. If Jesus just went poof into existence then people who hated His message may have grudgingly accepted it because the sudden materialization of Jesus would convince them with out a doubt He was from God. But to the people of the time Jesus seemed to come into the world just like any other person. Therefore the Message was preserved as the main reason for acceptance or rejection.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well prophecy had to be fulfilled. And an avenue for denial had to be allowed. If Jesus just went poof into existence then people who hated His message may have grudgingly accepted it because the sudden materialization of Jesus would convince them with out a doubt He was from God. But to the people of the time Jesus seemed to come into the world just like any other person. Therefore the Message was preserved as the main reason for acceptance or rejection.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

More reason to reject it than accept it. A miracle demonstrated is clearly a miracle, one told of is just fiction.
Well then we disagree. I believe Jesus carried none of Mary's DNA. If He did then He would have inherited Sin from Her.

Sin is supposed to be biological? If that's so, then why do sin and sinners receive moral condemnation?

If sin is part of a human being's DNA code, then presumably there are sin genes. The human genome has already been sequenced. So why can't theological-scientists (is that an oxymoron?) identify the sin-genes and then employ genetic engineering's knock-out technology to stop them from expressing? That would presumably halt the sin-process and produce individuals totally without sin.

Pharmeceutical companies could mass produce the stuff and market a return to Eden and eternal salvation as a suppository or something.
More reason to reject it than accept it. A miracle demonstrated is clearly a miracle, one told of is just fiction.

Well Jesus did perform miracles. But they where deniable also. Members of the religious authorities proclaimed that Jesus was doing His signs by the power of demons. It just goes to show that if people want to disbelieve and reject even Signs are not enough.

So once again it all comes back to the Message. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Sin is supposed to be biological? If that's so, then why do sin and sinners receive moral condemnation?

I am not so sure it is biological. However. One is not condemned because of sin. One is condemned for loving sin and hating what is Good.

I am a sinner. But i am not happy about it. Therefore the Message of God including the Gospel resonates within me as true. But for others who love their sin. Being told it is sin is an offence. They hate the Message of God.

If sin is part of a human being's DNA code, then presumably there are sin genes. The human genome has already been sequenced. So why can't theological-scientists (is that an oxymoron?) identify the sin-genes and then employ genetic engineering's knock-out technology to stop them from expressing? That would presumably halt the sin-process and produce individuals totally without sin.

Atheist philosophy declares that there is no sin, that sin is only a cultural creation. What is good or bad is only a creation of society. Something to be "liberated" from. So not problems with murder if you want to do it cause hey you must have been born with the desire to kill and hey molesting little ones is also ok because the pedo's must have been born with a leaning towards it, and therefore it is natural. In an atheist world freed from the chains of morality and religion anything goes.

Pharmeceutical companies could mass produce the stuff and market a return to Eden and eternal salvation as a suppository or something.

The more you talk about it the more i am convinced that it has nothing to do with genetics.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well Jesus did perform miracles. But they where deniable also. Members of the religious authorities proclaimed that Jesus was doing His signs by the power of demons. It just goes to show that if people want to disbelieve and reject even Signs are not enough.

So once again it all comes back to the Message. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

No. I clearly said demonstrable miracles and by that I meant those that could be verified. Not some childs rumor-mill telephone game.
And i said that a demonstrable miracle would not be proof enough for those who hated the Message of the one doing the demonstrable miracle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And i said that a demonstrable miracle would not be proof enough for those who hated the Message of the one doing the demonstrable miracle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yep, that what you said.......
