How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?


Valued Senior Member
How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?

If everything was created by God, in both spiritual and physical worlds,
then God must transcend both worlds,
without both of these worlds existence, where was God?

Does God know why he exists? How does he exist?:confused:
How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?

If everything was created by God, in both spiritual and physical worlds,
then God must transcend both worlds,
without both of these worlds existence, where was God?

Does God know why he exists? How does he exist?:confused:

This is a ''have you stopped beating your wife'' type of question.

If you're enquiry is serious, then you should first start out with the definition of God, which explains Him in the manner of the
questions you are asking, ie, creator of worlds, transcendence, and, spiritual. If you do, you will get the answer to these

God as the emotion Love. The most simple, powerful thing there is. Creation, and Spirit are a couple of the Star Children, Power, and Simple too.
How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?

If everything was created by God, in both spiritual and physical worlds,
then God must transcend both worlds,
without both of these worlds existence, where was God?

Does God know why he exists? How does he exist?:confused:

Can science talk what was before Big Bang ? There was some thing but we don't talk about it .
How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?

If everything was created by God, in both spiritual and physical worlds,
then God must transcend both worlds,
without both of these worlds existence, where was God?

Does God know why he exists? How does he exist?:confused:

Egad! This is about the most senseless thread I've ever seen anywhere!!!!!! Do you actually expect anyone to be able to answer such questions??????????????????
I do not know God, other than base on what the Bible says.
He is the creator of everything.
Science did talk about what was before big bang, it was imaginary time, not our time.
Maybe God is living in imaginary time-space.
I do not know God, other than base on what the Bible says.
He is the creator of everything.

Why don't you go and learn more about God, and up the level of discussion?
It get's tedious having to answer the same question over and over again, and it must get tedious for
you knowing that you will not process, or understand any of the answers, on account of a poor fund of knowledge.

Can science talk what was before Big Bang ? There was some thing but we don't talk about it .

If spacetime was created in the Big Bang, then there was no "before". It's conceivable that there is a timeless state of existence. I like thinking about this in contrast to the religious view of eternity. A time before time is a state that persists with its clock stopped, and remains frozen in parallel with every moment of real world time. It's the same thing as being present to every moment that ever was and ever will be but unable to interact in any way, since the frozen guy can only have one frozen state of existence. In contrast to the idea of an eternal Supreme Commander of the Universe, the Time Lord can't think, know or do anything at all. It's an impossibility of the first kind. It's not a due to a defect or limitation of God (in this case), it's an intrinsic limit. The Time Lord simply can't exist in any other state than the frozen state.

That would make the notion of God as an idol a necessary condition to the notion that God exists over all time.
How did God exist before creation of spiritual and physical world?

If everything was created by God, in both spiritual and physical worlds,
then God must transcend both worlds,
without both of these worlds existence, where was God?

Does God know why he exists? How does he exist?:confused:
god is human invention to explain the unknown