How did Catholicism develop?

would please quit posting this bullshit. it an insult to all intelligent christian people who know the history of the faith something you clearly don't.

Would you quit posting one liner rants. You have nothing but one sentance statement to offer.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wasn't it developed by the Romans therefore making it the first branch of Christianity?

There is very plausable grounds for the entire Gospels being a Roman construct; the apostles' writings and views representing the antithesis of Jews and the Hebrew bible. The catholic church was initiated with the Roman heresy decree, which was instilled by a greater impact. It is plausable that all of today's Christian's ancesters were converted by force. Most plausably, the Greeks were behind the creation of Christianity - a people which esteemed the Hebrew bible since 300 BCE - yet were unable to let go of their own beliefs: both were combined and Christianity was born.
one sentence is all I need to refute your bs

Better advice is to attached historical back-up. And this does not mean Islamic views of history - Moses was not a Muslim; Jesus was not a Palestinean; the Jewish temple was not a Zionist myth - and Muslims do dump mosques as an assumption it becomes sacred Islamic soil!
There is very plausable grounds for the entire Gospels being a Roman construct; the apostles' writings and views representing the antithesis of Jews and the Hebrew bible. The catholic church was initiated with the Roman heresy decree, which was instilled by a greater impact. It is plausable that all of today's Christian's ancesters were converted by force. Most plausably, the Greeks were behind the creation of Christianity - a people which esteemed the Hebrew bible since 300 BCE - yet were unable to let go of their own beliefs: both were combined and Christianity was born.
M*W: The gospels as a Roman construct is something I have discussed at length on this forum. I find it conspicuously convenient that none of the NT was written until after the fall of Jerusalem circa 70 AD when the Jews scattered hither and yon. I recommend:

Atwill, Joseph: Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Ulysses Press, 2005.

Carotta, Francesco: Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity--An Investigative Report, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, Munchen, 1999.

Hudson, John: How the Flavian Emperors Wrote the Gospels, 2005.

Reuchlin, Abelard: True Authorship of the New Testament (Arius Calpurnius Piso Pen Name Flavius Josephus), 1986.