How did Catholicism develop?


science man

Wasn't it developed by the Romans therefore making it the first branch of Christianity?
Early Christian churches were independent of each other & there was no formalized dogma.

In about 300 AD in a Nicene (not sure of spelling or pronunciation) there was a gathering now known at the council of Nicene. That group established an official dogma & chose the religious writings making up the Christian Bible (both Old & New Testaments).

The above is considered to be the official start of the Roman Catholic Church.

I think the Old Testaments is almost the same as the Jewish version of the Bible in existence at that time.
Early Christian churches were independent of each other & there was no formalized dogma.

In about 300 AD in a Nicene (not sure of spelling or pronunciation) there was a gathering now known at the council of Nicene. That group established an official dogma & chose the religious writings making up the Christian Bible (both Old & New Testaments).

The above is considered to be the official start of the Roman Catholic Church.

I think the Old Testaments is almost the same as the Jewish version of the Bible in existence at that time.
so therefore Catholicism was the branch of Christianity?
Wasn't it developed by the Romans therefore making it the first branch of Christianity?

Christian churches where independent of each other. Christianity became a significant portion of the population of the Roman Empire. Christians suffered much persecution with dignity this impressed some. A contender for the seat of the roman emperor Constantine was fighting for it and needing the extra support made a play for the Support of Christians by proclaiming he had seen a vision telling him to fight under the sign of Christianity. So he got his troops to paint the sign on their shields. He did win the emperorship and set about to create a central Church authority from the christians who had believed in his supposed vision.

Now of cource true Christians knew that Jesus called upon them to love their enemies and not engage in carnal warfare so the very notion that God would call upon someone to fight and kill under the sign of Christianity was ludicrous to them. But false christians who wanted to be free of persecution wanted to believe the lie. They became spiritual harlots selling heir souls to the worldly powers for safety and positions of power. So upon the foundation of a lie and rebellion against the teachings of Jesus all other abominations of the catholic church which came later where built up upon the original lie.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Christian churches where independent of each other. Christianity became a significant portion of the population of the Roman Empire. Christians suffered much persecution with dignity this impressed some. A contender for the seat of the roman emperor Constantine was fighting for it and needing the extra support made a play for the Support of Christians by proclaiming he had seen a vision telling him to fight under the sign of Christianity. So he got his troops to paint the sign on their shields. He did win the emperorship and set about to create a central Church authority from the christians who had believed in his supposed vision.

Now of cource true Christians knew that Jesus called upon them to love their enemies and not engage in carnal warfare so the very notion that God would call upon someone to fight and kill under the sign of Christianity was ludicrous to them. But false christians who wanted to be free of persecution wanted to believe the lie. They became spiritual harlots selling heir souls to the worldly powers for safety and positions of power. So upon the foundation of a lie and rebellion against the teachings of Jesus all other abominations of the catholic church which came later where built up upon the original lie.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

so therefore catholicism was the first branch. Thank you.
catholicism is a fake impostor not connected to the tree at all.
M*W: Since you are so adamant that your belief is the only true belief, why are you so afraid of catholicism being an impostor? Religions are mythical, and so is your belief.
catholicism is a fake impostor not connected to the tree at all.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What is it with you and protestants that think you have the right to rewrite theology and history to suit your purposes first your flat out wrong no need to debate and secondly do you even know what the term catholic means?
M*W: Since you are so adamant that your belief is the only true belief, why are you so afraid of catholicism being an impostor? Religions are mythical, and so is your belief.

I am not afraid of catholicism on my account. But i know people who are inexperienced in Jesus can easily be lead down a path of deception that often takes years to get out of. So my concern with catholicism is its ability to deceive. Not as good as other churches, some are closer to the truth without being the truth and therefore even more dangerous to people who are seeking Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What is it with you and protestants that think you have the right to rewrite theology and history to suit your purposes first your flat out wrong no need to debate and secondly do you even know what the term catholic means?

LOL So says the one with a Snake Avatar,, Why do you even bother posting when you have clearly flagged your allegiance? Some people are weird.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
LOL So says the one with a Snake Avatar,, Why do you even bother posting when you have clearly flagged your allegiance? Some people are weird.


Wow. Ohh... wow, ok.

That's Classic.
M*W: Since you are so adamant that your belief is the only true belief, why are you so afraid of catholicism being an impostor? Religions are mythical, and so is your belief.


regardless of whether or not you believe, surely you're in a perfect position to understand adstar's opinion. you're familiar with the bible, and have practiced catholicism. you should know that the practice doesn't represent the doctrine.

that institution fraudulently represents itself as the church. instead of salvation coming through christ, it comes through the institution and the practice of this religion. it's a politically, financially, ritualistically, ceremonially motivated fraud.

you practiced that religion and you're an atheist. you had no idea if god existed or not, and yet you still considered yourself a christian, because you were a part of this institution. you recited your prayers, practiced the rituals and ceremonies, went to confession perhaps, and obviously had no relationship with the god you claimed to believe in.
LOL So says the one with a Snake Avatar,, Why do you even bother posting when you have clearly flagged your allegiance? Some people are weird.

Oh that is precious!

You sir, have made me laugh...

*Wipes tears of laughter from eyes*

We really should consider a quote of the day thread somewhere, because I can assure you, you'd win it hands down for the next week with that one!
Ok since by adstar's reply I'm guess he doesn't know what the term catholic means I'll give the definition it means all inclusive it isa synanom of universal
The success of Catholicism is due to the written word. If the apostles didn't write down then copy the actual events in those days, there'd be no Council of Nicea from which to fabricate a coherent bible.

Same's true of the Qu'ran.
99% of ppl who get 'turned off' god are ex-Catholics..

so IMO catholics are not right..
many of their rituals can be traced back to pagen traditions..

and i agree with adstar on his comments to MW..
MW, you have spoken out against religion/god, and your experiences were of catholic origin, you know better than others how catholic religions do not line up with what god wants..

the catholic church has NO right to dispense salvation!
it is not up to us humans to determine who gets into heaven and who doesn't..

most of the harm that has been done in history in the name of god has been from the catholic religion..

IMO any religion who doesn't allow their leaders to fall in love and get married, have it wrong!
how can one give advice on relationships when they are not allowed to experience it?
99% of ppl who get 'turned off' god are ex-Catholics..

so IMO catholics are not right..
many of their rituals can be traced back to pagen traditions..
You mean like how on many protestant churches, the pointed steeple is of Wiccan origin?

Easter? Halloween?

and i agree with adstar on his comments to MW..
MW, you have spoken out against religion/god, and your experiences were of catholic origin, you know better than others how catholic religions do not line up with what god wants..
How do YOU know what God wants?

(Likely answer: The bible is the Inspired Word of God...)

the catholic church has NO right to dispense salvation!
it is not up to us humans to determine who gets into heaven and who doesn't..
Jesus said that it was by your deeds that you'll be judged.

most of the harm that has been done in history in the name of god has been from the catholic religion..

IMO any religion who doesn't allow their leaders to fall in love and get married, have it wrong!
how can one give advice on relationships when they are not allowed to experience it?
Maybe they are Inspired By God?

All you expressed was a bunch of baseless opinions and assumptions. And as the very last demonstrates, anything you use to justify yours, another can use to justify Catholicism.

regardless of whether or not you believe, surely you're in a perfect position to understand adstar's opinion. you're familiar with the bible, and have practiced catholicism. you should know that the practice doesn't represent the doctrine.

that institution fraudulently represents itself as the church. instead of salvation coming through christ, it comes through the institution and the practice of this religion. it's a politically, financially, ritualistically, ceremonially motivated fraud.

you practiced that religion and you're an atheist. you had no idea if god existed or not, and yet you still considered yourself a christian, because you were a part of this institution. you recited your prayers, practiced the rituals and ceremonies, went to confession perhaps, and obviously had no relationship with the god you claimed to believe in.

God what is it with the arrogance of you protestants that think you can come some 1500 years later and redefine what is and isn't christian. Roman catholicism is a christian faith grow up and deal with it